The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him (or, What to send friends who ask, “Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?”)

This started with the 6 installment you may have read on the website. Yet those installments were more or less first drafts. I cut them up, rearranged the flow to be more logical, then kept adding details, pieces of proof, backstories, and previously unknown but important details (e.g., what went on backroom with Pence) that appear nowhere else but are a part of history. In the end, it wound up being being 10 chapters.

Note that this is eBook only. You can download it immediately after clicking through and buying it, and read it on Kindle or your Apple app or whatever eBook reader you use. If you enjoyed the installments on this website (which were the equivalent of an 80 page novella), this is about a 120 page novel.

Why am I charging $4.99? I started off expecting simply to put it up online for free as a pdf. A friend convinced me otherwise that it will mean more to more people if it has a price, both domestically and around the world. I accepted his argument. But I priced it as low as a serious book can go. And just so you know, the activities I mention in this book cost me about $1.5 million, and the 15 year DeepCapture project has cost me about $40 million.

You can buy it here on DeepCapture:

Or at Amazon:

The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him: (or what to send friends who ask, “Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?”)

Note the subtitle: “What to send friends who ask, ‘Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?’” Many people feel frustrated because they know, they just cannot say why they know, yet get frustrated with those who cannot see . Now they have something they can send their friends. If you know a few of those people, please feel free to send each a copy.

    1. Yeah it was a big mistake charging for the book. The argument that it will get more exposure that way is ridiculous. Click here or enter your credit card. Duh🙄

      1. Im now questioning this earlier opinion of mine. I guess if he goes on a book tour or appears on tucker or something. Maybe is ness to sell it. More importantly, I realize I dont actually know the ins and outs of the optimization here. But I do think it is worth doing something drastic, like having hardback copies of the book made and handing them out or mailing them out. Im aware thatd cost but something significant is worth doing here. God bless America in this present. And God bless the reader of this. Imagine things getting better. Too many characters in America for some good surprise not to happen.

        1. It’s also a testament to the integrity of Patrick that my comment was permitted to stay the last eight days. Because I know that some spam management is done. It mustve been really tempting. I mean, no one would know right.

          1. Once again your CONFIRMING you have zero interest in discovering the FACTS your just running your mouth trying to create doubt by triggering others feelings, nobody is buying your crapola, move on Troll.

        2. Hi Patrick,
          I am leaving this comment to try to reach you some way to find out why I may be blocked on your Telegram channel. It says this chat no longer available, but I can well see that numbers in your chat are going up. I am only blocked on your channel. I have shared some of your posts on Telegram but that is all. I do not know why I cannot view chats any longer. I so much appreciate your work and always look forward to reading what people have to say in your chat group. I did make a complaint on Telegram, but seeing that at the bottom of your chat page it says(in light gray letters) that the admins of this channel have prevented access, I am not understanding if this means your own admin or Telegram. Please, if possible, allow me access. Many thanks!

      2. Well Ive reconsidered this. Mostly I realize I dont know the ins and outs of this optimization well at all. I am impressed that patrick left my comment there. Some curating for spam is done, so it mustve been tempting to not let that comment stand the last nine or ten days

    2. Do you know this man is a PhD ? A billionaire WHAT is your life? Trailer? Part time Security guard?

    3. Everyone knows Biden is not only a huckster, but also a likely pedophile!
      Thanks Mr. Byrne for all you’ve done!

    4. Make $6,000-$8,000 A Month Online With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
      open this link…………………….. W­­­­w­­w.P­­­a­y­­s­9­9­.C­­­o­­m

  1. Gunther, please document your encounters with President Trump, Sidney Powell and Rudy Guiliano so I can compare it to Byrne’s account of what happened.

      1. Dear Gunther:
        Please write the first 6 chspters for free on your site, then we can compare your free offerings with that of Mr. Byrne and see whether we pay for his e-book or yours….or both ! 🙂

        1. No deal. The material circumstances under which I’m expected to compete with Mister Byrne, and at the same time surpass him in ironic detachment, sense of humor and historical perspective, in other words, to write like Gore Vidal and not like Alexandra Petri of the Washington Post…., WOULD REQUIRE A SUBSTANTIAL CASH ADVANCE!

          1. Your logic, (and/or your lack thereof), means this is likely the end of our conversation, Gunther.

            Good luck finding the cash advance…i am certainly NOT giving you any money at all !


          2. I’m surprised Gunther has read anything by Gore Vidal, whom I was fortunate enough to meet many years ago. Good comparison with Patrick though. The writing, not the gay part!

          3. What me and Gore Vidal have in common is that we were once two totally hot looking young guys. It’s a very, very exclusive club… , though not chummy …

          4. You won’t get it from me.
            If you want to provide it, do so,
            So it can be evaluated.

          5. In other words you can’t. Just admit it Gunter-putz, you’re a tool and a libturd moronic asshat. That’s you good qualities. Go troll elsewhere Gunther-my-bitch

      2. the most common distribution model for books is to put it on a platform at a set price. people tend to not appreciate things the are given for free. that is the main logic for anyone putting a price on things that they would rather give away. this behavior is proven. why would anyone give away a book for free and allow critics to disrespect and give biased critique of your work for free. i can testify from experience that giving away things for free opens a can of worms where people with certain agendas get to slam your work without having even paid anything. most communities and content are moving towards paid models now. the free platforms and content did not work because it builds bias and attracts people who only show up to try to disrespect or demoralize others. the paid model works much better online because you have groups of people who are more likely forming genuine real world interactions and who are thinking for themselves rather than repeating what they’ve heard without thought. it weeds out a lot of the behavior we have nowadays where half-wits like to say things they would never say to your face in reality. good on Patrick for setting such a great price and he easily should charge 2x.

        1. how exactly am i comparing myself to anyone?

          someone was mocking patrick implying that he should not charge for the book and i simply gave my perspective on why paid models work better. what i said is fact and based on experience with paid versus “free” verses “freemium” apps. why is it wrong for me to give context of my own experience with the “free” model and the issues that it can attract?

          you are either a troll loser or have half-wit level reading comprehension. actually come to think of it maybe you are just one of the losers i was talking about who doesn’t want to pay $5 because you are a broke loser troll and you want to leave bad reviews for free without even reading the book.

          you seem to be comparing yourself with someone who cannot comprehend writing.

        2. how exactly am i comparing myself to anyone?

          someone was mocking patrick implying that he should not charge for the book and i simply gave my perspective on why paid models work better. what i said is fact and based on experience with paid versus “free” verses “freemium” apps. why is it wrong for me to give context of my own experience with the “free” model and the issues that it can attract?

          you are either a troll loser or have half-wit level reading comprehension. actually come to think of it maybe you are just one of the losers i was talking about who doesn’t want to pay $5 because you are a broke loser troll and you want to leave bad reviews for free without even reading the book.

          you seem to be comparing yourself with someone who cannot comprehend writing.

    1. Heinz is a nitpicking troll and communist. He does what communists do. Projecting his own shortcomings onto others. Conspiracy theories everywhere, yet he is the only one who doesn’t fall for the biggest one. LOL

      Patrick, I would not even discuss a price or if it is reasonable. Without communism and fascism people can decide if they buy it or not. It’s all subject to an individuals opinion. and not rocket science. You did a job and in return you want some compensation. Fine with all reasonable people! Who doesn’t want to buy the book can still read here.

      Regarding the cover, same same. Some like it some don’t. Who cares. Subjective to the person who looks at it.

      Finally I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH Patrick for all your writings and what you do for the republic! I gained a few insights even though I know your reporting on the matter is subjective as well. Plus I do not concur with every opinion. But it was very helpful!

    2. trump ran away.
      gunter didnt notice sidney, went straight to rudy. rudy was drunk and so didnt know what happened to him. all cameras were focused on his face dripping with sweat.
      gunter… thought he could make money. but due to lack of video evidence, all he could do is come to this forum. true story.
      gunter was lucky that gen flynn was nowhere around.

