Step Right Up & Win a Bitcoin: Synopsize Last 3 Months of Essays

Vote in Contest Here

I will pay a prize of 1 bitcoin (worth ≈ $8,200 as I type) to the person who creates the best <250 word synopsis / explanation of the story I revealed since I left in August. Here is how to enter:

  • Read the 29 stories below;
  • By noon (Utah time) December 18 2019, write the smartest synopsis / explanation you can write;
  • Post it in the submission form provided below; as a comment to this essay, with the words “MY ENTRY” at the top
  • Entries must not exceed 250 words, and will be chopped at 251;
  • I am open to proposals in the comment section below on these uncertainties:
    • Shall I will winnow entries down based on truth-content, then run Twitter polls to select a winner? If so, I will need to find some voting mechanism to choose the best entry (or entries).
    • I am also slightly unclear on the best contest rules. Would it be better to break the prize money up into three, for example? 60%-30%-10%? One person having spoken up for “all or nothing” and none opposed, we will make it “all or nothing” for 1 BTC.
  • As I indicate, I have uncertainties about the couple details of structure the contest. I will read your comments and we will co-evolve the rules of this contest together. But two things are fixed: I will supply prize money of at least 1 Bitcoin, 100% of which will be given to the winner, and submissions have to be made by December 18 noon in Utah (we could make it “midnight Singapore” or something but let us base it off Utah). I will come up with some way for the public to select the truth at that point.

I will send the winner 1 Bitcoin. Maybe there will be a more prizes.

Best of luck,


  1. Brace for Re-entry to the World of Deep Capture

I left 1,500 colleagues and 40,000 shareholders at Overstock in order to come public. Please do me a favor and help them out by doing your Christmas shopping at

  1. Patrick,

    My best synopsis is that despite your best intentions these are all too long to read. You need to cut it down, do video (those were great) and put your long-style in a book – not online.

    Thanks for your patriotism,

    JD Pauly

      1. Hi Patrick,
        Is it possible to get 8k cash ? I don’t have a bitcoin account nor do i think i can set up one up before the contest concludes in a few weeks….have too many other projects/to-dos to close out currently before year end.
        ps. Am also in singapore a lot and have bank accounts here…hence the question of whether cash transfer possible 🙂

          1. Thanks !
            ps. I like the one winner takes all idea. 8k or whatever the price of i btc at the time of award…(hope btc trades up :)) is motivating for me personally, split award reduces my enthusiasm 🙂
            Thanks again…

  2. Patrick,

    My best synopsis is that despite your best intentions these are all too long to read. You need to cut it down, do video (those were great) and put your long-style in a book – not online.

    Thanks for your patriotism,

    JD Pauly

  3. How do you plan on awarding the prize when the comments are posted with un-verified email addresses? There’s nothing stopping someone from putting in 50 different entries. Can you see the email addresses associated with each comment? What are those used for?

  4. Patrick, is the best charity you can offer the POOR SOULS, or are they clowns and suckers like the image you are portraying in the header, for having been pummelled by the disaster that was once your company called We sold all our shares and took our drubbing as of this morning’s presentation. Thanks for nothing except huge realized losses in our account.

    Do you believe that girl Brooke was really in Saudi Arabia? Considering their lack of respect and appreciation for women, if it’s true, it’s another way for Psalm, and jj to just blow more cash beyond the $285M CF that you started which may never show a profit from what we heard today. Jj is out to a big NY lunch on the company dime though, right now, and he’s the only one laughing to the bank even while they are now playing nice with the criminals who caused all the destruction including decimating the “opportunity” that the digital dividend would have created if it went your way.

  5. Hi Patrick,

    Oh Please,
    You left because you wanted to.
    Keep your Bitcoin.
    Although I could use it.
    The best of luck.


  6. So for the average person who may have $100,000 in their savings account, that’s .0011% of the $90,000,000 that you walked away with when you sold ALL of your OSTK shares.

    So if you compare those against each other, to you, that bitcoin is worth roughly $9 in relation to the kind of money the average person may have as their total life savings.

    I don’t blame you for being rich. We all want to be rich! I wish I was rich enough to toy around with people and dangle a carrot like that. Something that is basically worth the cost of a 40 piece chicken nugget at McDonalds.

    I’m glad you’re rich. I wish we could all be rich. Just seems kind of demeaning……

    P.S. I also feel that if I hold onto my OSTK & OSTKO shares long enough I might be rich someday. Wouldn’t that be something if over the course of the next 5-10 years the stock priced jumped like bitcoin did?! You never know!

  7. Patrick, hope all is well. Dont let those words count.. LOL.. Start now..

    The SEC has turned a blind eye, allowing hedgefunds to loot the pension systems from the bottom, through naked short selling of select stocks, through help of a 3 day settlement system of musical chairs. The proceeds from these action are used to bank roll TV personalities, bloggers, buy-off regulators, and even politicians. You’ve mentioned the Trillion dollar law suit. Your “bringing the house down” is exposing the system to show that OSTKO is perhaps the most manipulated stock in the history of the stock market. They (SEC) tried to act like they were okay finding a solution to naked short selling, the same thing that caused the lockup back in 2009ish, but you came to find out otherwise, that its the same SEC. They were on board with the digital dividend, then not on board because they realized that It was greatly expose and having other companies do the same thing would cause the system to crash something so grave that we’ve ever yet to see. Regulators then attempted to bribe you to not go forward with It. When you continued to leaked info, and like you said the pulled bazoomba to stop It all. The litmus test as you say, and they fell for It

    did not check for typos, but you get It.

  8. Every day the deep state grows stronger.
    Patriotic Americans are trying to uncover the conspiracy
    Since Patrick left Overstock this has only become more true.
    Time will tell if the Justice Department will do their job.
    I for one believe they will.
    Each and every one of us as a duty to call upon our goverment to act.
    Never before has this been more true than now.
    Does anyone believe Obama wasn’t involved
    It’s quite obvious from Patrick’s writing that he was.
    Does the SEC have any integrity left?
    No (did they ever have any to begin with?)
    To my fellow Americans, I say this:
    Know your Second Amendment rights.
    It’s only a matter of time before the Deep State comes after them.
    Lost in all of this is the fact that there was never any collusion.
    Leftist have gained control over our government.
    How do we gain control over our media?
    I propose we band together.
    Mighty we will be as a singular block.
    So what if Patrick isn’t in charge at Overstock anymore?
    Extradition isn’t an option so he will help from abroad.
    Left to it’s own devices the Deep State will destroy our country.
    Fight back!

