Patrick Byrne

355 posts
The oligarchy has two wings: Wall Street and the Deep State. Sine 2004 I have been hunting both, and now have them surrounded.

Emails show journalist rigged Wikipedia's naked shorts

Writing from the pages of a makeshift website known as, Bagley has accused Gary Weiss of not only rigging Wikipedia but flooding countless blogs and stock message boards with anonymous vitriol meant to undermine Patrick Byrne and his views on naked shorting. And he says that Weiss has worked in tandem with several others, including a man named Floyd Schneider.

The Short Seller Myth of "Market Efficiency"

By the way, why am I wasting my time with this? Who cares about these screwball statistics?The SEC is talking about protecting companies from getting clobbered by illegal market manipulation. The SEC is talking about stopping a crime and upholding the basic tenet of capitalism and correct human conduct that says that someone who sells something had darn well better deliver it.