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      1. Sadly, you are correct that Trump ran away. It is undeniable given the fact that he had the right and duty to implement the Insurrection Act but chose instead to just walk away into the sunset where billionaires live out their lives leaving the rest of us to pick up the check, as usual.

        1. Yes I also heard they wanted him to make a nationwide executive order to require e-verify for all employers. Said it would likely stand in the end. High hopes for trump but he caved multiple times and ways. Was bothered by 100,000 illegal immigrants in feb. now march is up 71% from that (400% since march 2020). My town has less people than what has entered since biden took office. Im hoping that finally even some elites are waking up. Some rich dudes who say enough. Finally Im esp concerned for israel. Ccp would keep america around weak and being exploited. Maybe not so w israel. Use em and bump em. Very scary thought.

  2. Just bought it – but first thought is – for a serious book, how about a designed cover? If the objective is to reach a bigger audience to inform them of your work…!

      1. Hello Patrick, my friend Brad Szollose started out as a graphic designer. Though he became an author/speaker, still designs book covers for other authors. His best selling award winning book is Liquid Leadership from Woodstock to Wikipedia and has become required reading for college/university courses. His book cover design, for Liquid Leadership, is simple but interesting and more appealing than most. He has done a Ted Talk which is an introduction to his book and what he does. It is like a business success model into the future, covering how technology has changed everything including us, bridging the gap generationally mellenials to baby boomers and all others, etc. Please give him a shout and tell him Dillon sent you! You can locate him on every social media site and through his Liquid Leadership website. He also has a podcast called Awakened Nation, which has a high quality amazing graphics display and equally impressive intro leading into the interviews. Go look at his work and you will want to hire him!

      2. Patrick, an ebook shouldn’t require a street address for shipping . Please make an exception to the shipping address requirement so that I can purchase the ebook with just an email address.

        1. An address is always required when purchasing anything online with a CC or debit card to verify the validity of the card.

      3. Someone is more concerned with the aesthetics of the cover than the message inside? Wow…. people amaze me. Off to work.

      4. Patrick:
        I purchased your book and started reading it right away. It’s a big improvement over the blog entries and thanks for adding an excellent cover design as promised. I noticed you hadn’t fixed many of the typographical errors from the originals. This is something any editor could do for you, or the readers here, including me, would if they knew you plan to incorporate them. Can you address, please?
        Thank you for your service to our country.

      1. Hi Patrick,

        Good meeting you in Austin. Look me up next time you are in town. You were under surveillance buddy, or I would have been more forthcoming. I almost got whacked over that.

        When we write my book we’ll charge $49.99

      2. Patrick…..I only buy real books. Not a Kindle person. Are you going to put this out as a hard copy book??

      3. Thanks again for your efforts, but Im having trouble with the strategic blunder of charging for the book. Please reconsider. In what world would more people read it, especially those whom we are trying to convince. (Also theres a pic of you at the whitehouse that lends credence and opens eyes it should be in a corner on the cover imo.)

      4. Mr. Byrne, Thanks for your efforts. Too bad you were unable to convince DJT to stay and fight rather than run away. Now there is little chance of saving America from total destruction which is what our enemies have wanted all along.

  3. Adding to what Julian wrote, I would suggest that your cover art should be your picture at the White House after the meeting. That picture shows every nuance of emotion that you wrote throughout this journey.

          1. well, everything looks like shit if you have shit over your blue goggles. wipe the goggles. shit will disappear.

            long term consructive suggestion: stop coprophagia. goggles will never get dirty.

      1. Patrick,

        I know it was a selfie but it’s not very flattering. You look like you’re wearing a neck brace. Find book covers you like and find out who designed them. Then get a pro to take your photo for the book cover. You could afford Annie Leibovitz!

  4. Does the book cite or include the phone survey analysis by Prof Stephen J Miller, which appeared in your drafts on this site, and if it does, do you at least also point out that under criticism from colleagues, including the Vice President of the American Statistical Association, Miller himself has acknowledged serious flaws in his own analysis?

    1. Robert G,

      I just read the article where you appear to be quoting Professor Miller saying that he “acknowledges serious flaws in his analysis” .

      No where does he acknowledge this. Three Statisticians questions the methodology of the Braynard study and criticized Professor Miller for signing a sworn affidavit that relies on it …

      None of the three offer anything substantive in their criticism other than they think that Professor Miller was wrong to give the Braynard study so much credence ….Who are they to assert that their opinion as to the value and reliability of Braynard’s work is any more pertinent that that of Professor Miller’s ….

      They put their pants on the same way he does.

      I read it as a piece of ‘Orwellian Browbeating ‘….nothing of substance … best a feeble attempt by them at initiating an unsolicited ‘pissing contest’…

      Thank you Patrick for both your work …and not responding to this thinly veiled (if not uncharitable) attempt to troll you ….

      Pug Henry

      1. Yeah, yeah, if you don’t toe the line here, you are a troll.

        The flaws in the Miller report are in the assumptions about the data, not the arithmetic, and we all know that survey data is not reliable, especially around voting. This was most strongly evident in the polls failing to predict Trump’s win in 2016, but I guess if they now seem to support his victory, they are suddenly gospel, to Trump supporters!

        Miller’s math is probably fine, but the assumption that the data is reliable and representative is very shaky. A lot of the phone numbers were wrong, so some of the people who did answer the phone might not even have been the intended interviewee. Also, if some of them requested and received a ballot and then didn’t vote, they might have lied to the phone interviewer, and said they didn’t request a ballot or didn’t receive it, because they were too embarrassed to admit to not voting. Others may have checked off a box on an earlier form to request a ballot without realizing or remembering they had done so, and thus told the interviewer they got one they didn’t ask for. I once accidentally asked for an interpreter at traffic court that way – it was quite awkward when I arrived! The people who could be reached by phone, are probably not representative of the much larger group of ones who could not be reached, who might have given quite different survey responses. Braynard may or may not be a rigorous surveyor who kept accurate records. And Miller is a pure mathematician with no background in dealing with messy real world data.

        I don’t know about the book, but in the versions on this site, Byrne brushes all the concerns about Miller’s statement off with minimal comment, giving the impression that the Miller statement is conclusive, and he gives the same casual dismissal to any challenges to the arguments by Dr Shiva and Mr Solomon and other supposed mathematical proofs of fraud, all of which are heavily critiqued by a variety of credentialed and distinguished experts.

        1. Robert G.

          The point is, your inquiring as to whether Patrick updated his assessment to account for the fact that other biased ‘experts’ disagree with the decision of Professor Miller to rely on the Braynard study, I believe you are being disingenuous.

          The news article you linked to offered nothing of substance to challenge Professor Miller’s analysis other than the opinions, likely biased, of other purported experts who disagreed with him giving the Braynard study such weight ….That’s THEIR opinion …

          If Patrick operated under that literary regimen, he’d be unable to cite any studies or assessments to make his points .

          Obviously your not oblivious to this fact, so I can only conclude you are , as I said, offering a thinly veiled ,albeit pseudo-scholarly, trolling to the discourse …

          Pug Henry

          1. If the only thing wrong with Miller’s report is that other experts disagree with it, well, I guess that’s fine then! Just cite it as proof of election fraud and it’s all good.

            Both you and Patrick (at least in the draft book) seem happy with the notion that disputed evidence can be laundered by assuming any critics are biased. Patrick also slyly insinuates (again in the drafts) that anybody who recants their “proof” must have been bullied into doing so.

            These are pretty convenient and self-serving assumptions.

          2. Again, I was going through the comments section, read yours, noted that you were straightforward enough to provide a link, was intrigued enough by your comment to go to the link and read it, only to find out it didn’t support the ‘apparent’ underlying rationale for your comment.