  9. Patrick,
    I am only replying here because this is the newest post by you and I hope you see this….

    I have had the not so wonderful experience (so far) of being a victim of the World’s Largest Bank Robbery (Washington Mutual) which was discussed on this site in 2008 regarding failure to deliver AND another Diamond stock that did a Cert pull which is believed to be the greatest stock fraud ever (and your Name was on the Cert pull site for a short time involving NSS)…

    I have seen ALL of the interviews and public mockings of you over the years since 2005 (tin foil hat, etc) and still to this day have the greatest of respect for you and belief that you are and have been very correct in many of your assessments on things both company wise and systemically as well…

    I am thankful for your health improvements and the fact that you are still in the “game” trying to shine a light where others would not…

    I heard an interview with you several years ago where you mentioned that you and the DTCC are okay now where there had been much angst and problems in the past regarding SHO and other issues….

    The world’s biggest bank failure and the world’s biggest “stock fraud” some say “sting”….

    What do you say??

    Feel free to email me direct and delete this from this board if it is not applicable….

    Thank You.

    1. I don’t know if you or he is kidding, but the answer is “no”. I am deep in the heart of Asia. Found a nice flat to rent in Singapore, and and making it my base for further excursions.

      Yesterday I dove on a wreck and had a surreal experience: descending through a large hold in the deck of the ship that went down decades ago, in 110 feet of water, tens of thousands of small fish schooling on me and circling me and the glow created by my flashlight. It was like being inside a kid’s snow globe. 10,000 little beings circling me and staring at me. I relaxed and was just enveloped within the school, for about 20 minutes, barely fluttered a kick. Just meditated and was emptied. Barely stayed present enough to check my air at last and realized I had 1/6 of a tank left, enough to ascend with a small deco stop and get up.

      I slept, and weak to discover that I am rumored to be in New York? No, I could not be any further from New York, literally or figuratively.

      As far as the haters… You gentle folks are in la-la law land. When you’re so controversial that there are difficulties getting insurance (real, imagined, or somewhere in between) and this other stuff is going on, it had to happen. You know, I would think that as folks have learned more through these essays, the logic of my decisions might became apparent. Once Buffett confirmed to me something that I had resisted acknowledging a year (that I had a duty as a citizen to go public), I gave it a few days thought and contacted four journalists (from across the political spectrum) whom I trust. One of them wrote something (July 26), and once she did, then when I went on Stuart Varney to talk blockchain, and was asked about it, I had an obligation to confirm it….. Etc. Once that happened, it percolated and percolated. Who knows where it would have reached without a little help from my friends, but it was time anyway. By that point I could not NOT go public in a direct way, and I definitely wondered if I could stay the CEO of a public company while doing something like that. If you agree with that reasoning, then the real question becomes, Should I have come forward? Should I have gone public? Because once I did, it became inevitable that if and when the story really broke, I had an obligation to say my piece publicly and (perhaps) leave. And there you could make a case: maybe I should not have come forward publicly. There were some people close to me telling me it was the right call. I would like folks to withhold final judgement on that until the public finally learns what this is all about, but that is your call.

      Look, again I say that I feel terrible about what has happened to shareholders. I also feel badly for the 1,500 colleagues in Utah and their families, some of whom may be frightened (and some of whom are greatly relieved). When I was ejecting, I thought you had a $50 stock breaking out. Jonathan will get that wormhole opened, and once it is open, the games that have been played in valuation will be all over (because people will arb back and forth between markets). In the meantime, the Overstock Team is really strong at it controlling expenses: predicting nectar$ is an imperfect science, but they are expense mavens. They can manage the expense structure as needed. And you really have a remarkable collection of blockchain assets.

      But no, I am nowhere near New York.

      1. PB….I told you that “THING” was a “TROLL” who stalks me wherever I go. Wait a second, are you saying you are NOT William Wallace when our Bronx friends thought they saw you in downtown Manhattan yesterday? Impossible, because I have heard you BLOW BOLTS OF LIGHTENING out of your ass on many occasions!

        Some good housekeeping, Patrick:

        1) I have always thought and it remains correct today that your old company is TOP HEAVY with too many Chiefs and not enough Prem Watsa Indians doing the hard work especially sales. tZero is left with Psalm–great play on words by you–and this gal Brooke to drive sales, and that’s not something getting to TRILLION DOLLAR addressable markets for many decades at the pace they’re going, if ever at all. What do those mucky muck board members do to drive sales? They have a renowned Harvard Economist who probably was the one that cost owners the hundreds of millions in LEGAL FEES which has gotten the company NOWHERE forever.

        2) That wise guy friend of yours with the fake cowboy boots because he is so New York, Tobacco, not related to board member who sunk a lot of money at the $10 price marker with insider buys on that last precipitous drop, was correct that tZero had a RIF adding to my claims regarding item #1 above.

        3) Your appearance on Fox with the beautiful light blue CAT eyes of Maria Bartiromo, was as I stated before another “blow it out of your” rear end because you GROSSLY underestimated and misrepresented the China Trade War on business operations according to the effect it is having on the business today according to management yesterday.

        4) Regarding you standing out like a sore thumb, and for your protection which makes me believe you might not be where you say you are, Asia is the wrong place for a GIANT MAN like you to be hiding. If the “DEEP STATE” did want to take you out, it would be easy assuming you are where you say you are.

        Notwithstanding our pain in having got snookered in your name, we wish you no harm, and wish you great success for building something from ground up that most people including myself relative to the size you built it, only dream of.

        WayLongCTL Troll: We take responsibility for our “losses” and only have ourselves to blame for once believing in BYRNEM, who now goes down on OUR LEDGER as having BYRNED US.

        It’s all part of the game, and all part of the learning experience of becoming a more seasoned, significantly enhanced “SPECULATOR.” HA!

