A sweet tweet you might have missed

It’s recently come to our attention that some of you are not taking full advantage of the Deep Capture Twitter feed. If not, then you are likely among the many who do not get to see video clips like this one, in which Patrick Byrne discusses executive compensation and recent activity by the SEC on Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto show.

It’s recently come to our attention that too many of you are not taking full advantage of the Deep Capture Twitter feed. If not, then you are likely among the many who do not get to see video clips like this one, in which Patrick Byrne discusses executive compensation and recent activity by the SEC on Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto show.

In addition to using Twitter to alert our followers to new posts on deepcapture.com, we use Twitter to spread the word about subjects, happenings, breaking news stories, and occasionally links to posts on other blogs that are likely of interest to you, but which may not warrant full posts on this site. This includes advance notice of Patrick Byrne’s many network TV news show appearances, as well as links to the video of those interviews as soon as they’re available.

You can follow our Twitter feed in one of two ways:

Old fashioned way: Come to deepcapture.com and look for updates in the column to the right (just below the fold) under the title “Deep Capture on Twitter”.

Web 2.0-compliant way: Get a free Twitter account and follow us there. This also gives you the option of having our “tweets” delivered to you via email or even your phone via SMS. Don’t worry…unlike some, we not manic tweeters. Between one and three relevant updates per day is about our limit. Any more than that and you can assume the sky is falling.

Additionally, I invite those of you who find the kind of content that is suitable for our Twitter feed to let me know, either via email, or (preferably) via direct message on Twitter itself. If that last part doesn’t make sense, just get an account and it should be fairly obvious.

  1. I gotta tweet for ya! I think the activity Mr. Byrne and his DeepCapture cohort write about can all be explained better as state sponsored industrial sabotage than as mere criminal activity. Parsimony is still adhered to, given that the head of Homeland Security, Mr. Chertoff has stated that “the line between the military and criminal activity has been obliterated”.

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