            You obviously had/have an axe to grind likely because you are content with the results of the election and alarmed by anyone like Patrick who can successfully invalidate your ‘belief/opinion’ and turn said contentment into discontentment

            Take credit for at least taking the time to read Patrick’s account …..but don’t try to pass your interest off as honest, benign inquiry because it clearly was not …..hence the ‘troll’ assignation ….

            You should wear it proudly …it suits you….

            Pug Henry …

          3. It sounds like you are only objecting to my saying Miller’s “analysis” was flawed rather than that his conclusions were flawed.
            Anyway, not to beat a dead horse….

        2. RoberG.
          You say you are after truth…then at least admit one of your own untruths littered across the many pages of this site…Pug Henry unwrapped one of them.

          You made a clear and unambiguos comment about the the good Professor “taking back” his assertions due to his colleagues criticism. However, as Pug Henry pointed out, he did nothing of the sort. And continues to stand hy his assertions, even in the article you provided the link to.

          Can you at least admit your statement in your very first comment on this Feb20th article/post was wrong, and misstated the Professor’s position ?


          ps. Pug Henry, lets see if RoberG will be open enough to respond to my question directly (and restricted to the specific point i make here.)

          …elsewhere on this site, when challenged specifically, he goes silent. I don’t think he is ill-intentioned (but i could be wrong on that asessment)…. he is however, almost certainly, a sloppy thinker and evasive debater…. like the vast majority of the general public.

          1. Anil,

            We’re all guilty at times to wanting so badly to have our positions validated that we’ll sloppily embrace the positions of any of those that appear to do just that.

            I was impressed that he provided a link, but became quickly disappointed that the ‘proof’ he offered was so lacking.

            Actually, to be honest, I was happy to see that this was the best he could do to undermine Patrick’s insights ….If that’s the best Patrick’s detractors have, we can confidently continue (as I have) to promulgate his story ..

            Bought the download today (right after I read the article on RoberG’s link)

            Pug Henry

          2. how dare you argue with a liberal.

            he is right if he says he is right. you lowlife.

            just like his friends who put up pizza boxes to block those stupid people from watching them work their butt off during the vote count. dont you DARE to doubt those honorary citizens. if they say, they are right. they are.

            who do you think YOU are. dont you know that we are only equal when htere are no liberals around? and when they are among us. they are the MOST equal. … just assume yourself to be a nothing. then think up a perfect human. that is the liberal.

            if you dont believe me that they are perfect, just watch all those Antifa rioters. Do you now realize just how imperfect you are? Antifa is a perfect exammple of what perfection is like. Robert is very close to them mentally. a lot of energy.

            The only thing that is not ok with Robert, as per his wife, … is the size … but then who said it matters. and robeert is not american anyway…

          3. I don’t think I actually used the term “taking back”.

            After criticism, Miller added the disclaimer that “the analysis is based on the data I received being accurate and a representative sample of the population”, which more or less acknowledges that he didn’t attempt to verify it for himself. According to his colleague Dr. De Veaux, who thinks Miller violated 7 of 10 ethical principles for statisticians (De Veaux is Vice President of the American Statistical Association): “after receiving this and similar feedback, on both statements, Miller apologized for his “lack of clarity and due diligence.”” Hmmm – “lack of due diligence”.

            So Miller acknowledged the he didn’t verify the data, and simply assumed it was representative, and later apologized for neither checking it nor making it clear he didn’t check it. I would call that acknowledging serious flaws. He didn’t apologize for his actual math, which might be valid, but since it is based on faulty assumptions, it’s essentially garbage in – garbage out.


            But never mind Miller – my real concern is that reader’s of Patricks posts here on this subject, would have no idea that the mathematical analyses and conclusions of a variety of presumed experts, including Miller, Solomon, Shiva and others, are not only far from settled, but vehemently disputed by other experts, so some lack of “due diligence” may apply here as well, unless Patrick had beefed up his own discussion of the possible criticism of these reports in his book.

        3. @RoberG: I know you didn’t use the phrase “take..back” — that’s why I used it in quotes :)… the point is you are not understanding what Pug Henry and I have taken the time to explain to you… it’s OK…

          @Pug Henry — you are absolutely right, sir… we are all looking for validation for our unique point of view (henceforth “POV”) — the problem is that you and I can be aware of our shortcomings and acknowledge them openly… someone like RoberG – (and I have more than a few of them in the firm that I co-founded almost two decades ago…) doesn’t want to acknowledge even when they are wrong… they are like the proverbial blind man who just grabs the tail of the elephant, and insists that the elephant is like a rope.. 😉

          Good to see you here, and thank you for taking the time to read RoberG’s link (I was avoiding reading it out of laziness, but once I saw you dive in — I did too :)). I enjoy a well-reasoned honest debate – haven’t concluded 100% that the RIG was a RIG, but am currently at 90% probability and tell a few people about it, waking them up to the dangers of just blindly reading and accepting what 6 media corporations have curated for the world to see and believe..

          Good wishes to all,

          1. Anil,

            We are in total agreement …..

            But the stench of ‘dead horses’ is beginning to e-waft over this comment site so I’ll conclude by noting that, once again, RoberG cited an article from the local/college (Williams) news paper that recounts some ‘act of contrition’ Professor Miller has purportedly acted out, as some sort of proof that he has recanted his sworn testimony.

            As the old saying goes: “Two can play at that game” –

            Only the most epistemologically deluded remain willfully ignorant of the ‘Scarlet Letter’ treatment conservatives and/or those who argue conservative positions have increasingly had to endure . I’m not a lawyer, but, as it relates to political/constitutional issues, I’ve found several blogs of reputable practitioners/experts from which to round out my opinion on current news related events . Professor William Jacobson of Cornell Law – ‘Legal Insurrection – – is one of them. You may have heard of him as he has been under fire by the student body and some of his fellow professors for confronting critical race theory at Cornell. (He is surprised by yesterdays SCOTUS position on the 2020 election cases that have been brought to it.)

            My point is that RoberG is being deliberately, if not subtlety, contrary in citing examples of ‘Orwellian brow-beating’ that Professor Miller must endure, like Professor Jacobson, because of his tenacious adherence to the path of Truth.

            RoberG appears to be like so many of those who , while not thrilled by the choice they had for President, couldn’t stomach another 4 years of Trump, and , now, after the fact, is desperately trying to validate/justify their (his) decision to throw in with those who it is obvious, conspired to undermine and , in fact, hijack the Republic.

            Like the central character in Edgar Alan Poe’s “A Tell Tale Heart” ….he keeps hearing the ‘heartbeat’ of the victim of the crime he is complicit in….and is desperately flailing around for anything that will drown out the sound of the ‘beat’.

            RoberG is one of those’ citizens’ that Benjamin Franklin prophesied we’d be confronted with when he answered that question of what form of government the founders had settled on:

            “A Republic IF YOU can keep it”.

            Unfortunately, for RoberG …..HE is one of those who have failed the test.

            Hence the constant beat of the heart he hears …..the heart of the ‘victim’ …our Republic his willful ignorance was complicit in allowing to expire.

            Pug Henry

          2. LOL – Anil, I like how you said I made a “clear and unambiguous statement” but you, yourself paraphrased it with words “take back” which you are now distancing yourself from – I hope you see the irony.

            For everybody in this thread – I have been sincere and have tried to be consistent in everything I have posted. Miller did a lousy job which he admits – he analysed data whose provenance he didn’t check and didn’t highlight for his readers that it might be sketchy. And yes, Braynard can be considered a biased source as he has a strong association with Trump and conducted the survey specifically to find evidence of cheating. He may have done the study perfectly, but that relationship and its potential implications should have been better disclosed.