        1. No ones trolling you, you are a stalker chump. And now I’ll add jealous lying pos to your title. It makes u angry patrick will talk to a no body plumber like myself and leave a professional DBag like yourself hanging. But then again, you can just talk to Charlie Munger for advice, apparently hes got nothing better to do. Or u lying about that too, prob just saw him from the crowd at the annual shareholder meeting, and u spin it as a hanging out with him type of event… judt like you said you spoke with fanfare and posted a negative sentiment from him, but when I asked him he had no clue and was in fact bullish on ctl… so keep lying, I’ll be around to call out your lies

      2. Patrick,

        I’ve been reading your blogs for a long time now (top to bottom), however I’ve only recently started making comments. I’ve always had a particular way of thinking when I was only reading your blogs. But now that I’m writing comments, I’ve noticed my way of thinking has changed. Probably because I’m actually writing down my thoughts which makes me ponder them more.

        What I’ve realized is that I used to think about me, me, me….. But now I realize it’s not always about me, me, me…. I think most of the haters you speak of are coming from the mindset of me, me, me….

        What I’ve realized is that you’ve created THOUSANDS of jobs, over the course of many years. Think about all the families you supported. Who else reading these articles and making comments can say they’ve done that. You’re also started something revolutionary. Whether it be Overstock, or some other company using your ideas & technology, the cold hard truth is that it will ultimately change the world some day. Who else can say they’ve done that.

        Have there been people been hurt by some of the decisions you’ve made? Yes…. But I believe you’ve done far more good for this world than bad. The value of my stock is way way down, but that was a decision I made. Me, myself & I. You didn’t force all the haters to purchase the stock. You managed your company in an unorthodoxed way, and it was no secret to the world. The blockchain/crypto world is a risky market, but with high risk comes the potential for high reward.

        Anyone who is pissed that the stock price went down can only blame themselves for making such a risky investment. And anyone who has sold wasn’t truly in this for the long haul, rather in it to make a quick buck.

        People can blame you all day long for spilling the beans on your James Bond adventure, leaving the company & selling all your stock. But you’ve explained everything and it all makes sense. You are clearly a highly intelligent person who understands the importance of fixing Wall Street. You could have used this knowledge to your personal advantage somehow, but you didn’t. Sure you made a lot of money off selling your stock, but isn’t that the whole point of starting a business? To make money… Who else reading these blogs can say they wouldn’t have done the same thing had they been in your position? How many people do you think would take the 1 billion dollar bribe? PROBABLY EVER SINGLE ONE OF THE HATERS, BECAUSE THEY’RE THINKING ABOUT ME, ME, ME.

        I also find it incredible that we even have the possibility to communicate with you in this manner. How many current or past CEO’s can say they’ve created this kind of access to their shareholders?

        Don’t let the haters get you down. I’m sorry for being one of them after the stock went down, but I’ve realized that you didn’t do this to me, and that your hand was forced in many ways. No matter what you do, you can’t please everyone. All you can do is make the best decisions possible at that time based upon the knowledge you have at that time. After that the cards fall where they fall and you can’t control it, and I think you’ve done that to the best of your ability.

        P.S. I happen to find AnführermitWut super annoying, and I think WAYlongCTL hilarious!!! I love their banters.

        1. Tony s(tromboli)? Thanks for the kind words, I remember you from WAYlongTIME ago… I think carl is super annoying too, hes knows every aspect of Patrick’s life for the past 15 years, he lost a lot of his family’s money on ostk, now hes out to find patrick… I’m just warning patrick. Heres a pick of carl if you want to see him. Scroll down to comments. He was full of conspiracies for last 15 years… carl keiffer (queefer) has lady part farts…

  10. Pat, carl says your back in town. Apparently he spotted you at the One World Trade building yesterday or today… watch out, you caused him great losses for his Triad family.

  11. More prizes, sounds good!!

    At least allow for the possibility than more than one entry will be worthy of award/recognition.

    I’d better get to work on mine…. well I need to read all of the essays first. Such compelling material, Patrick!

    p.s. I am more than a bit afraid that there still won’t be any very full accounting from the US govt complete with enough prosecutions and convictions, etc. We shall see…. you know a lot more but the track record of US DOJ on holding “deep state” actors accountable is not exactly encouraging.

    I think there may be a lot of “mistakes were made, but we’re cleaning it up” kind of skating through, as the IG reports tend to do. Will criminals really be charged and brought to justice? Concerned citizens are watching….

    Will DOJ/FBI treat it all mainly as bureaucratic “management” issues to be refined:

  12. PB….I told you that “THING” was a “TROLL” who stalks me wherever I go. Wait a second, are you saying you are NOT William Wallace when our Bronx friends thought they saw you in downtown Manhattan yesterday? Impossible, because I have heard you BLOW BOLTS OF LIGHTENING out of your ass on many occasions!

    Some good housekeeping, Patrick:

    1) I have always thought and it remains correct today that your old company is TOP HEAVY with too many Chiefs and not enough Prem Watsa Indians doing the hard work especially sales. tZero is left with Psalm–great play on words by you–and this gal Brooke to drive sales, and that’s not something getting to TRILLION DOLLAR addressable markets for many decades at the pace they’re going, if ever at all. What do those mucky muck board members do to drive sales? They have a renowned Harvard Economist who probably was the one that cost owners the hundreds of millions in LEGAL FEES which has gotten the company NOWHERE forever.

    2) That wise guy friend of yours with the fake cowboy boots because he is so New York, Tobacco, not related to board member who sunk a lot of money at the $10 price marker with insider buys on that last precipitous drop, was correct that tZero had a RIF adding to my claims regarding item #1 above.

    3) Your appearance on Fox with the beautiful light blue CAT eyes of Maria Bartiromo, was as I stated before another “blow it out of your” rear end because you GROSSLY underestimated and misrepresented the China Trade War on business operations according to the effect it is having on the business today according to management yesterday.

    4) Regarding you standing out like a sore thumb, and for your protection which makes me believe you might not be where you say you are, Asia is the wrong place for a GIANT MAN like you to be hiding. If the “DEEP STATE” did want to take you out, it would be easy assuming you are where you say you are.

