Williamson County, Tennessee discovered that their Dominion ballot-counting machines were giving fake results, simply by counting on Post-it notes as 169 ballots were being fed into a Dominion machine, and noting that the machine only counted 79 of them.
As is carefully recounted here, that led the state of Tennessee to investigate and discover that 7 of the 18 Dominion tabulators in the county made the same mistake: they significantly undercounted ballots fed into them.
The federal Election Assistance Corporation was called in. The EAC brought in both SLI and Pro V&V (the only two firms accredited to certify election equipment in the USA). They were all stumped. Eventually Dominion itself was brought in. The consensus decision was a punt:
They agree that there is “erroneous code” in the system that creates erroneous results. They agree that the machines were certified with that erroneous code. They agree that they cannot explain why the fake results are occurring.
This is coming from the EAC, Pro V&V, SLI, and Dominion itself.
Which in my book means: “Nothing they have to say on the subject can now be heeded.” They cannot find how it occurs. Then they have no way of knowing where it is. It may be everywhere.
And it apparently is, judging by what is going on elsewhere. Fulton County, Pennsylvania has made it the basis of a lawsuit they have brought against Dominion (see “Fulton County Sues Dominion: Are These Also Domestic Terrorists, Adolph Sniffler? [UPDATED WITH SPECKIN REPORT OF SEPTEMBER 15]“). In Georgia, 67 counties have the same make and model of equipment, and 65 of them (97%) turn out to be generating similarly fake results (see letter below).
Oh Jesus f—ing Christ. More reading. More homework.
Why are there so few entities that can audit, understand and certify voting machines? More people need to be trained on this or fair and free elections will be a thing of the past.