            Pug Henry, I don’t know if I specifically said anywhere that Miller “recanted” his affidavit, (and if I did I was wrong) but he certainly did qualify it, indicating it is true IF the phone data is good, and it’s already well established that phone survey data about voting behaviour is not very reliable. He should have known that (and probably does!) Two concerns are that the answers they got got might have been wrong, either because the respondents lied or forgot, or their family/housemates who in many cases answered the phone got it wrong; and and that the small subset of answers they got were not randomly selected and thus cannot be assumed to be representative. Other criticisms are that there was no corresponding analysis of Democratic voters to see if they same findings might be seen, which would tend to indicate no fraud favoring one candidate over another. Finally the experts criticizing Miller are better qualified than he is in this kind of work.

            Snipe at me all you want, but the bottom line is that the Miller report is not valid, and furthermore that Patrick gave it too much credibility, at least on this site.

          3. OK, I see where the confusion may have arisen. In a post yesterday at 11:07 I made a comment about Miller, and in the next paragraph I said:

            “Both you and Patrick (at least in the draft book) seem happy with the notion that disputed evidence can be laundered by assuming any critics are biased. Patrick also slyly insinuates (again in the drafts) that anybody who recants their “proof” must have been bullied into doing so.”

            That part wasn’t specifically intended to refer to Miller – instead I was referring to remarks Patrick had made elsewhere, as I thought the post made clear.

            Here are examples of what I was referring to:

            “One of the people who made this claim [regarding Benford’s law] has retracted it, but others maintain it, and in any case the subject of retractions has also become, “problematic,” for reasons to be explored).”(Byrne part 1.3)


            “The Goon Squad has not forced Lott to recant and he stands by his findings.” [ibid]

            Sorry if that gave the impression I was claiming Miller had retracted his paper. Hopefully on review you can see that I did not.

        4. Sounds like some serious “Orange Man BAAADD!!” derangement that you suffer from. Yeah, keep making up excuses for the OBVIOUS fraud on ALL levels in the 2020 election. Putz.

  5. You’re a damn good writer, so whether you made up the details or not is, in some goofy English major way, immaterial… You get more nuggets of truth inside of these pieces, than the pablum I’ve been reading for four years where people on both sides pretend to be truly incredulous about the other side.

    1. Thanks. Good of you to notice. I have noticed that only good writers notice that I am (if I say so myself) a good writer also. It goes over the heads of most the slob-journalists I deal with.

      1. I have observed it fits right in with some of your theories: our whole society seems to have become very rigid intellectually, and needs to be very clear about the good guys and bad guys… Five years ago I decided, extremists will be the death of us all…We all thought it would be subtle if they ever came into power, and it would slowly creep on… But nope, now that the ideologues can afford the goons, they are “smart” enough to go balls to the wall In a world where hypocrisy in broad daylight has become cool and culturally sanctioned

      1. @ least he has somethgin to trim. your size … leaves nothing to trim. no wonder you are always on the receiving side.

        1. Your job is to stand outside the stall holding a roll of toilet paper in case Patrick runs out. The official title of your position is THE ROYAL CHAMBER POT.

          1. you got it wrong, mr. gethammeredfrombehind. it was MY job to provide patrick with the toilet paper.

            but then it was you who asked me to do it. and then to collect the trash can with that used paper. but now that you want to talk about it, let’s be honest. you wanted that trash can. and i did see you stuffing your mouth full with it. come clean. i mean in the sense of … admit it. … we libertarians dont care about your fetishes.

            getting too much from behind is not reason to not understand math.

            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


            ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

  6. I got the Kindle version. It could use a good editor. Many of the pictures which contain text are so small that it’s impossible to read them.

    And another thing are video links. They are great for a blog post but not for a book. It would be better to write short descriptions of the videos, including transcripts of the important parts, or leave them out completely. Or maybe include them as a list of additional material on the website.

    Besides these shortcomings, great book!

  7. Hi,

    Thanks for putting out this book. Love it. Great insight. Transparent. The world needs to know. Any plans for a paperback version? It would be great to hand them out like candy. I would even be interested in supporting financially to get a paperback version.


  8. would like to see a list of who should be indicted. (havent read it yet)…. We wont get past this until people go to jail. We can’t get rid of the states due to the electoral college and we can’t ever trust the states and we can’t get a federal API to vote and bypass the states, so this will NEVER get fixed. Any by 2024, the communists will have money on both sides, so that to me is more important than fixing this unfixable shitfest.

  9. Is Patrick Byrne even mentioned at all in Maria’s book? After running up all that tab ..?

    p.s. not available in Mandarin.

    1. can you pls clarify why you would even care? ran out of topics?

      59 – 68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

    2. In the Audible edition it says that the quant stuff is at Deep Capture. I feel dumb, but I can’t find the videos and graphs alluded to.

  10. PB send every one in Congress a copy of your book. Also to EO China Joes cabinet members if you can. Have a 100.000 printed and spread them all over DC in every hotel, restaurant, bar, all over the subway , in every news stand and all over the national mall. Make sure you send a bunch to Scotus. Plaster every corner of DC with your book. It will be the most important investment you ever made.

      1. gh suffers from eating too much BS and getting too much from behind.

        59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        not. my. president.


        ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

    1. Patrick, something serious like Jim Murphy is saying truly is called for. Please consider getting way out of the box like that. Our lives are on the line man. 🙏🏻

    1. In India they practice open defecation. In America we sign books. In one culture a book is crap and in the other toilet paper …

      1. ok. i get it now. one guy is under you, doing you. the other, an indian, openly defecating into your mouth. ooohhhkayyy… wow. coprolalia. as original as it gets. no wonder you guys think that we are all different. we actually are.

        keyboard warriors like you. daring to act like you are more than just a fly. comparing yourselves with the GIANT that pat byrne is? check up on his cv, dude. compare it with yours. keep eating that guy’s whatever. because you should.

        59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        not. my. president.


        1. …. I can see that you ran out of vocabulary at the end of your rant . Either that or mommy came to chance your Huggies …

          1. 59<79.
            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


  11. Your book won’t load to cart. Let me know if this is a technical issue on your end.
    Also, I agree with a previous comment you are a good writer. When you write without haste your stories are fluid and captivating. However, you often do write and post in haste and it is a disaster! I gave up on following your story because I couldn’t take the constant sloppy amending of each chapter. As much as I was enjoying your story it was an absolute turn-off! The overall structure of your website is a mess too which is why I stopped reading daily. Everything is very disjointed. Never do I post replies nor is my intention to be anything but constructive which is why I decided to write this. Patrick, you are a smart man, but more importantly, you are an important and much needed voice. With all your resources and intellect you can do better than this amateur site and publishing.
    As for your book, from what I gather you were trying to please your readers and toss up your chapters before being proofed and/or completed. Always apologizing because it’s late and you’re tired doesn’t work either. Get some sleep and proof and post the next day. I don’t want to feel like I have to go back and re-read a chapter three times because it’s been amended over and over and I may have missed something. It became hard to follow which was the last amended post. The fact that I don’t want to miss anything is a complement and a testament to your great storytelling, but the manner in which you post is like a person with the worst case of ADD. Be confident in the cover of your book without apology and if you’re not confident or satisfied wait to publish until you are. I must say, that was weird and hard to take the book seriously. When I saw that you actually put all the chapters in one fluid (I hope 🤞) book I was relieved to be able to go back and read the story in full, but then you were changing the cover and the book couldn’t be added to the cart I hesitated for it would be an incomplete mess. I want to be able to turn new people on to your site and very important book, but until you find some structure it’s rough to suggest new introductions. I want to get anybody and everybody to read your book. Your voice is a great source to wake people who otherwise might never wake up and pay attention, but for the love of God, get organized. You didn’t have to dedicate yourself and your time, but I myself, am incredibly grateful. Now, let us help you!
    Btw, to the person that said a copy(ies) of your book should be left in every hotel room is genius!! Hotel rooms, waiting rooms, lobbies, coffee shops, public transportation…everywhere!

    1. Stop repressing yourself. In everbody’s head is that little person saying, “LIFE IS A SH*T AND I’M A DUMB-ASS!” That’s what keeps most people from writing books about themselves.