    Notwithstanding our pain in having got snookered in your name, we wish you no harm, and wish you great success for building something from ground up that most people including myself relative to the size you built it, only dream of.

    WayLongCTL Troll: We take responsibility for our “losses” and only have ourselves to blame for once believing in BYRNEM, who now goes down on OUR LEDGER as having BYRNED US.

    It’s all part of the game, and all part of the learning experience of becoming a more seasoned, significantly enhanced “SPECULATOR.” HA!

  13. Crickets are the least comforting sound I can hear coming out of Huffington, DC.

    Same noise Huber’s been making lo these 2 years. I wonder if Patrick (Did they call him ‘Patsy’ behind his back?) ever crossed paths with that guy at all.

    It is starting to look like those who aren’t scared are either dishing it out or are comfortably numb.

    I hope Dr. Byrne gets to come home sometime. That would be a good sign.

    1. To be quite honest, I am not sure where “home” would be for me these days. I think my stuff in Utah is in storage and the house for sale…. So Vermont or New Hampshire, probably. Four seasons, including breathtaking autumns. Favorite afternoon of my life would be sugaring in Kedron Valley, Vermont, the local sugaring shack being run by a Mr. Stubby Fullerton, the valley filling up with applewood smoke, sweet from the sugaring… Anyway, don’t count on it anytime soon.

      It is funny watching the Establishment panicking. You cannot be too cynical: you, the public, are going to get to see firsthand the stuff I learned about 2005-2008. Now that the narrative has come up against hard facts, they will try to confuse the public with a “soft-break”, that is, pre-break those facts, with their own spin on them. I got to watch these dynamics up close and personal back during my mitzvah days. You, the public, are going to see them all yourself.

      Do not worry: what is coming is too big to be spun.


        1. That is kind Patrick, too bad I missed it, next contest!
          Do you have a video channel somewhere, where you are speaking directly to the public?

      1. Patrick,

        When and if you return to the States, you might want to check out eastern Tennessee and Kentucky, which remind me in some ways of Vermont and NH. Beautiful countryside, four seasons, not as brutally cold as New England. I used to live in MA and have family scattered throughout New England.

  14. Patrick,

    Since you like cats and are in Singapore, why don’t you get a Singapura? The breed was ‘created’ by an American woman when she and her USAF husband were stationed there in the early ‘80s. She saw feral cats scavenging for food, mistreated by the locals who called them drainpipe cats. They looked like Abyssinians, which she had owned. She brought back a pair to her home in Ojai, CA and began breeding them. They are a recognized breed now and that global prestige has made life much safer for cats in Singapore. They even put up a statue in a park to honor the Singapura. See if you can find it!

    My own Singapura taught me unconditional love and gave me years of joy. He was like a monkey in a cat suit – agile, intelligent, affectionate, and full of mischief. The stories I could tell!

    1. Why Pam, aren’t you full of the most helpful suggestions? Get a pan flute, learn to meditate, adopt a Singapura… I wish we were neighbors, I am sure you would be so helpful all the time.

      But you know I do love cats. The athleticism is mind-boggling.

    1. I do not remember the details, but I do recall that they changed it more in the direction of protecting the issuers. However, they then announced a trial program where there would be a list of a small number of issue or’s who did not get the protection of the new version of the rule. It was a short list, Allegedly chosen at random, and wouldn’t you know it? OSTK made the list. That is, OSTK made the list of companies that did not get the enhanced protection of the new rule. It was supposed to be a scientific experiment I think.

      If only there were a pattern…

  15. Patrick, it is near impossible to explain or synopsize something as complex as what has taken over the governance of our country, media, pop culture and law enforcement agencies in 250 words…much less explain an individual as eclectic and encompassing as yourself. Your essays make a start, but going even further dives into the realm of newspeak where words lose their meaning and risk being banal, obtuse and otherwise meaningless.

    Suffice it to say that I and many others are truly thankful for the job you did on Wall Street all those years ago, appreciate a person that believes in the ideals of our country and the integrity of what our law enforcement agencies can and should be. Who, when his back is against a wall, instead of giving up, starts throwing elbows, fists and sucker punches until he can get to the proper authorities that will do something about it.

    I real and truly hope to see you back in the States soon, not only exonerated from imagined indiscretions, but lauded for your exemplary actions.

  16. the ringmasters that control the puppets agenda leads to $.
    $ in politics controls the laws written-most do not read. they sign
    because that is what their buddy says do..

    $ connected to media, hedge funds and corrupt tech IT and leadership
    positions thought it would be a good idea to track everything people do and say and where they go-
    so they can sell shit or steal shit leads to $

    perhaps $$$$$$$$ will determine the only way forward will be to use secure blockchain technology so the people tempted to use their position or knowledge
    for personal gain will fade away.

    my $ is on the good honest people to win…
    most people are good souls
    sometimes wise ass know it alls con their so called friends..
    to do the dirty work.

    “Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.”

  17. Hello Patrick,

    I am wondering what kind of algorithm does the actual vote count on the synopsis pages.
    Votes given by visitors to the synopsis page obviously do not affect the displayed “number of votes” at all.


  18. p.s. re Steve Cohen and purchase of the NY Mets, maybe Major League Baseball could still be persuaded that this deal is not in the “best interest of baseball” — I know there are always some scumbags owning pro sports teams but this could be the worst ever…… has MLB already approved the deal, and can it still be stopped???

  19. re: “all or nothing” prize

    ????? I see near the top of your note that one person advocated “all or nothing” and no one else advocated an alternative. But I had commented almost immediately (Nov. 21) as follows:

    “More prizes, sounds good!!”

    “At least allow for the possibility than more than one entry will be worthy of award/recognition.”

    Maybe I wasn’t specific enough, I didn’t formulate any exact alternative, but surely I did support the idea of multiple prizes.

  20. Dear Mr Byrne,
    I have read all your posts. I will try to enter a synopsis before the deadline. I don’t understand all the stock market stuff, just generalities. I do believe you love our country as much as I do. I sure don’t recognize it right now though. Each day I watch the hearings and am sure the coup is still going on. I pray the truth comes out soon and that people will be prosecuted. Be safe, sir. Your work isn’t yet done. And yes, thank you for coming out.

