I took to these pages upon departure because I felt I should immediately clear up mysteries surrounding your firm. I hoped that through these backstories I could provided a small measure of solace to some. Yet the end of a year is a time for reflections, and I would like to share mine.
Foremost among my thoughts is how badly I feel for the shareholders of OSTK who had a tumultuous and, in the end, disappointing ride in 2019. I feel horribly for them. Anything I might say beyond that sounds defensive. So I will stop there for a moment, simply to reiterate that point: I feel terribly for what happened this year. Like others, I thought you would be riding a stock many multiples of its current valuation by now.
Having said that, I will bring some additional thoughts to your attention.
- By no means whatsoever should you give up hope for the firm.
- The killer app of the blockchain revolution is security tokens. You have seen my calculation that the industry of security token exchanges may be worth a lot. It may be like owning the Google Search Algorithm in 1995. tZERO not only has a commanding lead, as far as I can tell, most of the competition in this field is fading, and tZERO’s lead is lengthening.
- The other blockchain assets are among the premier in the world. MLG, for example: if the work that is emerging in one African nation continues to evolve as planned, they have a business model they can pound all the way to heaven. And digital currencies are on the lips of every central banking from Beijing to Buenos Aires, and here Bitt has spent three years and millions of dollars working through the eneds of central bankers and building the first nation-staet level system (which, as I recall, goes live in Q1).
- The Retail business can be managed to return to a steady stream of positive cash flow. It has also provided a fecund environment from within which to develop those other blockchain assets, and the cash to support them as they enter commercialization in 2020.
- On the other hand, my departure could make possible strategic conversations that might have been chilled with me there. Time will tell and I have no information in that regard.
- The dividend Overstock created this year was a major event. Yes, the SEC derailed it (cf. “The SEC Cries ‘Bazoomba!’”) but it looks to me like Jonathan has teed it up again and has a clear path to success over the next 45-60 days short of another SEC “Bazoomba!” (although, of course, the point of the Bazoomba! story is that when the referee can change the rules mid-game, anything is possible)
- Having had nearly five months to reflect:
- I had secretly been hoping that my departure was not going to be necessary, but then it became necessary so I left. Yes there was Sturm-und-Drang about why it became necessary, and yes hedge funds guys like Cohodes (and others) were directly calling directors and executives to convince them to force me out so the stock would reprice from $20 to $50 (we even had an analyst or two suggest it). Thus, it is tempting for me to connect dots from across the summer to try to piece together who was in on what and why precisely why it played out as it did, but in the end there was no bad faith on the part of directors or colleagues or analysts. I think there was bad judgement, and maybe a recrudescence of politics that were one round too many for me, but at the end of the day I understand where everyone was coming from and can fault no one for it. All involved thought they were doing what was best for shareholders. And (I say with temper having cooled) perhaps it was something that did have to happen. I wish I had been able to play it out in my own way, and see, but that said, it may well have had to happen anyway. Withhold judgement a few more months before deciding.
- The hour I found out that while I had been navigating such difficult decisions not all those around me were being as straight as I might have hoped, I also learned that the board “was concerned about the optics of any connection with [me]” and demanded being “completely disassociated” from me. Instantly I decided to punch out. I was angry because I thought that over the course of the fall our stock might be $40 or $50 (“or $100!” if Cohodes could be believed), and that if I sold I might be getting half that. I was angry because I felt like I was having the rug pulled out from under me. I figured I was walking away with a good fortune but leaving behind a far bigger one to those who stayed and finished the story (and thus, to some degree, I was leaving behind the fruits of two decades’ work). That it has not worked out that way so far is a surprise to me. And of course I feel terrible for those who have been hurt by this.
So that was 2019. The Overstock team has come through a tough year. I am sure they are happy to have it behind them as well. They have risen to many challenges before, and have always done the hard things. They are superb, having come so far on so much less than everyone with whom they ever had to contend. Dave can handled anything Retail. Jonathan has the tiller and is really quite capable. They will be fine.
Maybe it was time, after all, that I got out of their way.
Happy New Year, Patrick! I actually made money on OSTK this year and I have faith in the block-chain ventures. I hope 2020 is a good year for you and liberty. Keep up the good fight. Peace.
I wish one day the shareholders of CMKX Diamonds Inc. could be vindicated and receive exposure of our huge story. For anyone interested, Google ‘CMKX’… it’s stock was the largest case of naked short selling in market history… And a $3.7 Trillion dollar lawsuit went all the way to the United States Supreme Court, unfortunately the SEC has continually denied shareholders justice for many years and swept us under the rug. Whoever could bring this story into light would be breaking huge news to the world… Perhaps Patrick Byrne would be up for the task one day?
Get in touch with attorney Al Clifton Hodges or Thomas Gates and give us CMKXers a shout out or article 😉
I wish I could have convinced Overstock/Medici to go with this idea posted below to create a PRINCIPLED “super website” that combines social media/networking with commerce/trade/finance and integrates their various affiliated companies.
I believe the social media/networking aspect could be world changing in the near future,even if OSTK have to wait till the end of the century for tZero to be “allowed” to fully operate.I have no faith in government or their affiliated agencies and cronies to do anything positive until enough citizens unite behind basic principles and affect positive,peaceful change on their own.
IMO,most politicians won’t care about principles like truth/freedom/integrity/goodwill/Non-Aggression principle until We The People show them We care about these principles and become an economic force.
Imagine a website/app/network where people from all over the world unite behind the principles of truth,freedom,goodwill,integrity,humility,the Non-Aggression Principle,the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others.A place where we use social media,networking,trade & commerce to support each other and promote these principles we share.(And a homepage that gets this message/mission statement across crystal clear).Imagine a focused,inspired user base dedicated to promoting this.
I am thinking competition for facebook,twitter,amazon,google/youtube,apple,netflix,big banks/brokerages,Mainstream Media and even politicians! lol
Just taking a little market share from each could turn into something awesome.
This could simply start out as a social media website/app just to gather together those people in the world who value principles like truth,freedom,peace,the non-aggression principle and voluntarily helping others.Then it could eventually morph into a website/app where these principles are promoted upfront while at the same time being a social media,commerce,trade,digital currency,news,education,entertainment(videos and video games) and communication powerhouse.
This type of website/network could come to fruition through the meeting and cooperation of many Overstock/ Medici affiliated companies.
Worldstock is a domain owned by Overstock and I really think that domain name could be used to make the ultimate website as it could imply a double entendre with the 2 meanings being:
1)World Stock of products/goods/services/financial instruments
2)A Woodstock type of vibe/event/experience gone Worldwide encouraging people to unite behind the principles of truth,freedom,peace,goodwill,the Non-Aggression principle, the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others.
Picture the principled website described above as Worldstock.com , a social media/network/commerce/trade site where you could buy almost any kind of product/service from almost anywhere in the world:furniture,clothes,electronics,stocks,options,security tokens,cryptocurrency,real estate,cars,insurance,mortgages,land titles etc..
This could also involve Overstock/Medici creating their own Linux based Operating system and/or web browser .Another possibility is selling mini PCs/laptops/tablets/phones with this operating system and/or web browser built in as well as built in plug and play/set it and forget it Ravencoin or other mining as well.
Imagine Worldstock as the “Great Lake” website/network into which the rivers of Overstock,tZERO,Medici Land Governance,Bitt,Voatz,Minds and others flow.
Imagine the best website in the world….
I think liberty lovers worldwide would much rather buy and use products,information and services from like-minded people.I think liberty lovers worldwide would obviously much rather elect like-minded people to office.Overstock/Medici could provide the internet gateway/homebase to make this happen and change the world for the better.
In my opinion,all political parties are easily co-opted & corrupted.Things won’t change much until citizens unite behind truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity.Most politicians who claim to serve the public are really self servants/crony servants.Therefore,We the People must unite behind basic principles to make positive change.