      1. 59<79.
        59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        not. my. president.


    2. Just because you hate the mechanics of Patrick Byrne’s writing process, doesn’t mean everyone else does. You’re entirely free to hate anything and everything you want to hate. The internet is a free-for-all of haters of all kinds of things.
      Maybe you should wait a month, then read Patrick Byrne’s book. Some of us don’t freak out about typos, a bit of messy process, or reading the writing of a very busy man who has multiple projects underway. I’ve been reading old articles about him, and it’s apparent he’s never been anything close to a “conformist”.

      1. The psychoanalytic term for your condition is libidinal transference. May I suggest “Civilization and its Discontents”? Yes, I may.

        1. 59<79.
          59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
          not. my. president.


  12. Great writing. One point of concern. The sports metaphors, and the President* …

    The difference between home run records, or a super bowl, and a presidential election, is that the fraud keeps happening over and over with each passing day, long after game day.

    If you break the home run record, it’s done (until the next record breaker). When you defraud an election, that fraud happens every single following day, afresh, like a brand new crime.

    The crime, in essence, is that you installed governance without consent. Without consent. And each passing day is a brand new violation.

    If we were playing a game of chess, and you walked into the kitchen for some coffee, and i removed two chess pieces while you were gone and then moved mine to declare checkmate on your return…of course I could say that, according to the rules of chess, I won. After all, I put you in checkmate.

    But, even there, the game would be over and you would simply not have another game with me.

    Here, as American citizens, we’re being governed without our consent (violated) on a continuing bases for years to come…because of the “rules.”

    A wise fellow once said “Man was not created for the law, but the law was created for man.”

    1. Donald Trump LOST because he don’t have the balls to stand against the Covid hysteria. The election is just a footnote.

      1. The point you missed is even with the COVID hysteria, Trump won in a landslide, only to be denied by the grand conspiracy among corrupt Democrats, anti-America Deep.State, and foreign enemies, and not sure about the military.

          1. Anonymous,
            That had me laughing…. ;)…..unfortunately, this message has to go to Gunther….cant respond to your message directly, we’re already four levels into this particular thread !
            Am still laughing as I write this….:) thanks for the gift of that unPC humour 😉

          2. You are not here for a honest conversation. Why bother if you are confident your guy won? You seem to be more obsessed with trolling on this board. How much they pay you to lie?

          3. I admit that is a funny response. Best line of the day. You are wrong: I think Trump got 79, Biden got 68, before the magic went to work. But good line.

      2. Gunther, please get off my thread. You’re either a simple-minded unserious fellow, or just some Chinese bot…

        1. I am the spirit of Zhou Enlai, and my mission is to feed Americans very spicey foods until they all run to the toilet at the same time.

          1. zhou or gh, pls stop assuming that all we want is to run to the toilet for you to get your pounding.

            either way, get a break. you no longer know the right from left. up from down. started eating too much BS. get a life.

            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


            ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

      3. 🥱 C’mon MAN! Get help for your TDS. “Lying dog-faced pony soldier!” “I don’t work for YOU!”, “Fire that prosecutor investigating Hunter & Burisma or you won’t get your millions of American tax-payer $$$$!” “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” “I’m not going to stop fracking!!”>>signs ‘E.O. shutting down the Keystone Pipeline>>THOUSANDS of jobs lost….poof! With just the flick of his mighty pen & those E.O.s that only “dictators rule with”……CLOWN.

  13. I have been reading these installments and I appreciate your work so very much. I love your style of writing, I think you’re a gifted storyteller. One question that keeps rattling around in my head… And I do Feel a bit rude to put it to you so bluntly, but my question: you’ve been hunting the deep state since 2004, “the oligarchy has two wings the Deep State and Wall St.”… How does this work you’re doing, this beneficence, square with your “rabbi” being Warren Buffett? Doesn’t that man have a great deal to do with both? Forgive me if that seems important or rude, I don’t mean for it to be.

      1. Hi Lisa,
        We’ve interacted before, so for that, and other reasons, am writing back to your question re the Rabbi…. i know neither of them personally, but have read a great deal about both, (more so the Rabbi than PB, just because there’s much more material available on the former…)

        So with that prelude, i would say that the Rabbi has a LOT to do with Wall Street, but very little to do with the Deep State…he tries hard to be as apolitical as possible, because Finance and Investing are his Gods from a very young age….he also is a conflict avoidant person which, at least to my mind, explains a lot about his actions, (or lack thereof), with respect to Patrick’s almost two-decade long crusade.

        Hope that helps..
        ps. Would you prefer I addresss you as KeepTrying ? If so, apologies, i used Lisa here…

        1. I would say the timing of his advice to Patrick to come out with the Russia Gate stuff, Patrick’s stepping down form OSTK, and the change in the issuance of OSTKO is very suspect. Mr. Buffet, and many of his friends, could have suffered substantial losses if the market was forced to cover the shorts.

          Based on the lack of interest by our government and MSM about Patrick’s revelations, I believe he would have done the country a better service to push through OSTKO the right way before stepping down. JJ blinked and we got GME, which was a dart gun to Wall Street. OSTKO was designed to be a torpedo, but was disarmed.

          1. pretty sure patrick is not stupid to just act upon advice without going through minutiae involved. buffett is too old to try to harm someone he knows since early geico years… imo

            the fact that billionaires looked away when money was stolen is bad. looked away when the election was stolen … is VERY bad. history has time and time again shown that mobs running wild often end up killing their own…. we are not anywhere near that YET… but playing with fire IS dangerous. billionaires are predominantly VERY smart individuals. wonder what their logic is.

            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


      1. the gay liberal showing his true colors as an antisemite… that’s ssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo unusual…

        59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        not. my. president.


        ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

  14. You got me. Ordered an e-reader. I’m one of them old school nerds who reads only physical books. But you’re a decent writer and what you published here tastes for more for sure!

  15. Patrick,

    We will soon have the first app done. Posting to the IPFS is just a web form and we are working on standard json formats for display.

    ebooks will of course be one of many formats. Could we post and distribute your book and posts from deepcapture on the new free open source platform? You don’t have to answer me but if you would let Tron know if you are down, he can let me know.

    if you want to read some excellent dolphin speak on the subject

    for simpletons like me, the simple explanation

    We are gonna win, but not by beating them back, we are going to change the entire playing field and they won’t be able to stop us.

    1. I will read your links.

      You can distribute DeepCapture posts. But the book is for sale: I cannot give it away through your system.

      Tell Tron to get in touch.

        1. And by the way, the only revenue here will be going to you and the BC trans fees. There are no other costs other then the creation of the original assets. We will cover the costs of the asset creation and you can pay us back. Either 500 or 100 RVN depending on which way we go…

          “Kings of Leon’s album will be released everywhere albums are released — Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon — but the NFT version available on Yellowheart will be the only product with special perks. The token, priced at $50, includes enhanced media — kind of like an alternate, moving album cover — as well as a digital download of the music, and limited-edition vinyl. The sale of the album NFTs opens on Friday at 12 p.m. E.T. and continues for two weeks. After that time, no more will be made, and the NFT becomes a tradable collectible.”

          The only difference here is there are no middle men and you are going to get 100% of the proceeds. You can do everything they are doing here with RVN and a lot easier. You don’t need an army of programmers to make it happen, just a few pre-formatted templets and some RVN….

    1. YES!!! I know Patrick Byrne is thinking ahead, and is very much aware of Big Tech censorship. I’m hoping a lot of people buy “The Deep Rig” before Amazon thinks of censoring it, removing it, whatever. But Amazon is the biggest seller of books, so it should be kept for sale here as long as possible.

      1. Ed, Please see the above post. This is built on Ravencoin, of which Patrick was the early major supporter.

        I am not using kindle and I would like to pay in crypto. Digital format preferred. is a CC payment gateway that accepts all types of crypto even RVN.