  21. Aloha, Patrick,

    I am grateful you won the Irish Sweepstakes in the Mother department, as you have turned out to be a good, solid human being.

    I would like to suggest that you decide on the best entry by yourself, rather than going with whatever entry gets the most votes. This is your story. You lived it and are the best qualified to decide who best captures it.

    Thank you for your patriotism.

  22. Patrick and all, please consider that the “real” affair with a “non-spy” (Maria Butina) provides a template for the totally FAKE accusation against General Mike Flynn of an affair (never happened) with an alleged “Russian spy” (who never was any spy), Svetlana Lokhova.

    Intel officials with Stefan Halper cooked up the totally ludicrous allegation of an affair between Flynn and Lokhova (they met once in a group dinner surrounded by intel people) as a predicate for launching the investigation into Flynn in DEC. 2015. Long before the other alleged investigatory “predicates” of Papadopoulos, Carter Page etc. (which were also quite bogus issues in their own ways).

    IMPORTANT: please share this thread far and wide, it explains so much!

    Svetlana Lokhova

    1h1 hour ago

    “…It’s so simple. Halper lied about @GenFlynn having an affair with a Russian spy” (me) to start FBI investigation into Flynn to destroy him and @realDonaldTrump. Halper did this on orders. What have the three years been wasted for? Bring in the handcuffs.”


    Svetlana’s guide to FISA Report. The long delayed report is finally out tomorrow. The contents will excite, frustrate and enrage in equal measure. The good news is once it is out of the way the real action can start. [THREAD]

    The origins of this report are the tense stand off between then Chair of House Intel Committee Nunes and acting AG Rod Rosenstein. Nunes wanted to see the Halper papers. The IC were never going to let him. This investigation and report are the compromise. /2

    The scope was narrow to avoid revealing the toxic nature of Halper’s work. The report took so long because it was hoped the scandal would go away before it was completed. The scandal just grew. Halper’s dubious intelligence is a key component of the invasive FISA applications. /3

    Halper lures Page to the Cambridge (England) on July 11-12, 2016. Page appears in the Steele Dossier with false “intelligence” about secret Kremlin meetings on July 19, 2016. Halper’s fingerprints all over that. First FISA on Page is based on this false information. /4

    Halper had frequent contact with Page for months starting in July 2016 thru 2017. Contact intensified around time of each FISA renewal. The contact ended with the lapse of the final FISA. Yes, that’s right surveillance on Trump’s team continued long after the election. /5

    Remember there was no collusion. The eavesdropping found nothing.
    Instead Halper found exculpatory evidence of innocence. That evidence was kept from the Court. /6

    While Steele’s nonsense captures the headlines because it ties Comey up in knots, the crimes stem from Halper. His whole suite of intelligence on Flynn, Trump etc was just lies. /7

    The FBI will claim they were duped. But anyone with half a brain and access to Google knows Halper is a wrong un. /8

    But Horowitz is an auditor. His work is dull. The focus is finding breaches of procedures and individuals ignoring internal rules. Yawn. His job is to protect the IC so think HR dept of large corporation. So we are going to see criticism of individuals not the organizations. /9

    The fun will start when Horovitz goes to the Senate. Maybe, just maybe, we will get answers. On Monday, I still believe, several of the pantomime villains will get roasted. But this is just the beginning not the end. /10

  24. Patrick,

    How does it feel to have a company that you started, invented, designed and constructed
    hitting 52 week lows in a raging bull market ???
    Really just a question. Not to be funny or rude.


  25. Patrick,

    I have serious questions about he voting process. I believe it’s flawed. I have 4 votes and at LEAST 12 confirmations from people who voted for my Magi post. Not sure what you can do about it.
    Thanks, Oldepro

    1. Thanks, Pam.
      That was 24 minutes well spent watching a real and substantial interview !
      ps. Awfully quiet around here, was expecting more activity after the IG report 😉

  26. Clinton Foundation whistleblower Nate Cain is a contractor for intelligence agencies. When he worked at the FBI, he overheard coworkers discussing the Clintons’ treasonous activities. Curious, he investigated and found a treasure trove of incriminating documents which he secretly downloaded. In this video (two hours, you might want to watch in two parts) he describes the skullduggery, the FBI raid on his home, why no one ever reported the Clintons, the status of US Attorneys Huber’s and Durham’s investigations, and what he thinks will happen. Like Patrick, he could only speak in generalities since the evidence is at the DoJ. Cain also mentioned securities fraud, which is dear to your DeepCaptured hearts!

  27. Highly relevant points from a lady who was targeted, along with General Mike Flynn, by malevolent Deep State miscreants:

    Svetlana Lokhova

    an hour ago

    Since they launched their operation in 2015, the Deep State plotters have so far achieved:
    1. election of @realDonaldTrump
    2. likely landslide re-election of Trump
    3. destroyed the faith of American people in the FBI
    4. shown that the DoJ is a corrupt political organisation
    5. made American national security organisations the laughing stock of the world
    6. revealed that the CIA was the personal fiefdom of John Brennan
    7. shown that CIA, FBI used millions of dollars of taxpayers money to lie and set up political opponents
    8. destroyed the faith in the media and ensured the rise of Twitter journalism
    9. exposed the Democratic Party as anti-American, corrupt
    10. shown just how corrupt many American politicians are (Ukraine etc)
    11. divided America to the point where people talk about new Civil War

    1. Hi Paul:
      Quite a collection you have there. Some of them seem to be in obvious conflict – and I don’t see how you can hold all 11 conclusions without having more than a few headaches ? 🙂

      I write in jest, but also in some seriousness, since I see you posting a lot here, and always curious to have a meaningful dialogue (setting aside “Immediate” policitcal views)…

      Btw, am sorry I dashed your hopes for more prizes – I was the poster who had asked for one big prize, but as it turns out, I am not able to post an entry yet – although there a few hours,and my business (and personal) liquidity is so squeezed that $8k still (probably less since bitcoin is down I guess) looks attractive…

      am trying to close a $100k off-market transaction, so I better go attend to my work now..

      Cheers, and best wishes, Paul
      (although I seem to recollect that it was a pseudoynm ?)
      ps. That is my real name, or what my parents named me….