The best hope for more freedom in general is for more people to unite behind and promote freedom worldwide.Freedom of speech is obviously essential,but I would hope that there will be a concerted effort to unite folks behind some other basic principles as well.
“A place where people from all over the world unite behind the principles of truth,freedom,goodwill,integrity,humility,the Non-Aggression principle,the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others.A place where we use social media,networking,trade & commerce to support each other and promote these principles we share.”
This is the best idea I can think of to make the world a better place.
Anyone got a better idea?I’m listening……
We have a short time on this earth,which reminds me why truth,freedom,kindness,forgiveness,integrity and goodwill are of the highest value.Some may say you can’t save the world,but I would say,” why not try anyway?”
I’ve got nothing better to do.
OSTK/Medici gave us the tools to do it ourselves. The thing you are talking about can be built with RVN, OIP and IPFS. There is a lot of these thing being worked on now but not in the comprehensive format you are suggesting.
What you are proposing is a centralized marketplace that is owned by a corporation. We already have way too many of those. We are building a marketplace that is not owned by a corporation but anyone who KYCs can sell their wares and take home the largest share of the revs. No stock holders to please…
Only way out from wall St is to leave it, Public companies must delist and list in a friendly place Like Bermuda which You tried, I say Dubai or Qatar
start a New Wall St. check in and I will bring you up to date
Yo Pat, you said you’d tell us who XYZ were by the end of last year, what gives man???
I do not want to get in front of Attorney General Barr. I thought they would’ve acted by the end of the year. But I do watch his interviews. I think you’re going to be reading those names on some indictments this Spring.
You know, when all is fully known, I’m going to be ripped apart on every angle for every decision I’ve made concerning this. Why did I not speak up three years ago, why did I not speak up 18 months ago, why did I speak up at all and not just wait for the DOJ? I could argue it all round or flat. but as several people close to the investigation have said, “what is going to come out is bigger than you can imagine.“ Withhold judgment on my actions and decisions until you know the whole story.
I I am in a moral quandary. Warren Buffett tells me I have a duty to ignore Washington and come public with the whole story. Yet I kept 2/3 of it hidden because I did not want to get in front of Attorney General Barr and John Durham. I thought they would’ve acted by the end of the year. But I do watch AG Barr’s interviews. I think you’re going to be reading those names on some indictments this Spring.
You know, when all is fully known, I’m going to be ripped apart on every angle for every decision I’ve made concerning this. Why did I not speak up three years ago, why did I not speak up 18 months ago, why did I speak up at all and not just wait for the DOJ? I could argue it all round or flat. but as several people close to the investigation have said, “what is going to come out is bigger than you can imagine.“ Withhold judgment on my actions and decisions until you know the whole story.
You really don’t owe anyone any more explanations. “No good deed goes unpunished.”
Good riddance to 2019 I say! 2020 = clear vision. After my train wreck (actually car wreck) of a year, the worst thing I have to worry about so far in 2020 is picking a new username for Minds.com. Suggestions welcome from all! Should I have a contest?!
Impeach45 has a nice ring to it.
Fair enough Patty, you think anything is going to be done that is significant and not some shadow and mirrors slap on the wrist crap? I feel like the republic is lost, we have people like the terrorist Ralph Northam in Virginia talking about literally going door to door and disarm people.
There are days that I to fear that the republic has been lost, but it is far too early to give up hope. Churchel said something like, “Americans always do the right thing, after they have tried all the other options.” What is going on reminds me of what went on against me in 2005-2008: the establishment went all in against me. And then they were proved to be wrong. What is it going to be like when the truth breaks? I’m sure they are giving serious thought to that in Washington. One thing is that the share of Americans who diss trust the mainstream media Will go from 80% to even higher, and the degree of distrust will intensify. Maybe that will create an opportunity for new and better things. Maybe it will cause people to return the first principles, where there will be two camps: those who wish to defend them, and those who wish to overturn them. But fortunately, the people who wish to overturn them will no longer be able to do so through bad philosophy and court packing schemes. They are going to have to defend some ask that, once they become public, will be impossible for anyone to defend. I will put it this way: so far the main stream has not backed off, and seems to still be going all in. The more they bet the more, in the end, we win.
Where is the trust meter with news today? I share your optimism because hope is sometimes all we have…
Thanks Patrick, and Happy New Year! Somehow, try to enjoy the best of life in 2020 and beyond….
Since my interest is most of all in seeing all the info and miscreants exposed I will encourage you to reveal all, asap.
But of course I am in no position to judge the relative merits of waiting on Barr & Durham etc. It’s just that I am not confident that things are not getting derailed and/or buried, at least to some extent.
Revealing all sooner may at least keep the pressure on…… but only you can weigh the personal risks and costs…..
Best wishes and good luck for whatever happens! Thank you.
I’m losing my temper with comments like this and I don’t have the excuse of being Sagittarius (like Patrick). Patrick’s evidence is on a ‘need to know’ basis. The people who need to know, do. Sorry, you aren’t one of them.
Patrick wasn’t the only one caught in this spider web. It’s global. I’ll make it easy for you. Watch former Secret Service Agent, Fox News contributor and author Dan Bongino summarize his book, Spygate, in 25 min. This information is a year old and we know much more now, but it will give you background you obviously haven’t heard in censored mainstream media.
rofl you can lose your temper all you want, Pam, rant away….. my comment is quite straightforward and reasonable, no reason for you to melt down over it.
Also, I can do without your condescension, because anyone who believes the “Qanon” stuff (as you’ve said you do) is obviously mentally defective. There, how’s that for condescension? There are a great many things I don’t know Pam, but one thing I do know is that you and your Qanon clowns are ignorant, foolish, and delusional. I know far more about this stuff than anyone who follows & falls for the silly Qanon b.s. You, Pam, have no idea how ignorant you are. You read a bunch of Qanon b.s. postings and you think you have some vast “insider” knowledge now. You don’t.
I said I want to see it all the bad stuff exposed asap but I UNDERSTAND that only Patrick can make his own judgments about personal risk, progress of the investigations, etc….. unlike your nutty “Qanon” drones, I am not willing to assume that everything is going perfectly according to some MASTER PLAN….. but I am still quite hopeful that Durham/Barr and others will come through. Not because some moronic secret “Q” clown says so on the internet, but because there are enough indications and pieces of evidence to HOPE (not know) that the main miscreants may be exposed and punished.
Sorry all, I let my frustration at dealing with too many rude and condescending Qanon Qooks on other sites spill over here. No reason to get into the Q b.s. here, but I do not share their utter certainties that everything is proceeding according to some universal Master Plan and nothing can go wrong.
Sorry all, I let my frustration at dealing with too many rude and condescending Qanon Qooks on other sites spill over here. No reason to get into the Q b.s. here, but I do not share their utter certainties that everything is proceeding according to some universal Master Plan and nothing can go wrong.
Patty boy is Q
ha haaa that made me laugh out loud, but no….. Q is some one or more goofy internet LARPer(s) who think(s) that trying to rally people by scraping up nuggets from around the internet and weaving them into conspiratorial rants larded with “Socratic questions” is somehow educational and consciousness raising. Most definitely “Q” is not anyone with high level secret access in the Trump administration and/or military intel.
One of the big problems with the Q nonsense is that there is so much fact and fancy intermingled that the Q people have no real idea what is true or not true. They claim that “awareness” is raised, but telling people a bunch of lies in order to motivate them to “research” is not a good plan.
Here is one possible account of “Qanon” origins, although I don’t claim to know whether this person is telling a true story or is just as fantasy oriented as everyone else associated with “Q”….. but this does sound interesting as an explanation of how Q got started:
“…more goofy internet LARPer(s) who think(s)”
sry, clearly you already know what a LARP is, didn’t mean to inform you of that which you are already aware.
