Professor J. Halderman’s Public Affidavits and Declarations to a Federal Court in Georgia January 6, 20251 minute read7 comments
Manufacturing Consent Regarding “The Big Lie”: MSM’s Biggest Lie of All December 8, 20241 minute read6 comments
Unsettled Trades & Systemic Risk The Foreclosure Crisis: Punchline to a Michael Lewis Joke from 2008? The foreclosure crisis is being written and spoken of as though it were exclusively a paperwork crisis. For… byPatrick ByrneOctober 18, 201053 comments
Deep Capture the Data Our Captured Federal Regulator the SEC Unsettled Trades & Systemic Risk Regulators Spring Into Action Against Naked Short Sellers. Or not. As is explained in numerous pieces in DeepCapture, there are many cracks in the settlement system, one of… byPatrick ByrneDecember 7, 200837 comments
Deep Capture the Data Unsettled Trades & Systemic Risk The DTCC’s CNS naked short selling residue In a previous post I named various places where unsettled trades can accumulate: in the desks of brokers,… byPatrick ByrneDecember 1, 200825 comments
Unsettled Trades & Systemic Risk A Peace Sign for Wall Street Greetings, and peace. As we Irish say, “I’m sorry for your troubles.” In today’s Salt Lake Tribune there… byPatrick ByrneAugust 3, 2008
Unsettled Trades & Systemic Risk The End of the World as We Know It I will begin this preamble to the subject systemic risk with two quotes from Warren Buffett (by quoting… byPatrick ByrneFebruary 15, 20083 comments