      1. Hi, Anil — thanks for your thoughtful note. I didn’t mean to imply that I accept all 11 points as stated (I find some of them exaggerated, at the least), but I find her Twitter comments provocative and stimulating. I’m not actually on Twitter with an account but I do dip in and out of various feeds when I follow links I find interesting.

        1. Hi Paul –
          Thanks for the response. On subsequent reading, I understood better – I’m slow ;)…

          Those are Ms. Svetlana’s conclusions… right ! 🙂
          I did recently set up a Twitter account, but only go in there once every days. And only on particular phone, so…. certainly a Luddite in many ways 😉

          Cheers, and all the best,

    1. Hi Hangthemall –
      Who is behind Apex Clearing Corporation ?

      I could of course Google, but I am on old man (at least by my standards ;)), and am rarely on the internet, this is probably the only site I come to regularly,and I don’t like getting too lost in the rabbitholes down the web….

  28. One of you who is on Twitter please send this link to Patrick (not sure he looks at this page much) and tell him to follow PrayingMedic. PM is one of the best Q decoders out there, no nonsense or extreme views or flights of fancy. Q has often complimented him! Q has been very busy lately with lots of proofs for you skeptics.

    PM’s current Twitter and youtube channel is chock full of info which many will find reassuring. You only need to subscribe to one.

    1. “Q” is a hoax. What’s true in it all is not unique to Q (merely scraped up off the internet and re-packaged), and what’s unique to Q is fan fiction b.s.

  29. Maria Butina takes TV hosting gig on pro-Putin show??

    Maria Butina, convicted in U.S. of being Russian agent, gets job as state TV host

    ReutersDecember 17, 2019, 7:19 AM EST

    MOSCOW (Reuters) – A Russian woman jailed in the United States for working as a foreign agent and deported to Moscow has been hired by Russia’s state-funded RT television as a host for an online show that mocks the opposition, the station said on Tuesday.

    Maria Butina, 31, pleaded guilty in a U.S. court last December to one count of conspiring to act as an agent for Russia by infiltrating a gun rights group and influencing conservative activists and Republicans.

    She was deported in October after serving most of an 18-month sentence and met with fanfare in Moscow where officials had called the charges against her ridiculous and said she had been forced to confess.

    “Well, I’m home now,” Butina says with a grin and wearing a “foreign agent” T-shirt in a promotional clip for the show aired on Tuesday.

    The show is called Wonderful Russia Bu Bu Bu, a play on words mocking a similar slogan by prominent Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny who talks of the “Wonderful Russia of the future” when President Vladimir Putin is no longer in power.

    “Bu bu bu” roughly translates as “blah blah blah”. But “bu” is also the beginning of the word for “future”.

    RT said Butina had taken part in the show last week and defended the jailing of several Russian opposition activists at anti-Kremlin protests earlier this year.

    Russia’s human rights commissioner last month gave Butina a job helping campaign for and defend Russians who have been imprisoned abroad.

    Putin has in the past warmly welcomed home alleged Russian agents arrested abroad and said in 2010 he had sung patriotic songs with Anna Chapman, a Russian spy arrested in the United States and then freed as part of a major swap.

    Chapman herself later received a job as a television presenter on Russia’s privately owned Ren TV channel.

    Officials in Moscow say RT, which broadcasts news in English, Arabic and Spanish, gives Russia a way to compete with the dominance of global media companies based in the United States and Britain, which they say offer a biased world view.

    But critics say the channel functions like a propaganda arm of the Russian state, an assertion the station rejects.

  30. I want to lodge a formal protest on the voting system. My Post is “Patrick Byrne the Magi of market reform.”. I’ve had several people (9 or 10) at least, who have told me they tried to vote for me. The most current is a retired FBI agent.
    Merry Christmas!

    I tried to vote for you. A pop up with the message “You have already voted….” Not sure why.

    Enjoy the Holidays. Will be in touch again soon.

    God Bless,

    They all say the same thing. “A pop up with the message “You have already voted” So it is not some algorithm that blocks former FBI agents. I demand a recount or better yet, a random drawing. Patrick, as one of the most fair people I know, surely you are not okay with this. Please respond. FYI, I’m currently tied in second place, one vote behind.

    Thanks, Oldepro

  31. That is correct, I am having the same problem as well. It appears that only one vote per day is permitted which means that those who submitted their synopses first have an outright advantage. Not to say they aren’t deserving, but theoretically, the first one in should likely win.

  32. Patrick,
    I keep getting a 403 forbidden error when trying to submit my entry, I’ll continue to try to have my entry posted to the site but for now please accept the following as I have less than 16 hrs to get the entry posted.

    “Only 250 words”

    Patrick’s contest is looking for anyone who is in the “Know” as Patrick “Is”. “Know” this… the Roman Catholic Church controls the Queen, who controls US Corporations under the guise of “Freedom and Democracy” while looting the American people. Secret Societies, Exclusive Clubs and Royal Kabbalah followers have infiltrated American society since establishment; and have strong influences and control our Republic.

    “Russian Collusion”… turn to Ezekiel 38:4 and know that the Russian Orthodox Church / Government is involved with American politics; who are deeply invested in the “fall” and will play a part in the rise from the ashes. Concerning Patrick and the Russians; “Is there a connection between a Russian Orthodox Church being built within two miles of Peace Coliseum in recent years?”

    Patrick is a true Patriot and Libertarian; having fought the Establishment and won and is against the Deep State. One should pay close attention to what his articles on DeepCapture are saying. Clearly when to “Eject” is most important. What to do after you “Eject” is what might have a person still standing upright after the fall. Key Note… Dec 18th. So should we eject in 3 days or 3 years? I’d ask Patrick personally but the Deep State has him under surveillance. I would have more luck asking “ Abraham Lincoln” or “Harry Truman” to see the near future. Having joined the Overstock Family, I hope that SLC and Overstock will continue to thrive in the coming years as my life could depend on it.

    [email protected]

    1. Have tried to upload my entry and have still been unsuccessful, I’d like confirmation that my entry will still be accepted bring posted to the comments section. Your response will greatly be appreciated, thanks.