Nice of you to call attention to “Q Baby” btw, all media is good media (though the CO/AZ stuff ain’t so great, but hey).
You need to differentiate btw. There is the Q board where q drops habben (please don’t go there!), there is ‘QAnon’ – all the q social media, etc. etc.
Layers upon layers. The “Meta Conspiracy”, ha. Can you ferret out the truth from fiction? Can you see the 40K foot view? Can you connect the dots?
Q encourages the Socratic method. Think for yourself, question everything. There was a PhD thesis recently on the topic. Maybe you’d enjoy something more intellectual? I mention this as the title is “America’s Political Paradigm Shift” (throwback to Thomas Kuhn’s (RIP) Paradigm Theory espoused by Patrick), by Rachel Wyman of King’s College, London
Search for: Ms Rachel Wyman
more fun 4u:
Much good info in there for you to dig on! Are you (really) ready Mr. Cohen!?
To those who may be following my dialogue with Mr Cohen and wondering “what is Q?”, will leave you with a single Q post, #3038, ‘dropped’ 3/12/2018:
3038 – The Power of Free Thought – Q
!!mG7VJxZNCI (that’s a ‘tripcode’ to validate it was from Q and not some random anonymous poster that may impersonate Q)
12 Mar 2019 – 2:55:14 PM
>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).
>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).
>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).
>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
>Decide for yourself (be free)
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
“Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
Anyone who spends any time reading Q and Qook followers knows that “logic, reason, and empiricism” are not what informs this movement AT ALL. Despite the periodic appeals to “logic” and “evidence” the Q droppings are largely reason-free and evidence-free.
Thousands of Q-droppings, hundreds of thousands (well many millions by now) of follower comments, and it is difficult to find signs of intelligence anywhere in this “Q movement.”
I do not advise anyone else to waste their time trying. Just focus more directly on all available evidence and events, without regard to “Q” stuff, and ignore the ravings of the foolish Qooks.
Here is an example of what utter imbeciles the “Qanon” people are: at a rally last summer, someone holds up a cute baby and Pres. Trump notices the baby, praises it etc. Well on the BACK of the baby (absolutely no evidence that Pres. Trump ever saw it or ever attributed any significance to it) was the letter “Q” — so all the Qook-anon morons start clamoring about a “Q baby” recognized by Pres. Trump as a sign that the “movement” has Trump’s blessing. This sort of thing is IDIOTIC and deranged, but gets taken seriously by large number of Qook-anon followers. They are all mentally incompetent. I actually do support Trump, generally, and don’t wish to be associated with such a bunch of lunatic cultists. The left has plenty of idiots, too. There is no reason to pander to the dimmest bulbs of either left or right. Sheer idiocy:
Mr. Cohen, your attacks are lacking. Step it up a bit fren. Are you giving it your best? Maybe drop a location (no Steamit plz!! stop that!) where we can have a civil dialogue, and perhaps educate you to the many layers that are the q movement. There have been 1500+ attack articles by MSM and other press on the topic. Why all this for a LARP (given you’re a boomer, will spell it out – that means Live Action Role Play, though we’ve moved more to the ARG phase)
The only reason to give you time of day is you are here and we respect the efforts of Mr Byrne. You have made some good conclusions in this particular matter (the Byrne case, which is a sucker/tentacle on the overall Kraken), and elsewhere, and seem of the curious type for an older Gent. Are you really ready to get woke? Or are you just playing around in comment threads in your retirement?
“Sorry all, I let my frustration at dealing with too many rude and condescending Qanon Qooks on other sites spill over here. …”
You really only need to apologize to Pam (please do, your rudeness was appalling!!!) and to your family/friends (as you’re embarrassing them via your attacks upon others). The rest of us can just watch in amusement as you make a fool of yourself.
Calling others “Qooks” etc. – you’re such a clever Boomer! (j/k w/ the namecalling, boomer is WAY overused, but not my moniker, you dubbed yourself here:
p.s. does anyone under the age of 60 even know what “malarkey” means?? I am a Boomer and I barely know what it means, i.e., I don’t think I’ve ever heard an actual person use the word, although I have seen it enough in writing to have some idea…. The Biden campaign is running on fumes. …)
Paul Cohen says:
December 28, 2019 at 6:41 pm
That is terribly sad, because they are bad, malicious, irrational people. They troll insanely against anyone who dares to question their hoax narrative.
Paul Cohen says:
December 31, 2019 at 3:55 am
I’m sure Qooks will never take any refutations as final, not even from POTUS Trump, because their Magic Oracle “Q” has said that “disinformation is necessary” and they always weave all doubts and setbacks into new narratives. Still, a Trump campaign official has emphatically rejected the Qanon movement as “garbage” and “bizarre nonsense” — and as not based upon any genuine role in the Trump administration or campaign:
You’re way too late now. Trump Campaign Chair of Veterans for Trump has confirmed my reply tweet on
Q Anon with multiple tweets. pic.twitter.com/phLQwlpca2
— Christian Lamar (@christianllamar) December 31, 2019
It’s a long interview, but worth a listen. For a middle-America homemaker, she’s actually quite intuitive and spot on.
He is ok too in his questions and comments, just hasn’t traveled the yellow brick road far enough to realize there is a man behind the curtain, so view comes from pure ignorance..
@jennyhatch and @christianllamar (why the 2 L’s when Only “Lamar”?)
future proves past. Capped all for posterity.
rofl, sorry young Qook-anon but you are an obvious moron and I will not bother to pretend to a respectful dialogue with your kind. I have followed the Qtard phenomenon from early days, on a variety of sites, simply out of curiosity as it was obvious in the first 50-100 posts that the thing is fantasy garbage.
Yes, there is plenty of “real” info swept up from the internet, into order to pretend to greater knowledge, but there is such a puerile stream of disinformation and nonsense containing the genuine info that it is not worth taking “Q” seriously as anything but a psychiatric political phenomenon.
Anon137, “a quantum based ontological construct”???
That academic paper you linked is obvious garbage (maybe a parody ala the infamous “Sokal hoax”).
You Qooktards are all way over your heads. You are among the most dim-witted people I have ever encountered. You think you “know” something because you start off knowing so little that you are all far too easily impressed by nonsense.
fwiw, I knew Tom Kuhn. Tom Kuhn was a teacher of mine. You and your ilk know nothing of Kuhn, philosophy, science, logic, history, intellect, or “Socratic” method. You are all intellectual infants.
Dear Anon137, yes, thanks for sharing my insightful summary comments. For any observers wondering whether all the “Q” stuff is worth any of your time, no it is not. I have followed it from the beginning days just out of curiosity, and have been alternately amused and appalled by it all.
But for anyone concerned about the country and the world (everyone I would hope), just ignore all the “Qanon” garbage and focus directly upon articles and events with genuine factual, political, and legal significance. Some quantity of all that is indeed swept up in the Qanon stream, but there is so much exaggeration and fantasy drivel put out by the Q people that it is far better to focus directly upon better sources. As I said (and Q137 helpfully reminded us):
Paul Cohen says:
December 28, 2019 at 6:41 pm
That is terribly sad, because they [Qanon types] are bad, malicious, irrational people. They troll insanely against anyone who dares to question their hoax narrative.
Paul Cohen says:
December 31, 2019 at 3:55 am
I’m sure Qooks will never take any refutations as final, not even from POTUS Trump, because their Magic Oracle “Q” has said that “disinformation is necessary” and they always weave all doubts and setbacks into new narratives. Still, a Trump campaign official has emphatically rejected the Qanon movement as “garbage” and “bizarre nonsense” — and as not based upon any genuine role in the Trump administration or campaign…..
Hi Mr. Cohen,
Cannot reply below, perhaps there isn’t an option to do so once the back-n-forth reaches a certain depth (again pointing to the fact that this may not be the best forum for such a dialogue). But, so long as this is civil, perhaps we can continue for a spell. Please keep in mind we are in Mr. Byrne’s house here, not a ‘public’ venue.