        But Patrick seriously, I can’t believe you haven’t asked someone to setup way to pay directly in RVN and have them receive the ebook using IPFS. There are several people who would help in the community and you know who you could ask. You gave us the tools to circumvent the centralized monetary system, then you write a book and give it amazon with out even a cypher punk option.

        You see the vision clearer than I do. Right now you have an amazing audience and a great story to tell. You should be leveraging this to help introduce all these good people who are asking what can we do, to what you started with Medici and gave to the world with Ravencoin.

        Sure use amazon and credit cards, but also give them a way to by pass big tech. At the very least make COAs assets to send out to buyers. These will become as valuable as the books.

          1. really? if that’s what you like to think, it’s ok for now. one day, you will learn how to count and i will teach you math. now, pls get back to figuring out what right and left mean. room temp iq or not, you still have to spend @ least 1 hr a day working or studying.

            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


          2. I can do it and he is much more educated on the tech than I am. I don’t think you have any idea how easy it is and what Patrick did for the world by taking Bruce Fenton’s idea to reality

    2. I just found out that THE DEEP RIG is for sale on DEEP CAPTURE.COM. Same price. On this website. I either missed seeing that option before this evening, or maybe Patrick Byrne added it today? It’s good to have it available here because there are anti-BigTech readers who no longer buy from Amazon.

  16. The book definitely has more information than the articles posted here. Excellent writing that’s informative yet concise, sprinkled with intelligent opinion. Loved the humor interjected; I caught myself laughing about that unfortunate football scenario.

    1. I’m guessing Patrick Byrne is a one man operation most of the time. Maybe reading The Deep Rig for an audio version will be his next project.

      1. Patrick,

        I’ve mentioned it previously, so risk becoming a nag: Write your autobiography. Ask your relatives to start jotting down little things they remember from your childhood. No need to write all in one go, which would be daunting, but a few paragraphs here and there, as images pop into your head, over many months and years. You are still a work in progress!

        Here is your title: CAPTURED MEMORIES

        1. Excellent suggestion. Through reading most of what he has written, I have been able to piece together amazing aspects of his accomplishments such as; studied in China and speaks Mandarin, philosophy Ph.D., black belt, multi engine pilot, etc… Your story is worthy of history sir…

  17. IGNORE THE TROLLS; $4.99 is a bargain!
    Read the chapters, listened to the interview with Tracy Beanz, and bought the book.
    Thank you for all your efforts, along with Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, and their team.

    PS – A friend of mine served with Mike Flynn and has tremendous respect for him.

  18. I’m hoping a lot of blue-minded folks read this but there’s a majority that believe the election was stolen so you have a captive audience for your book. You know you’ve really made it when ther are Byrne book burning parties and we’ve started hearing that you sleep on My Pillow sheets and need to be immediately cancelled!

    1. i dont knwo how many of the dem voters really listen to anything but msnbc and cnn. we cant trust any numbers atm. even those that are favorable to us. who knonws….

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


    2. but unless amazon magically decreases the number of downloads – this very book could be an indicator of sorts. but purchase of politics associated books are really not necessarily a sign that a blue collar worker in Phili voted trump vs biden vs voted @ all and whether he/she is even aware of this discussion…

      patrick, live number of books downloaded indicator comes to mind if it does sufficientlly well to become a statistically relevant barometer? what do you think, boss?

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


  19. Patrick,

    I like the cover art. It looks like an undersea adventure with that title. A political Titanic, we all know how the story ends.

    I sent the Amazon link to my Brexit friend in the UK so I hope you get another customer. I hope a publisher asks to put it out in paperback.

    Heard you on Frank & Beanz express disappointment that you were called a grifter for charging for your book. Do they all work for free?

    1. patrick,

      there is NOTHING wrong to charge for your book.

      if you hadn’t you would be a rich spoiled brat.
      if you had charged too much, you would be a rich, spoiled, GREEDY brat.
      if you….
      if you…

      thank you for everything you do. you are an inspiration to us all. still havent read the book but all the 6 installments. too busy discrediting the goons here on teh forum… 😉

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


  20. THE COVER IS MISLEADING. A RIG is what is used to drill for OIL, whether on land or at sea. Imagine somebody grabbing this book on the run at an airport bookstore, thinking they’ll be reading about the OIL business, and not somebody’s private monkey business ….

    1. gh suffers from eating too much BS and getting too much from behind. pls forgive his stupidity.

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

  21. Anil,

    We are in total agreement …..

    But the stench of ‘dead horses’ is beginning to e-waft over this comment site so I’ll conclude by noting that, once again, RoberG cited an article from the local/college (Williams) news paper that recounts some ‘act of contrition’ Professor Miller has purportedly acted out, as some sort of proof that he has recanted his sworn testimony.

    As the old saying goes: “Two can play at that game” –

    Only the most epistemologically deluded remain willfully ignorant of the ‘Scarlet Letter’ treatment conservatives and/or those who argue conservative positions have increasingly had to endure . I’m not a lawyer, but, as it relates to political/constitutional issues, I’ve found several blogs of reputable practitioners/experts from which to round out my opinion on current news related events . Professor William Jacobson of Cornell Law – ‘Legal Insurrection – – is one of them. You may have heard of him as he has been under fire by the student body and some of his fellow professors for confronting critical race theory at Cornell. (He is surprised by yesterdays SCOTUS position on the 2020 election cases that have been brought to it.)

    My point is that RoberG is being deliberately, if not subtlety, contrary in citing examples of ‘Orwellian brow-beating’ that Professor Miller must endure, like Professor Jacobson, because of his tenacious adherence to the path of Truth.

    RoberG appears to be like so many of those who , while not thrilled by the choice they had for President, couldn’t stomach another 4 years of Trump, and , now, after the fact, is desperately trying to validate/justify their (his) decision to throw in with those who it is obvious, conspired to undermine and , in fact, hijack the Republic.

    Like the central character in Edgar Alan Poe’s “A Tell Tale Heart” ….he keeps hearing the ‘heartbeat’ of the victim of the crime he is complicit in….and is desperately flailing around for anything that will drown out the sound of the ‘beat’.

    RoberG is one of those’ citizens’ that Benjamin Franklin prophesied we’d be confronted with when he answered that question of what form of government the founders had settled on:

    “A Republic IF YOU can keep it”.

    Unfortunately, for RoberG …..HE is one of those who have failed the test.

    Hence the constant beat of the heart he hears …..the heart of the ‘victim’ …our Republic his willful ignorance was complicit in allowing to expire.

    Pug Henry

    1. Hi, guys, I just wrote a reply to an earlier comment, trying to demonstrate that I did not say Miller had recanted. so hopefully you can scroll up and see it.

      1. RoberG,

        I’ll confess to not being a regular reader and, thus responder as regards the comments sections on blogs and articles ….I tried to find the return arrow button on your last post to allow me to respond directly to it, but they seem to appear randomly on some posts and not on others.

        I read the ones you posted above after my last ….and All I’ll say is that your analysis of the critiques of Professor Miller’s appears to accurately convey the point the 3 statisticians were making, but my point was that just because we can find experts to contradict an assertion/position doesn’t mean we (or Patrick) necessarily has to agree with their ‘opinions’.

        I am not an expert in mathematics or statistics, but I understand them as well as I do quantum mechanics and the standard theory …I read the critiques and found them to be little more than thinly veiled polemics …Now I’m ready to admit I might be wrong about that, but then you will need to arrange a meeting between us and at least one of the ‘expert’ arrayed against Professor Miller.

        Nothing I read in the critiques has to do with the form of the data Braynards study produced , it all seems to deal with his sampling methodology … its valid to critique it ….but, frankly, I’ve never in my life seen a statistical sampling methodolgy , in matters of great import, not be challenged by experts who believe that there are better methods of achieving a sounder result.

        It goes with the territory ….which, again, brings us full circle around to your motives, again, for broaching the subject and calling out Patrick on it.