      Marcus Mims

    2. As the contest entry time frame ends and I have been unsuccessful with getting my entry posted, I’d like to make a final statement. The USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Harry Truman are the keys to the upcoming events that will make all of history step aside for such a time as this.

  33. Still have been unable to upload my entry to the site. I know you’ll be monitoring any final entries, so let me know if my entry in the comments is suitable and accepted.

    Marcus Mims

  34. I just voted for “Patrick Byrne is the Magi of Market Reform” and the count went up by 1. I checked back minutes later and it had gone back down by 1. When the contest first started I voted for this same essay and I got a “you have already voted”. I tried several times after with the same message. Thinking I did something wrong all those other times I tried again tonight and got through with a vote but it was removed (it appears). I really want to make sure my vote is counted because this essay it great.

  35. Hello, I tried to make a submisssion just now, but don’t know if I did it right. I’m copy/pasting my entry here also, hope that doesn’t disqualify me…

    MY ENTRY – “Bazoomba and Beyond””
    This contest asks us to write 250 words, while I’ve only got one: BAZOOMBA!
    The truth must be exposed strategically. You can’t just go around yelling “I helped the Men in Black!” and expect people to take you seriously. Patrick’s siren in this story is Maria Butina, who could write the bible on political networking. She knew people and this aroused Patrick. Names like Trump, Clinton, Putin, regular mentions in conversation. Patrick deciphered mysteries about the 2008-9 financial crisis. You can’t just stumble across mischief and in good conscience stay silent — and yet once you report it, they’ll photoshop UFOs coming out of your brains. And as a result, it’s inevitable to have innocent bystanders.
    For more than two decades, Patrick built into a household name. Anyone wanting to shut him up knows that is his Achilles’ heel. At first, Patrick decided to use his weaknesses as his strengths and employ Overstock as a vehicle to build the new paradigm parallel to the dystopia that Butina had helped him uncover. Deep state manipulation over capital markets made Patrick’s ties with Overstock detrimental to the company itself, so he had to jump ship, hoping that his absence would bode a better future for his colleagues. Since tZero could bring capital markets into blockchain, freeing them of the hegemony of the SEC, who unfairly cater to short sellers, it is still unclear whether Patrick’s absence will avert the sabotage, or make it worse. Time will tell.

  36. WHERE IS MY ENTRY? Where is my Patrick Byrne is the Magi of market reform post? I was leading. What happened? It disappeared. Patrick what happened??

  37. Is this entry going to be disqualified?

    A concerned citizen, a patriot with a presage, and now, a nascent nomad.

    It all began at The Miscreants’ Ball in 2005 – a shocking call where Patrick Byrne analytically lifted a boulder to reveal a soiree of hedge funds, journalists and investigators – waltzing to the tune of “phantom” … Read the rest

    No Stone Left U..
    19 Votes

    Has 19 votes will they be disqualified?


  38. I see the voting issues got fixed just in time to allow those having essays posted for only a day to accumulate more votes than those that have been posted for weeks. Smells like another S.E.C. conspiracy – or Russian hackers – or both. Though, I wouldn’t rule out the Clinton’s, the Manson Family or my neighbor who curiously gets his newspaper at 8 o’clock at night when it’s already history. Gotta keep an eye on that guy.

  39. Hey Patrick, with all of your political connections, can you get word to Trump about possibly adding “You’re fired!” to all of our drone missiles?

  40. How about everyone getting an ‘A’ for effort and splitting the bitcoin evenly? Or, letting Patrick decide for himself. Then we’ll hunt him down and drag him back to rally Overstock and put an end to the S.E.C..

  41. Patrick the vote was bazoomba’d!

    #1 had some strange voting abnormalities characteristic of poll manipulation.
    #2 is factually inaccurate per your articles & rules thus disqualified; you noted that it started earliest in 2002 with the Dutch Auction rather than IPO, not in 2005 as erroneously cited in that entry.

  42. While we wait for the winner selection rubric to be codified, have a look at this clip from last night w/ Barr being interviewed by Martha McCallum on ‘The Story’ at 7 p.m 12/18:
    RE: Comey
    McCallum: (Re Comey) He said I was seven steps removed from what was going on. The director doesn’t get involved in these kinds of things, the actual investigation. Do you believe that?
    Barr: No. I think that one of the problems with what happened was precisely that they pulled the investigation up to the executive floors, and it was run and bird-dogged by a very small group of very high level officials, and the idea that this was seven layers below him is simply not true.

    Wow – further corroboration of _exactly_ what Patrick stated publicly via MSM on 8/22/2019.

    1. this is my kind of fun. Byrne said it here too.
      Are you the same Anonymous that mentioned the navy? There were several Anonymi on here at one point.

      1. No, just an anon. CIA / John Brennan in the news this evening along with Comey. New York Times trying to get in front. Paywall there, same story here:
        BREAKING: Durham Criminal Investigation Zeros In On Brennan, Communications With Comey
        United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

        Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

        The longer (13min) clip from Fox McCallum interview with Barr also released tonight:

      2. The Truman passed through the Silver Gate and relived the Lincoln after passing through the Golden Gate . Although the Lincoln was relieved, its still sits in the China Sea.

  43. While we wait for the winner selection rubric to be codified, have a look at this clip from last night w/ Barr being interviewed by Martha McCallum on ‘The Story’ at 7 p.m 12/18:
    RE: Comey
    McCallum: (Re Comey) He said I was seven steps removed from what was going on. The director doesn’t get involved in these kinds of things, the actual investigation. Do you believe that?
    Barr: No. I think that one of the problems with what happened was precisely that they pulled the investigation up to the executive floors, and it was run and bird-dogged by a very small group of very high level officials, and the idea that this was seven layers below him is simply not true.

    Wow – further corroboration of _exactly_ what Patrick stated publicly via MSM on 8/22/2019.

    1. apologies for double-post, looked as if spamfilter glitch.
      Admin, please delete this one unless useful comments are added for the record (note, please comment on above post if choosing to do so).

  44. Hey whacky Patty

    Robinhood fined $1.25MM for allowing four broker dealers to frontrun orderflow. The CEO of one of Robinhood’s brokers just bought a quarter billion dollar penthouse in NYC

    Nothing strange here

  45. My Dear Patrick,

    You have my deep faith and respect. I admire your vision. I commend your sincerity.