“young Qook-anon but you are an obvious moron”
Name calling will not further your argument or increase the merit of any points put forth, please cease and desist with such behavior, it’s a distraction to any meaningful content. It would be ‘moran’ in this case brian. The young part is appreciated, ty.
” “a quantum based ontological construct”???
That academic paper you linked is obvious garbage”
– Good, glad you took a moment to read some of the material dropped. That is not my work, just something that passed by and thought you may find it of interest. I think the author of the PhD thesis is quite well intentioned and really put her heart into the work, and should be commended, will leave it at that.
“fwiw, I knew Tom Kuhn. Tom Kuhn was a teacher of mine. You and your ilk ..” (the rest unworthy of being quoted).
– Ok fren, this is the first touch of jealousy felt. Would have loved to be taught by the great historian of science. Studied Structure of Scientific Revolutions and The Essential Tension in my yute. If you have anything to share that isn’t available publicly, that would be welcome. From a ‘structures’ perspective, there are 4 major phases demarkated by Kuhn – you seem to be in the “Crisis phase”. Not a bad place to be actually! IIR, Kuhn basically said the old fogies in a field needed to die off for the next paradigm to fill its space – perhaps you can rise above and break through your cognitive dissonance. Rooting for you!!
In another sense, you are clearly in a “re-paradigmatic phase”. You don’t seem to be aware of what is really going on beneath the surface, yet are sensing something is amiss with your paradigm (hence that lashing out and attacking, a ‘normal’ response).
“I’m sure Qooks will never take any refutations as final, not even from POTUS Trump, because their Magic Oracle “Q”…”
– To this point, will let you know, I stand only on the foundation of truth, as can be ferreted out by pure logic, observation, introspection, testing, retesting, and a willingness to throw it all in the trash and rebuild as necessary. I need no oracle, leader, or sage to guide, but will take whatever noble help is offered.
– Is this your first metamorphosis? I offer you a hand fren, it can be scary. Let me know how I can help Mr. Cohen?
Sorry Anon137, but I’m not playing your games. You have no idea how ignorant you are, but your babble about Kuhn did make me rofl again. I have wasted too much time in the past trying to educate Qooks….. not doing it anymore. Despite all your babble about logic, evidence, critical thought, Socratic method, etc. I have yet to encounter one Qook person who can engage rationally in a careful, thoughtful, insightful discussion. That is why I don’t even try anymore. Mockery and ridicule is all you folks deserve, since you dish such enormous amounts of it yourselves.
Hi Paul, see you’re still up.
“Anon137, “a quantum based ontological construct”???
That academic paper you linked is obvious garbage (maybe a parody ala the infamous “Sokal hoax”).
You Qooktards are all way over your heads. You are among the most dim-witted people I have ever encountered. …”
– Ok, that one went over my head at first. Looked up Sokal hoax (aka ‘Affair’) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair
– bit of irony: “Not to be confused with the Sokol affair involving the company Berkshire Hathaway.” (given Mr. Byrne’s Rabbi and all, following??).
from wiki:
“The article, “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity”,[3] was published in the Social Text spring/summer 1996 “Science Wars” issue. It proposed that quantum gravity is a social and linguistic construct. ”
ahh, yes, there have been some copycat hoaxes of published “fake journal articles”, notably in the field of Physics. Am familiar with those, didn’t connect at first, nice to get to the root of the idea. For you to link the PhD thesis presented with that, is a _real_ stretch. The author is a real person (go research her, she graduation last year) and it was her thesis. Moving on…
“Sorry Anon137, but I’m not playing your games. You have no idea how ignorant you are, but your babble about Kuhn did make me rofl again. I have wasted too much time in the past trying to educate Qooks….. not doing it anymore. Despite all your babble about logic, evidence, critical thought, Socratic method, etc. I have yet to encounter one Qook person who can engage rationally in a careful, thoughtful, insightful discussion. That is why I don’t even try anymore. Mockery and ridicule is all you folks deserve, since you dish such enormous amounts of it yourselves.”
First: This. Is. Not. A. Game.
Ok, more attacks, nothing really rational put forward (yet, waiting patiently, would agree with your assessment that you’re not even trying). I hope you don’t feel I’ve dished out mockery and ridicule to you? If you’ve perceived this, I apologize and hope you will forgive me. We can’t have that wedge if we’re to make any progress. Also, hope I wasn’t babbling, was trying to be coherent. Glad to have given you a rolling laugh, sometimes that’s all we have at the end of the day, a chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
If the current dialogue is what you mean by “trying to educate Qooks”, guess I’m missing the lesson. Was happy to engage, but this isn’t going to well so far, and so many words spilled upon the comment pages of history. If you have something of substance to offer, or a meaningful question, please feel free to follow up. Sleep well fren.
ps: “ha haaa that made me laugh out loud, but no…”
– Careful, you’re sounding like BlacksheepAnon. (Axe me a question…). You really don’t want to go there my dear Bickle.
In the blunt words of Seb Gorka, valued advisor and friend to POTUS Trump, “Q is a scam.” That is all we need to know, folks. Look elsewhere for info and enlightenment.
Sebastian Gorka DrG
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MoreSebastian Gorka DrG Retweeted Jessie Jane Duff – Text TRUMP to 88022
Q is a scam.Sebastian Gorka DrG added,
Jessie Jane Duff – Text TRUMP to 88022
Verified account
Replying to @cmilburn586 @christianllamar and 2 others
Actually Q has been a lot of talk, many errors, and a few correct guesses. Its garbage to believe and validate.
7:15 AM – 1 Jan 2020
Paul, argument 101:
“Appeal to authority is a common type of fallacy, or an argument based on unsound logic. When writers or speakers use appeal to authority, they are claiming that something must be true because it is believed by someone who said to be an “authority” on the subject.”
But, can hardly be characterized as such, given the figures you’ve chosen to appeal to. Have you any idea of the background of Ms. Duff. (Gunnery Sergeant Jessie Jane Duff, USMC (Ret.))?? Did you know she worked w/ the McCain (noname) campaign?? noname was a complete traitor. Did you know that he was not given honors at his funeral (flag placed upside down for those in the know, also was done for one other significant dignitary who will not be named in this convo). She’s a ‘newsmax’ contributor. Significant interaction with anons on New Year’s eve, but deleted all her twitter posts on the subject (many just resorted to calling them “idiots”). She lost 3000 followers that night (kek).
Let’s look at what Ms Duff said via an advocacy group founded by the Koch brothers:
“My advice to the president is at a minimum have an air strike—at a minimum you have to flex on some level—as these men will think we’re tolerant of their behavior,” Jessie Jane Duff, an organizer for Concerned Veterans, said during a radio interview about how to deal with ISIS, the Sunni militia in Iraq. Last month, Duff agreed with a Fox News host that the US government should execute all of the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. She tweeted: “If we kill evryone in Gitmo (it wouldn’t cost much) we’d be sending a very clear message to jihadist [sic].”
– you appeal to someone who has endorsed the use of war crimes??
– she also supported Condoleeza Rice
– Let alone she _may_ be related to Gordon Duff, a disinformation agent (possibly, his real name may also be Bob Foote.). He came out supporting Hillary. Also Gordon Duff, “senior editor” of the disinformation website Veterans Today, is clearly working against 9-11 Truth by claiming that nanothermite or super-thermite does not exist. This father/daughter relationship is uncertain, though, so leave that aside for now (enough damning about her as it is).
And to your appeal to @christianllamar
– We opened with him in our dialogue. I posted a link where you could hear him interview a qanon follower (one of the ‘researchers’ out there you have belittled) for 1hr 45min. Christian had some good points, it was a civil dialogue, but he knows nothing about the actual Q team and is not an insider. He just wants to keep the campaign clean and avoid any association.