        Frankly, to me, it seems like a ‘JV’ tactic (a phrase my old ice hockey teammates used to throw out at opponents who tried to, but were incapable of intimidating us)

        If you want to really show us some stuff, why don’t you come up with a comeback for the guy who eviscerated your three ‘experts’ in this opinion piece?

        Got to go …there’s that ‘dead horse’ smell again…


        Pug Henry

        1. By about the third level of reply, you can’t reply, so in that case I reply to the post one level higher up. I did read Briggs but I don’t have time now to critique it. Maybe I will get to it, but the horse is getting to me too!

          1. 59<79.
            59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            not. my. president.


    1. yes, biden has to give back all of that.

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


  22. GH suffers from the frequent English major, entitled little squirrel mindset delusion that if you have better grammar, or more time to edit your nifty comments, it makes them more valid…All the while ignoring the bedrock that humility is the beginning of wisdom… And it’s logical application, that idiots likely you are the end of it

    1. he suffers from eating too much BS and getting too much from behind.

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

  23. Just listened to your interview on Dark to Light and thought I would bring up two things.

    1. In the movie based on John Steinbeck’s Grapes of wrath, remember the dance scene where the agent provocateurs attempt to pick a fight and get taken out.

    2. Harold Hotelling’s famous description of hot dog stands on the beach is the perfect example you looking for in the interview as to why third parties do not stand a chance and also why there is little difference between the two major parties.

  24. Only a commie resorts to whining and name-calling just because someone sets a price on the product of their efforts instead of giving it to them for nothing. They refuse to give anything in return for what they take. The price to him should be doubled.

      1. A.G.A.I.N.?

        you suffer from eating too much BS and getting too much from behind. stop the behind part and you will stop sobbing so much without any reason. although that is just my theory. what does your …ahem… “wife”/”husband”… say?

        59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        not. my. president.


        ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

  25. Hi Patrick
    May I suggest you read and record the book in a studio than publish it so we can download it on Audible? That’s an Amazon app. I always think it’s great when the author reads their books out loud for audible. Matthew McCounghany did this for Green Lights. It’s great!

    1. That’s the better version. i too would love to hear pat read his book to us. doubt he will do it htough. I have been using digital readers to read the text to me for years though. you can set them to read faster. some have very human like voices… the lower-end ones sound very robotic-metallic. once again, the advantage is he speed of reading

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

      1. Hope so. You could get more visibility by having in multiple formats. As you know people consume info in different ways this would cover the people who like to listen vs see/ read. Btw- I think I butchered the spelling of Matthew’s last name. You know who I mean 😀

      2. awesome. because, and i am ashamed to admit it, i still havent read hte book.
        once again, thanks for eeverything you do patrick.

  26. Patrick,

    Just a heads up on a potential technical problem: When my friend in the UK went to ‘look inside’ the book on the Amazon page, he got black pages with blue captions and some charts and graphs. Thinking maybe he was blocked overseas, I had a look myself but got the same thing. We each looked several hours apart from each other. If potential readers can’t get a taste of your book, it might prevent some from buying.

  27. LISTEN UP YOU IDIOTS .. You are all being played by Mr. Byrne’s peek-a-boo. A SERIOUS AND TRUTH-SEEKING investigation is directed towards getting facts that can then be handed over to the authorities, whether you trust them or not. PLAYING FOR PUBLIC ATTENTION AND TRYING TO INFLUENCE PUBLIC OPINION IS CALLED ….. MERCHANDISING!

    1. you talk like your friend is currently doing you from behind…. AGAIN…

      you suffer from eating too much crap and getting too much from behind. of corse, what you do is your own personal choice. we libertarians are open-minded. …

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      ignore him. he is not an american and most foreigners get their news from cnn/msm and live in societies that are free as long as they follow to their governments' guidelines.

    1. hopefully you keep your word and leave. seriously, nobody buys your info here. we are mostly libertarians.

      also your fetish of eating used toilet paper… and BS… seriously. just sucks.

      last math class for you:

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


  28. So, those wealth numbers you spoke about on Dark to Light. Is that before or after BTC and RVN started showing signs of USD hyper-inflation?

    Of course you personal finances are your business and I am sure you only said something because of all the wild numbers people though around.

    Having said that, I’m still interested in chatting crypto….

  29. Wow. Just a quick scan of the comments here and the usual ‘trolls’ clearly don’t have real jobs! Aside from that, way too many comment that demonstrate the old adage ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’!

    I defy anyone to make sense of all the anamolies of the 2020 election. Nobody on the Left has even tried.

    We know what happened. We know why it happened. We know, thanks to Patrick and others, a lot about how it happened. And knowledge is power.

    Many millions of us stand at the ready to do our part to ensure this NEVER happens again, and that those responsible are held accountable.

    Thank you Patrick. You are an AMAZING Patriot!

    1. Well, I guess I am not a troll, then, because I have a real job! I’m at the computer most of the day, so I can check in here and respond during breaks or after hours. Still, I do have to watch it!

      In fact, “the left” has been working hard to explain the “anomalies”. So far I’ve reported here on devastating critiques on the maths of Miller, Shiva and Solomon and the shoddy quality of Braynard’s data, done my own review of the famous pizzagate video, and various videos posted here, including by Patrick, claiming the proud and self righteous right wingers who bragged about rioting at the capitol were zombies controlled by John Sullivan or actors staging a simulation, and including already debunked memes like how officer Eugene Goodman was supposedly faking it when he cleverly lured rioters away from the senate and Pence. As I’ve said, the famous video purportedly showing an office beckoning the crowd in, was edited so we don’t see who he’s actually beckoning to – I suspect a fellow office he’s encouraging to pull back. I’ve also critiqued the farcical claims about votes being routed through satellites and the US embassy in Rome, and the false claim that Arturo d’Elia confessed to hacking the vote, and probably more that I’ve forgotten, not that any of it has fallen on receptive ears. In addition to my own review I’ve drawn on material that’s widely available, but because it’s in reputable media, of course it’s automatically disreputable here MAGA land.

      That’s the problem. You only think the left haven’t dealt with all this, because you automatically dismiss or ignore the evidence that doesn’t come from a shrinking list of approved sites. Ben Shapiro? Canceled. Fox News? Canceled. Breitbart? Canceled. NewsMax? on the way out. Patrick psy-ops Byrne? Teetering.

      1. RoberG:
        Your latest post has me laughing. You are so deep in your brain-washing that you are not able to see the numerous logical fallacies you make ! (I’ll take you at your word that you find CNN an echo-chamber, and that you are sincere).

        Beyond that, maan, 🙂 you need to open your eyes more, listen more, and stop being so sure of your own logic. It’s quite weak, and a sophomore (in my eco-system) would be able to beat you in live debate.

        I will now go and check your response to my question to you on the previous page (Chapter 6).
        Take care, and be more diligent (and open to correction) in your analysis.

      2. Copied from Chapter 6 comment section:
        No response yet, RoberG 🙂
        Please respond here. (Don’t have time to go back and forth between the last two posts from PB.

        ==================Copied from Section=============
        RoberG Says:
        February 23, 2021 at 11:04 am
        Anil, I don’t think everbody who disagrees with me is crazy/delusional. Just wrong 🙂 And that can come in part from living in a bubble, where you mainly talk to or get news from people who agree with you. And that works both ways – I think CNN is a terrible news network, for example. I much prefer PBS when I see American TV
        My response:
        February 24, 2021 at 4:43 am
        That’s a pretty stunning statement, RoberG…

        Are you serious ? “Anyone who disagrees with you is WRONG ?”

        Wow ? I hope you respond – let me know if that was said in jest or sincerity ?

        1. It’s pretty obvious that I think anybody who disagrees with me is wrong! I’m sure everybody here feels the same way. That’s the definition of “disagreeing”!