    At the close of your Bitcoin Challenge, No result has been issued.
    I petition my case:
    For my post “Patrick Byrne is the Magi of Market Reform, Unofficial Totals: 770 Reads 71 Votes.
    71 Votes is the Winner is First Place Winner Unofficially?

    GalleryRules and PrizesCategory : Deep Capture Synopsis
    The Return of the Magi
    Patrick Byrne is the Magi of Market Reform. He has tried valiantly for almost 20 years to save our financial system. To appreciate the good guy (Magi) we must know his opponents. Well, start with the mafia, crooked brokers, terrorist and muckraking journalist and you are off to a pretty good start. The Miscreants have wealth, connections and authorities on their side. The Magi had the common people on his. This epic battle is ongoing. Why has the Magi and his faithful persevered? Simply because it’s the right thing to do. Patrick speaks often about his love of country. As one of the faithful I find this inspiring. The words of Edmund Burke ring loud and true today “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    So how do we sum up the last 6 months when the Magi once again, put his life on the line? Same old same old. He is trashed by the media, ignored by the general population and laughed at by the Miscreants. However, our day will come and I believe it is coming soon. For the Magi has a master plan. One to be revealed soon. Once revealed, the population of the Earth will see good does triumph over evil. Why? Because truth will out. It is the order in God’s Universe. No matter how much people try to bury the truth it can’t be hidden. It waits to be unearthed. The Magi has a steam shovel and a will that can’t be beat. So be ready Miscreants, the Magi is coming for you. Good things come to those who wait. I’m proud to be on your side Magi. Winning the bitcoin who do wonders for me. The Miscreants have stolen all my money. The bitcoin will allow me to keep Alpo off my menu. At least for a while. Thank you for all you have done Magi.

    Additional Information
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    In spirit with your wisdom, a Bitcoin is preferred.

    Merry Christmas to All and a Peaceful New Year

    With respect to All, especially to Patrick and the wonderful fellow Essayer’s

    God Bless Steve Oldepro Walker

  46. Patrick, we are all anxiously awaiting updates here! You must be having too many scuba diving adventures to think of your forlorn internet Kibitzers here……

    I didn’t enter the contest (too busy or lazy, whatever), but I do look forward to seeing the results.

    Most of all, let us hope that 2020 sees some real accountability for Deep State malevolent actors….. a little something to whet our appetites…. if anyone should know where some bodies are buried it is the former Director of the NSA…..

  47. Thanks for the article link Paul. I did scratch one out, the 2nd one posted –hornets nest. It only set the bar. 250 words was almost impossible for me. But many after were more excellent IMO. All of them needed for understanding kinda like the 4 Gospels. Inspired , in that sense too.

  48. This is nothing but a distraction. Reading a collection of regurgitated material is not satisfying to say the least. We are supporters in this cause and we have been damaged by the people you claim to know the identities of. This is bullshit! What are the names of the people who have damaged us? Tell us now what you know. Quit playing games!

  49. Not many hours left before Christmas!! (unless we are talking about Eastern Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 7.

    Not much time for Patrick’s prediction (tweet copied below) to be fulfilled…. (I wouldn’t say the IG report counts for “the MSM’s toupee is going to blow away in DOJ wind” — yes the MSM has been thoroughly humiliated and discredited, but they refuse to recognize it and who is to hold them to account?).

    Patrick Byrne
    Nov 19

    I think that between now and Christmas the MSM’s toupee is going to blow away in DOJ wind. Those who throw in the towel and re-join reality will have a chance, but those who keep flogging the storyline of the last three years will just look sillier and sillier.

    1. The Gregorian and Julian calenders are off by 13 days… Dec 25-Jan 7. Its the 12 days of Christmas and the Epiphany!

  50. Not many hours left before Christmas!! (unless we are talking about Eastern Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 7.

    Not much time for Patrick’s prediction (tweet copied below) to be fulfilled…. yes, there is progress, but so much still to be revealed…. (I wouldn’t say the IG report counts for “the MSM’s toupee is going to blow away in DOJ wind” — yes the MSM has been thoroughly humiliated and discredited, but they refuse to recognize it and who is to hold them to account?).

    Patrick Byrne
    Nov 19

    I think that between now and Christmas the MSM’s toupee is going to blow away in DOJ wind. Those who throw in the towel and re-join reality will have a chance, but those who keep flogging the storyline of the last three years will just look sillier and sillier.

      1. …. I’m looking forward to Valentine’s Day…. ??

        But Barr said Durham will be working until spring/summer, and these sorts of things usually run longer……

  51. “This is why we can’t have nice things”.
    Several participants have found a way to ballot stuff their submissions. Hundreds of votes v 8 or 9?
    This is not a fair competition.
    Sad that a greedy few have chosen to ruin Patrick’s effort.

  52. A-Greed,
    I witnessed an intelligent essay have 13 votes… for months!
    Then the last day to submit one shows up with 130+ votes. Then we have the self proclaimed Magi winner in the comment section…
    For a while there I could only vote once even if a new essay came along I was only able to cast a single vote, now poking around I can cast multiple votes for the same essay!
    Not saying how to run your giveaway, but If I were in your position, I may just throw out all the votes and pick one you like.
    JMHO, & thanks for sharing your stories.

    1. Agreed – seems ‘turbo vote’ is enabled – click away as much as you like!
      Is this is a portend of the 2020 elections!? An analogue for the latest Soros voting machines???

  53. Patrick (aka Gulliver)

    Pan flute too easy? Somewhere there is a didgeridoo with your name on it. As your patron, I expect to receive an invitation to your first recital. Cocktail attire?

    Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day, wherever you are!

  54. Patrick, the fellow who goes by “Sundance” at CTH claims to have identified traces of you in the IG report, although I don’t see how some of the details of that specific CHS for the FBI match up properly with what you have said. He describes someone as a CHS who was a Trump supporter and associated with the Trump campaign. Not YOU I don’t think????? Still, I have not followed everything closely enough, often (I admit) I am just skimming through stuff and I still need to read the IG report.

    Here is the Sundance thread for anyone interested:

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