– Though, he kicked it up a bit this morning, with an attack on Q via a twitter post about the AZ story.
– also appeals to the FBI (yes, the same FBI that Mr. Byrne has exposed w/ corruption at the very top!). Do you see the problem here?? Here is what he said 16 hrs ago:
“FBI did not refute this document they declassified on the QAnon conspiracy below when they were asked about it. If you choose not to believe the statement of facts that’s your 1st amendment right. So far we have one murder and multiple felonies tied to Q.”
Hmmm. (doc he’s referring to is here: https://www.scribd.com/document/420379775/FBI-Conspiracy-Theory-Redacted).
18 hrs ago Lamar stated:
“FBI labels groups as a domestic terrorist threats all the time, no different than when it labeled Black Lives Matter as black identity extremists who sought to destroy government infrastructure. Q was labeled a terrorist threat because of crimes being committed in the name of Q.”
– this is all related to Ms “Abcug” (easy search there).
Within the same hour he tweeted:
“Here’s another Q, Q+, QAnon or Q group follower charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping due to Q.
The FBI has in fact labeled Q a domestic terrorist threat.
This is the 2nd occurrence to crimes out of Colorado tied to Q with 2 more in Arizona. One murder has occurred so far.”
Ok, I _think_ Christian Lamar is likely just a well-meaning christian working w/ the Trump campaign. He has read some Q posts, doesn’t see any direct evidence, and so goes on the attack (much as you have done). Hasn’t dug deeper, and clearly hasn’t traveled down the yellow brick road far enough to understand there’s a man behind the curtain pulling some strings.
– Interesting how you can believe in there is a deep state on one hand, yet then appeal to it on the other. That’s incongruent Mr Cohen.
– Is this your appeal to reason?
Paul, how about you put forth _your own_ argument and reason. Not something from within an echo chamber.
– Is this the type of “dialogue” you reference in the past that has caused you to give up?
Seriously, am here willing and able to help, if you’d like to try, and not just continuing various attacks. That doesn’t further understanding and insight.
There are days that I to fear that the republic has been lost, but it is far too early to give up hope. Churchel said something like, “Americans always do the right thing, after they have tried all the other options.” What is going on reminds me of what went on against me in 2005-2008: the establishment went all in against me. And then they were proved to be wrong. What is it going to be like when the truth breaks? I’m sure they are giving serious thought to that in Washington. One thing is that the share of Americans who diss trust the mainstream media Will go from 80% to even higher, and the degree of distrust will intensify. Maybe that will create an opportunity for new and better things. Maybe it will cause people to return the first principles, where there will be two camps: those who wish to defend them, and those who wish to overturn them. But fortunately, the people who wish to overturn them will no longer be able to do so through bad philosophy and court packing schemes. They are going to have to defend some ask that, once they become public, will be impossible for anyone to defend. I will put it this way: so far the main stream has not backed off, and seems to still be going all in. The more they bet the more, in the end, we win.
Pam, you are right. What I know is on “a need to know basis” and I do not intend to reveal it. I feel I have complied with my rabbis robust advice, and revealed the punchline: what is eating our nation alive these last few years has been political espionage. It started from the deep state against Hillary Clinton, then when Trump one in a fluke it turned into this Russian collusion hysteria, for which they had precisely one Russian: a grad student whose arrival and activities and whereabouts they had known from day one.
So having said that, and filled in some of the narrative as I have, I think my answer to buffet at this point is, “I’ve done my part. I have at least given away the punchline to this whole fiasco.” I’ve left out a lot of things that I believe are going to eventually be a portion of the public story, and I think it’s going to break a lot of hearts. I feel badly… anyway, I feel fine leaving it to the authorities at this point. In the long run it Hass to come out (in the sense of, I would not be comfortable with a conclusion that included a perpetual cover-up) but I am very comfortable, now that I see there is real stuff happening, no one can fault me for holding the rest of the cards close to my vest. It is clear there is a lot of deep thinking going into what is the right way to cheap this moving forward while living “the chips fall where they may“ (as I saw the attorney general say). That’s the difference between him and the politicians who were there in the past. Someone who will go into the swamp with a flamethrower.
Thank you Patrick, you have done and given MORE than would reasonably be expected. Very grateful! You are correct on all points, but certainly to not give up hope. Am more hopeful right now than in the past 15 years, there is actually light at the end of the tunnel. Interesting we are seeing cognitive dissonance not on an individual level, but within society as a whole organism (worldwide even). Historic times.
Curious, was comment ‘Hass to..’ a cfr ref? No need to reply.
Also, apologies if the banter above with Mr. Cohen was pushed too far while a guest in your house. Will try and engage only where it appears to be constructive and achieving some end.
Wishing you peace, safety and happiness in 2020. Going to be quite the show (as if Mr Gervais didn’t kick it off with a strong enough opener last night!). Godspeed.
Well Patrick, you have surely done much to fill in the public and to inform relevant authorities. Although you did express the dilemma (and Buffet’s advice) more sharply up above:
“I am in a moral quandary. Warren Buffett tells me I have a duty to ignore Washington and come public with the whole story. Yet I kept 2/3 of it hidden….”
But I don’t think many would fault you for needing to focus on some degree of personal protection in this very crazy situation. In any case, you have performed a valuable public service (many over the years).
Hello Patrick. Happy New Year
Ousmane, from Switzerland. I was so sad to have seen you only for one minute in Utah. I was none the wiser you were spending your last hours in Colesium.
Always good to read your essays here.
Come to Guinea, West Africa.
Best thoughts
I remember you so well from our chance encounter in a rail station in Switzerland, and have enjoyed our correspondence these many years. I was so looking forward to meeting you again. I am sorry that after all those years, we only had a minute because I was, as you say, more or less walking out the door that moment.
I hope you are doing well. I hope MLG comes to need you in Guinea, West Africa.
This is great news NO DRUGS to fight super bugs LOL Maybe Adam Fraudstein can save everyone while they kill small companies STLL Hey Patrick just think if you didn’t settle with Goldman and Merrill maybe this wouldn’t still be going on
Antibiotic Makers Struggle, Hurting War on Superbugs
Commercial prospects dim as doctors prescribe new drugs sparingly; some companies run out of cash
Federal Reserve Admits It Pumped More than $6 Trillion to Wall Street in Recent Six Week Period
So much for that booming economy that this Administration is taking credit for huh? Pun Intended) LOL
I’m posting this for Patrick for obvious reasons but everyone will enjoy it. We need to lighten up sometimes.
Will this comment be posted? Inquiring minds continue to be dismissed as tin foil hat wearing conspiracists.
You are short as you say, but not forthright in your commentary since there is a bigger change that includes opening up the trading platform to all BD’s not confined to the Dinosaur Brokerage by itself.
You also describe the reason for the last run with a bias that doesn’t include the “fix”(Friday, September 13, 2019, “A Day That Lives In Infamy By OSTK Longs) that ultimately protected the shorts including their prime brokers with blessings from the SEC so that the digital dividend would avoid the honest accounting that still remains an open issue even including the new slants by the current management team as part of their proposal.
However, I won’t deny that your reference to the OCC as well as the SEC blessing by approval of this proposal with the ability by “shorts” to provide “cash payments in lieu of shares” since your confidence and that of the shorts who continue to receive special consideration from the regulatory authorities historically, and today, while they vehemently attack this company seems to never fail.
Inquiring minds should continue to ponder why those in power who are intent on killing this company continue to do so in light of what was written above.
The current management team is left with no choice but to follow the rules of law and dictums by the regulatory authorities going forward since they know you “can’t fight City Hall” since whatever they say matters regardless of the illegalities that may exist with them protecting “special interests,” especially those of “certain shorts” that still exist.
