Professor J. Halderman’s Public Affidavits and Declarations to a Federal Court in Georgia
Note: This has been amended to included multiple states of Professor Halderman. This was filed 15 months before…
Manufacturing Consent Regarding “The Big Lie”: MSM’s Biggest Lie of All
Noam Chomsky claims that the Mainstream Media often “manufactures consent” around what is nothing more than blue-smoke-and-mirror narratives.…
A Short (9 minute) Course in Political Philosophy
In nine minutes you can learn a framework into which to fit political philosophers. For extra credit, stick…
The Cuban-Venezuelan Conquest of the United States of America
Or: Fidel & Hugo’s Excellent Bolivarian Adventure If I have seemed largely quiet in the last four years,…
Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?
It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe with whistleblowers whispering in the…
DHS Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean
You can buy physical copies at WalMart, B&N, or Amazon. But if you just want to read it,…
Michelle Smith (AP) and I Have a (recorded) Telephone Call
A few days after our Rochester encounter, Michelle called me. We agreed that the call would be taped:…
The Unbearable Lightness of Being… a Mainstream Journalist (Michelle Smith, Associated Press)
I could set this up by explaining how for 20 years the bane of my existence has been…