Welcome to my world. Yes, I am glad you get it. You are right, I do not always jump up and odwn about all the reasons because it sounds like excuse-making, but I am conflicted because I also want o let you folks know what I really think. And what I really think is that it is outrageous that the SEC blocked the dividend this September. I do not know the details and the legal arguments, but I do know they could have let it happen had they wanted to, and I get the sense that they took a position of “no way no how”, and that no matter what the laws and regulations said, they were not going to let it happen.
“Legal realism” = a doctrine in jurisprudence holding that what “the Law” is…. well, it is not “some brooding omnipresence in the sky” (OW Holmes). It is found in the flesh and blood decisions and actions of courts. And these days, the regulators. In fact, these days, overwhelmingly in the decisions and actions of regulators. My understanding is that every component step of issuing the dividend was kosher and had been proven to be kosher, but when they all got snapped together and we announced the dividend, once the shorts began to see what happened they and their primes went and lobbied the SEC for relief. And come mid-September, as the price began to move, the SEC turned itself inside-out to block the dividend, “no way no how”. It is a really wonderful example of “the problem of dispersed costs and concentrated benefits.”
My understanding is that Jonathan’s current approach gets things back on the rails in just another few weeks (February 9?) in a way that is kosher-beyond-kosher. And the shorts have had so much more time to prepare. I doubt the SEC will block it this time. The only question in my mind is the shareholder vote: while it is clear that any legitimate shareholder-voter, someone who actually wanted the company to prosper, would vote to affirm JJ’s proposal on February 9.
But go look up an article from Blomberg, 2006, Bob Drummond: “The Corporate Voting Charade”. It documented what a hoax corporate voting had become (which was one of my central claims from the start of deepcapture (https://www.deepcapture.com/introduction-to-the-deep-capture-analysis/ ) was that because of of our sloppy settlement system, corporate voting had become a hoax. His article described the reality that, because many more proxies went out than there were actual shares, many more votes were received than there were shares, and kids in the backrooms of the primes were deciding which bundles to keep and which to toss so the totals came out right. My belief was that this was true, and that in addition, there were forms of this even less benign than that: hedge funds had figured out how to game the sloppy voting. And eventually some hedge funds got caught doing funny things, like shorting a company but also creating another long position, then using a derivative to swap out of economic exposure to that long side, but voting the shares associated with that position, and voting them to the detriment of the company’s interests, in order to benefit their short position (which is pretty much what I was saying). As I recall, a finance professor in Texas named Wu documented this, and the SEC actually did start digging into this around 2007. My point in bringing this up is that I would imagine that no legitimate long would vote against the February proposal. My read is that it creates a way through the SEC’s last “Bazoomba!” From here on out, if the shareholders give their assent, it cannot be stopped.
But what happens if when the 37 million shares vote, the result is 17 million “Yeas!” and 20 million “No’s!”? (Or even more dramatically, the shareholders vote, and it results in 37 million “Yeas!” and 40 million “No’s!”) Yet the SEC looks the other way. That is the only “Bazoomba!” I can imagine at this point. (But you know the thing about Bzoombas! is,…..)
So I think they got the system checkmated this time. Unless something crazy like that happens. Actually, it will be interesting to see. Any share voted against the proposal is more or less certain to be a short. Last I knew, there were 18 million known shorts (+ Reg SHO of > 1 million + whatever daisy-chained and ex-clearing etc. shorts). So somewhere between 19 million and who knows what. It will be funny if somehow 19 million “No!” votes show up and get counted.
Ever read Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus”? Somehow, it has always been like that. Yet this time, I think the plan is airtight. But Wiley E. Coyote always does, too.
Doess it seem to anyone else that some very powerful forces have spent a decade and a half obsessed with a little firm that sells furniture on the Internet? Paying up to 425% interest rate to maintain a short position to keep a stock from moving? 90% average neg rebate? Regulators bending over backward to do the things I have described in these pages? What could it mean, what could it mean….?
Strangely, without any SEC docs to substantiate additional shares, Yahoo Finance has been using a 40M share count for calculating market cap. More recently, I had calculated this b4 some Yahoo, Gern, posted while lambasting management and calling them Sheisters while stating they used the ATM into the first $8.80 rise, but then he deleted his post since I had said it wasn’t the ATM-my post still there, I think-knowing there are no filings proving it unless buried in the dividend prospectus which I had not seen.
Something remains doubtful and bizarre on this point. Someone is trying to suggest management is increasing the outstanding shares magically, and without proper notification for an entity like Yahoo to pull it from.
After 15 years of being a supporter and fan of yours including offering advice, why would you think I didn’t see your world and get what criminals we face inside the regulatory system and beyond?
Oh, probably because you believed that troll who has seemingly been obsessed with me for decades including LVLT, now CTL.
Welcome to my world carrying large realized losses(last year event) but seeking a vengeful comeback from various directions to vindicate myself for having been stolen from.
Wish me good fortune as I have wished you!
Und, Heil Trump with his plunge patrol team melting this market up with fed fund purchases!
Lass die großen Köpfe rollen…..
Not sure where to post this as it’s unrelated. I did so at the very bottom of this page but wanted you to see it.
I received an email from someone purporting to be from DeepCapture (I won’t mention any names). One line. No suspicious link or anything to click. I’d like to respond but am not sure if it’s legit.
If you know who sent it, DON’T acknowledge here but please have the person email me again with something a bit less generic so I know it’s not spam or something nefarious. One never knows these days! I will reply!
ooh look, the vaunted “Huber investigation” may be wrapping up with no charges??!!
Nothing official yet, but reporting is that Huber is not going to “BRING THE PAIN” as promised by Q.
This was always one of the stupid aspects of the Qooks, because while a lot smells about Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, and potential “pay to play” it was always in question whether there would be any close nexus of “quid pro quo” (there’s that phrase again) to be documented for any criminal proceeding.
Qooks wildly exaggerate and make stuff up.
This US Attorney Huber does not seem to be meeting the Qanon narrative needs, so they will have to shift and find some new fantasies:
oh look, here is the guy appointed by the FISA court to review FBI accountability….. a total tool and whore for the Deep State:
Anyone really think @DavidKris is the right guy to introduce reform and accountability to processes which he has helped to degrade and deform over the years????
Maybe the Qooks will explain how this is all according to the Master Plan.
We’d better hope that the “Durham investigation” is a lot more thorough and rigorous than that of Huber….. or the IG….. or Clinton emails….. or any of the many other Deep State “investigations” that never seem to hold Democrats and Deep Staters to account…… General Flynn gets persecuted for NOTHING but Huber can’t even be bothered taking basic investigative steps toward the Clinton scandals.
Well Patrick, yes Durham has a good reputation but this result does not bode well for Deep State being held accountable in anything:
Victoria Toensing
How could USAtty #JohnHuber close #UraniumOne investigation without interviewing my client @DougCampbell? Huber never contacted me. Never contacted Doug who knows Russians were paying $$$ to #ClintonFoundation to assure USG ok sale to their corrupt energy companies. #maga
4:03 AM – 11 Jan 2020
NINE YEARS of Deep State hell since 2011 in this case, nothing has been done about this to date (will anything every be done to bring miscreants to justice??? Don’t count on the Qooktards to know anything):
Contrary to what the Qook morons have been claiming for 2+ years, the Deep State cover-ups are still extensive and in no danger from any of the Qanon b.s.
IF the cover-ups are finally ended it will not be due to anything in the garbage stream of “Qanon” nonsense……
2 hours ago
FBI Agent Joe Pientka – who lied the FISA Court and later interviewed Flynn – was promoted and moved to the SF area AFTER the FBI learned of serious problems in his FISA application.
The SF FBI Field Office has scrubbed him from their site.
See screengrabs below.
Many of the Qult clowns believe that JFK, Jr. faked his own death in a small plane crash 20+ years ago so that he could arrange for Donald Trump to become President and Save the World many years later. Oh, and now JFK, Jr. talks to us from his secret lair as “Q”….. these people are flippin’ lunatic MORONS.
Yes, there are huge potential scandals for the Clintons still to be exposed, but the fake Qanon b.s. movement is not helping. Huber is a joke and we don’t know what will happen with Durham, but YEARS have been wasted with not much evident progress…. see this thread, which was not exposed by “Q” — have you seen this info on Clintons, Qatar, and Syria? It all looks very shady….. will anything be done?
Roscoe B Davis 🎖 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Did Qatar bribe Clinton to overthrow the Syrian Gov’t?
When Syria refused permission for the Qatar Natural Gas Pipeline, Qatar made a multi-million dollar “contribution” to the Clinton Foundation.
9:43 AM – 11 Jan 2020
oh and don’t miss this (please, all idiot Qooktards should go to HELL, they don’t know anything):
Jan 10
Today Solomon goes on Lou Dobbs and says what some of us have been saying for two years.
Sessions appointed Huber to take the heat off of his owns as for the cries of a second counsel to be appointed to look into all things Hillary.
Empty Investigation. @jsolomonReports says there was zero investigating in John Huber’s probe of Clinton corruption. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
Roscoe B Davis 🎖 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Jan 10
Keep trusting the plan….
Now it’s a waiting and see if Durham does a damn thing. Trust nothing, be vigilant, run down all leads, and hope for the best at this point.
If that lame ass response to the FISC with the more training & paperwork bullshit is acceptable we’re screwed
Calm down. When Barr found out last May that Huber had done nothing, including never calling key witnesses and ‘losing’ evidence three times, he gave the investigation to Durham’s team. So while the Huber investigation is closed, the Durham investigation is ongoing. Fingers crossed.
Lot of good reporting on political topics at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/
Funny photo on the front page showing Biden couldn’t fill a living room in Iowa!
Gateway Pundit is about as reliable as “Qanon” — lots of “BOOM” oh look “the Deep State is finished this time!!” and lots of shaky rumor and guesswork on GP.
What is your evidence for claiming that Clinton Foundation, Pay-to-Play, and Uranium One investigations were passed from Huber to Durham? Barr talked about Durham wrt to investigating origins of “Russian interference” in 2016 election claims, not the other stuff. He never spoke of Durham taking over everything from Huber.
Qanon people all just move the goalposts, fabricate, and fantasize whenever things don’t go as they promised. Is it possible Durham will investigate all sorts of topics we don’t know about? Sure, of course, loads of things are “possible” — but nothing Barr or Durham said gives any REASONS or EVIDENCE to think investigations were all shifted from Huber to Durham. The current reporting (though so far anonymous, to be sure) is that Huber’s stuff is all winding down with no results.
It is FANTASY to assume that everything will be done by Durham. Possible? Sure, and possible that I win PowerBall next week. Lots of things are “possible”….. but Qanon rarely offers any real, solid EVIDENCE.
I’m rather calm, thank you Pam, considering what an utter travesty and scam every “investigation” turns out to be. Even the Horowitz IG reports, which some people seem to find encouraging for revelations, are unbelievably reticent and careful to minimize all avenues of inquiry which could be truthful and harmful to the Deep State charlatans.
As for Durham, we just don’t know if he is really doing much or not… but we can keep on hoping….. it’s just that hope is not a strategy and not (much of) an accomplishment in these matters. Patrick does not know if keeping back “2/3” (his estimate not mine) of his details from the public is going to be vindicated by the Durham investigation (let’s hope so), or if by the time we all find out that Durham/Barr was just another Deep State scam it will be too late (MSM: “this was all investigated, nothing much was found”).
Consider how the FBI, Mueller, DOJ, et al. managed to completely avoid any investigation at all of Halper, Svetlana Lokhova, et al. except to smear and slander Mike Flynn into a bogus guilty plea.
The bastards NEVER EVEN INTERVIEWED Lokhova…… NEVER ONCE INTERVIEWED HER!!!!! Even though they “claim” she was a Russian spy who seduced General Flynn. The scumbags get away with just about anything and everything, and so far it is only “hope” that keeps us talking about Durham. Maybe something useful will pan out there…. we just don’t know yet.
Svetlana Lokhova comments on Twatter:
3 hours ago
I have the unfortunate advantage of being one of the first people to realise that Trump Russia collusion was a scam. When attacked in early 2017, I knew that
1) I did not have an affair with Gen Flynn
2) I am not a Russian spy
3) Stef Halper was the source of the false story…
Svetlana Lokhova
…When Halper was exposed in May 2018 as the chief informer to the FBI in their Russia investigation, I immediately knew it was a hoax.
And I knew that FBI knew that too:
1) Flynn was appointed NSA
2) I was never questioned
That’s why the Deep State have to suppress my story
1:58 PM – 13 Jan 2020
Gateway Pundit is about as reliable as “Qanon” — lots of “BOOM” oh look “the Deep State is finished this time!!” and lots of shaky rumor and guesswork on GP.
What is your evidence for claiming that Clinton Foundation, Pay-to-Play, and Uranium One investigations were passed from Huber to Durham? Barr talked about Durham wrt to investigating origins of “Russian interference” in 2016 election claims, not the other stuff. He never spoke of Durham taking over everything from Huber.
Qanon people all just move the goalposts, fabricate, and fantasize whenever things don’t go as they promised. Is it possible Durham will investigate all sorts of topics we don’t know about? Sure, of course, loads of things are “possible” — but nothing Barr or Durham said gives any REASONS or EVIDENCE to think investigations were all shifted from Huber to Durham. The current reporting (though so far anonymous, to be sure) is that Huber’s stuff is all winding down with no results.
It is FANTASY to assume that everything on every topic of investigation will be done by Durham. Possible? Sure, and possible that I win PowerBall next week. Lots of things are “possible”….. but Qanon rarely offers any real, solid EVIDENCE of any kind.
“When Barr found out last May that Huber had done nothing, including never calling key witnesses and ‘losing’ evidence three times, he gave the investigation to Durham’s team.”
rofl, you totally just made this up. Total Qanon fan fiction. Shifting goal-posts again…. Par for the course when dealing with Qanon fantasies, of course. Barr is on record in very recent months saying that Huber’s investigations were ongoing (under HUBER) not that they had all been handed off to Durham.
Now indications are that Huber is wrapping it up with no prosecutions or significant results, not that everything has been transferred to Durham. The investigative charge for Durham has always centered around the origins of “Crossfire Hurricane” and the basis for surveillance toward the Trump 2016 campaign.
Of course it’s always “possible” that Durham will turn into some superhero and investigate/charge/prosecute all sorts of Democrat and Deep State wrongdoing of the past decade. But Barr and Durham’s public comments have given no indication of such wide-ranging investigations. You have zero evidence or even credible rumor that Durham is investigating Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Democrat pay-for-play, etc. We will be lucky if Durham comes up with something solid on “Spygate” but expecting much more than that seems like a huge stretch at this point.
The Swamp brazenly continues to protect itself while the Qook Qult pretends that all is well:
what happened to your twitter patty boy?
When I click the link for the Deep Capture Minds.com website it goes to a page that looks like a work in progress. Will we be notified when it’s ready for prime time? I’m in no hurry since I can’t decide on a new username yet.
Maybe it is because you don’t have a Minds account yet? When I go there it has all of the articles laid out and easy to click on and read.
Not sure where to post this so will post here and upthread:
I received an email from someone purporting to be from DeepCapture. One line. No suspicious link or anything to click. I’d like to respond but am not sure if it’s legit. If you sent it and are reading this, DON’T acknowledge here but please email me again with something a bit less generic so I know it’s not spam or something nefarious. I will reply!
There is another movement happening, but it is so slow most don’t see it happening. The Welsh chair maker John Brown summed it up nicely “We are entering the age of the craftsman, where skills will be what matters. An age when the man who can grow asparagus will be more important than the man who can spell asparagus.”
I may not be intellectual enough to understand the deeper meanings other than the superficial statement, but one can argue that nothing has really changed throughout the ages. The builders and craftsmen continue to be more valuable and signify the worth of any statesman–men of words–or other educated person good at spelling or mixing up words. That craftsman be they man or woman, are not confined or limited to any field or study which dominates the earth today, except for the profession of law and politics exclusively which by themselves produces nothing tangible in exchange, and sometimes produces more bad than good. Accounting could be thrown in there except for its importance of keeping numbers honest surrounding all things being produced, especially honest accounting not tainted by dubious men.
If the cited person is stating craftsmen will be compensated more handsomely than those other spellers, then indeed, that would be a cataclysmic change in The Modern Era excluding the craftsmen who are owners of businesses replicating themselves with employees at the various trades since most of them live well compensated, quality lives, from a livings standard point of view as a result of their physical labor and toiling.
An interesting parallel can be drawn to this commentary today, when President Trump wisely–applause please–pointed to the genius of Elon Musk even though he confused him with Edison vs. Tesla–acknowledged this nation’s need to support men like Musk lest the Wall Street Beast would have killed his company as they had been trying to do before the stock has nearly now tripled in barely six months. Marc Cohodes suck wind.
It’s a travesty as an OSTK shareholder to see the President recognize this knowing our plight, and Dr. Byrne must look on in disbelief since that his former company is trying to address through technology and immutable math the “intangible” solution for “clearing and settlement” that by being left unchecked continues to embolden the Wrong Street crooks to keep stealing from the public so that value is only created for themselves. Their crimes continue to pay dearly unto themselves for producing no good.
Because this solution is stealth and under the radar, and because fixing it would greatly harm the powers that be, who oftentimes via their resources appoint the political representatives who rule over society; this ongoing destruction is continuing to do more harm to the general public than they will ever know. Hurray for Wall Street, and damned be the rest of a nation’s people.
The bottom line is that Byrne’s creation was not, is not, and may never become “VISIBLE ENOUGH” where society as a whole could recognize it so that they would know what they were losing by not having it. Intangible value vs. “tangible.” Because they can’t drive it, or call someone with it, it won’t be allowed to get valued properly since it will be prevented from attaining its goals to garner great free cash flows for its efforts.
The pervasiveness of Tesla’s driving around on the road, and all the coolness behind the product not unlike Apple in the cell phone space, has made a BIG SPLASH in the Oval Office.
Stupid and naive me on the other hand, during the past year believed Elon needed Patrick more than Patrick needed Elon or Elon’s business might fail the way Einhorn and the rest of that Cabal extending to Cohodes were circling their wagons. I even tried to contact Musk to address that he seek tZero’s blockchain solutions as part of Tesla’s plight.
But look at the difference between those two companies today, or six months later from the same starting points, and how betting on the wrong jockey and the wrong business model is in the end, the way that valuable capital is destroyed. And, that disparity and great rift isn’t going to change any time soon considering “the status quo” who rule society with impunity.
We(longs) would have all been happy with a $3B company–excluding the ballooning of the share count which continues unabated to keep priming the pump–vs. $300M–depending on share count maybe $360M–even if Elon’s Tesla is now sporting that $100B market cap. Still a gnat on an Elephant Genius’ rump, but a much greater percentage move reward experienced by OSTK shareholders for their twenty year wait now having been fully decimated. So sad, so sad, indeed.
Tesla breaks the $100B market cap with conviction at well over $600 after market. Patrick, how does Marc Cohodes not close up shop with his lack of credibility with this disastrous call and attack on Musk following up with his BULL CALL on you?
I also haven’t figured out why David Einhorn hasn’t been seen leaping from a tall building in New York yet? Apparently, Elon was bringing up your old friend, and Cohodes’ old cohort, David Rocker, on his call. He was still up on the quarter notwithstanding his indefinite Tesla short stake. Must not be big enough to wipe him and his LP’s out, I guess!
Well, at least President Trump got it right to applaud Musk and Tesla the way he did recognizing the importance of supporting genius builders like that gifted man. That’s what I expected from you on a fractional scale, ultimately, but we know what happened and President Trump hasn’t cared to come to your defense like Elon as far as I have heard.
Overstock morphing into a TECH COMPANY through block chain continues to remain a sad, sad story, indeed. How could one including me have ever believed the regulators would do the right thing and END THE CORRUPTION of counterfeiting in the back offices of Wrong Street where CRIMINALS are a dime a dozen wearing expensive suits.
What’s also hilarious to me is thinking about the speed at which Elon is compounding and doubling so much so that he may end up exceeding Berkshire’s Market Cap before Buffett, but wouldn’t it be a hoot if even before Munger dies?
I will never forget Charlie at Cal Tech in 2008 yakking about how if China and The Chinese, call them The Changs were ever to TRUMP–pun intended–The Mungers’ on the wealth meter, “then so be it,” as Charles T. opined.
Meanwhile, he has is Asian maven of Tiananmen Square fame, Li Lu, scoping out all the great Chinese companies including Build Your Dream Car(BYD), in Berkshire and his own portfolios while missing this great U.S. Company with a most capable genius, Elon Musk inside. This is all because Charlie thinks or at least thought when I heard him that Elon was too smart and arrogant for his own good.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. So the beat goes on, and we’re all just “dust in the wind” with few people who will care or remember rich old men like Munger after he is gone since compared to Musk, what did he really produce for Mother Earth?
Patrick, I once considered you the stronger fighting Irishmen I observed in business compared to that weak former COO at Level 3 Communications, Kevin O’Hara, who talked a mean sales game like you but couldn’t deliver as well.
Now I refer to you as THE FLIGHTING IRISHMAN since Wall Street forced you into hiding. Did you see this from your cave? No wonder your Rabbi’s fund managers bought this one and shunned you. Today, your tZero boy is talking about going to the equity finance well again, late this year, early next, pointing to how slow, and dismal sales in the technology you spent poured $285M into as part of incinerating capital without any returns!
The Overstock story is a cheap one, and sad to its core, indeed.
According to Fidelity who is not aligning as a Broker Dealer platform for trading the tZero digital dividend, if the vote is “approved”–doubtful when referencing the fraudulent methods that exist for publicly held corporate votes–there will be no cash in lieu of dividends and those who are short must supply the dividend in kind. After much research, Fidelity has stated this is already agreed to by the brokerage community working with the regulators. You have some Twitter affiliations spewing wrong information to anyone who follows them/him. Quiet Trees comes to mind in this regard.
I hope you let this fly, Patrick, because CoWhore, will censor it wherever he has influence and tentacles to get make that happen,
Thank God you beat that lying cheat and his cohort Rocker like you did many years ago by taking his money because I have never observed such a despicable creature misrepresenting truth or his intentions like this Mother F******* Clown except for maybe Crammer, in my life of investing.
You remember the wise guy from school that would provoke fights by whispering words in the other guy’s ears by promoting what the other guy thought? A real punk ass chicken is probably why he has a chicken farm today.
This SOB has the balls to say on his Twitter feed that he NEVER told anyone to short Tesla!
He has been bashing Musk and Tesla for years aiding and abetting the short miscreants who permeate his world.
But with his smarmy comments, they are still brazenly predicting Musk and Tesla’s failure.
What a dirty piece of garbage as part of the human species.
Marc CoWhore is a major scam artist with no credibility nor honor.
In the meantime, Musk’s Tesla is 50 percent upside away from Exxon’s Market Cap and from there one more DOUBLE to catch up to and out wealth Buffett and Munger.
I wonder if arrogant Munger feels as indifferent about The Musk’s trumping his family’s wealth like he did about The Chinese back in 2008?
This one might be too great for him to handle as he gives up the Ghost back to God!
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Diese ist die Zeit.
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