          1. The logical “implication”(or should it be “inference” :)) of your response, RoberG, is that you are always right.
            (…… because if anyone disagrees with you, they are wrong, right ? :))

            Hope that wasn’t too confusing ? 🙂

            ps. Oy vey….. the hubris of a man who claims (surreptitiously) that he is always right ! 🙂 Ha !

          2. Of course I am not always right, but when I am actively disagreeing or arguing with someone, then obviously at that moment I must think I am right and they are wrong, or I wouldn’t be disagreeing or arguing with them. And I try to back up my argument with facts and analysis, as I have done in every post. Most of the criticism I have gotten is just people asserting I am wrong, without evidence, or asking me to read an article or watch a video, which I try to do, and usually I find them unconvincing and say why.

          3. Good of you to respond, RoberG:
            I will write you a longer response later, have to run now, (logged onto the computer to specifically see if you had written back :)), but for now I am happy that you are able to say that you are not always right… What percentage of times in your life do you think you have been right ?
            Thanks, and chat more later.

          4. No way of measuring how often I am right. About the next day’s weather? Who will win the Stanley Cup?
            Whether the Queen will outlive Prince Charles?
            BTW when Prince Philip was hospitalized last week at age 99, I said to my wife, maybe he’ll die before 100. She said “No way, he wants that letter!”.

      3. Robert G in this site is a China apologist troll, whose mission is to whitewash the stolen election. Ignore him and save your time. You have been warned.

        1. It’s actually kind of amusing to repeatedly hear I am a Chinese troll, as it tends to fit the stereotype of some Trump supporters, that they believe what they need to believe, without evidence.

          1. As it does anti-Trumpers like yourself, RoberG, who are happy to believe “evidence” reported by a biased media (which is NOT really evidence at all), but which you have no inclination to discredit by digging deeper because it suits your anti-trump leaning 🙂
            ps. Interesting that you equate a long-form debate about election integrity with being right about puerile things like Prince Philips hitting 100….are those really equivalent discussions ? Or even remotely in the same category ??!
            pps. @Anon, who warns me about RoberG being a troll, i respectfully disagree…(not that i am with my advancing years familiar with this term “troll”…it is a product of the Internet age after all)…. the reason i engage “sometimes” with him is because i am training myself to be civil with those, like RoberG, who pride themselves on being fact-driven, but in reality lack the intellectual integrity to admit their own biases.

  30. I posted this morning but it didn’t work. No worries. I wanted to say on this thread the book purchase was the best five bucks I’ve ever spent.

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is important to me. I’m proud to be American. For some of us our Faith, Family and Nation is all we have. America depends upon ALL of us to be successful. I support President Trump. His ideas. His message. His plan…. America = Success. America First.

    I have every confidence President Trump’s three foot putt goes in. Nothing heard except the ball bouncing off the bottom of the cup. DEMOCRAT’S reputation plots their present and future wretched plans. They deserve to be abolished. I believe Joe Biden knew he won in advance…. I believe Dominion Voting Machines are suspect to be manipulated. I believe President Trump received 79M votes. Joe Biden 68M. I believe DEMOCRAT staged the Capitol breach. I believe COVID is CCP biological warfare. Accidentally released. I believe America is the biggest loser because Joe Biden squats in the WH. I believe it is an attack on America for DEMOCRAT to aggressively ROCK THE VOTE. New voters should be presented with both sides. I can only imagine the tales new voters hear? Nobody really can support DEMOCRAT and say they’re proud to be American? Who wants more government overreach and manipulation? Who wants to support a political party that exists solely to serve it’s LUST for power? Who can support a party that believes the end justifies the means? I cannot. I’m as mainstream American as Norman Rockwell. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevy.

      1. JGB
        I stumbled onto Catfish John during riot season( the officially sanctioned riot season in June I mean). Everything else just clicked from there in a mildly psychotic, possibly spiritual, sense of prophesying the whole damn shit show and a human response to it…

  31. Come to think of it, the COVER of the book is very fitting. What’s supposed to be real deep, actually looks QUITE SHALLOW …

    1. thought you left the site?

      math class for you:

      59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      not. my. president.


      1. Gunther likes the attention, Anonymous 🙂
        (and of course he has a lot of other personal problems, but you are doing a terrific job of getting under his skin — one of the few effective ways to tackle jokers like him ;))

        1. i noticed. probably the only way to tackle idiot liberals like him. actually this is just a modification of what patrick recommended. combined with personal experience. logic of any kind is worthless. they can look @ any amount of data and be oblivious to it. their minds are open to nothing. you give them clinical data on masks being questionably useful for covid, they will vehemently oppose your results instead of wondering, asking questions, comparing studies, etc…… all the while pretending to be non-judgmental… etc… they agree only with info that is beneficial to them OR supports their preconceived notions of what is right and wrong… which is usually in line with CNN/MSNBC…. i literally treat them like if i had to treat a psychiatric patient. back in med school i made a huge mistake of actually getting sucked into a debate with a narcicist (a diagnosed case we had to talk to in groups…). i caught myself trying to “explain” to him what the problem was…. you can waste any amount of time trying to prove your point. it’s all useless. like making a deal wth someone who never keeps their word. … making an appointmnt with someone who is NEVER on time.
          that kind of opened my eyes to the world. it’s difficult to do in real life, and honestly, i could never do it in person partially because i am a naturally very polite and respectful conservative adult in public (no-nonsense when guy-to-guy/business talking though….). but with a virtual diistance between us? it’s really easy because you dont get to hear what gunther has to say. and i never read it if it’s longer than a line. it’s BS anyway. never to argue with them. never reply. never treat psychos seriously. they dont deserve time. and definitely not on a serious forum like this one. just tell them what they need to hear. every time. ALL THE TIME. 😉

  32. There was something very nice and comforting with Deepcapture having the simplicity of a web site from 95′. I will miss the old format…

    1. Yeah, me too… Will miss the old site (but it’s mostly because I tend to get too attached to things familiar ;))
      ps. But this new site is more in keeping with the times, and I like this crisp look.

  33. Well done, Patrick! I like the crisp, clean look of the new website. I can’t stand clutter, whether physical or visual. When I have more time later I will look around to see what else is new.

  34. RoberG, Et AL …..

    I just read an excellent essay by Mark Anton ( ) which will save A LOT of time arguing the point about Patrick’s saga …..(you really wonder why we even have to …..but that’s the consequence of citizens who opt for willful ignorance in lieu of eternal vigilance)
    Mr. Anton hits ALL key points ….. A bit lengthy , but Well worth the read ….At the very least, a good jumping off point for those who would like to debate the point as it separates the issue of evidence from that of credence (credibility)….
    Enjoy ….
    Why Do the Election’s Defenders Require My Agreement?
    Pug Henry

    1. Okay, I read the Anton article, and glanced through a couple of his earlier articles which he links to, and I didn’t find much of substance or new. He admits in his Claremont article that Trump didn’t conduct an organized campaign to challenge the vote, but more importantly, that he allowed and even encouraged lots of outrageous claims to be perpetrated on his behalf. So he’s already conceded probably a lot of the points I have made here about bogus election fraud claims.

      He also states that a number of prominent Republican or right wing pundits have chastised him for his election disbelief including Ponneru, Chait and an unnamed “recognized Republican expert on elections”. So in effect, he is acknowledging that even many on the right do not believe there was widespread fraud.

      He repeats all the talking points about other claims of election fraud that he thinks might be more legitimate, but nevertheless acknowledges that de does not know if the election was stolen – however he still believes it was.

      However, his main point in the article you linked, is that he doesn’t want to keep discussing about it. He’s like when you’re arguing with your wife, and she knows she’s wrong, but instead of admitting it she just says “fine” in a sarcastic way, and walks away..

      So why does the left try continue to insist that he agree that the election was not stolen? Presumably because it would be better for the country if there aren’t 36 million people who believe (wrongly, I think) that it was.

      1. RoberG,

        Anton’s primary point is that there is more than enough ‘irregularities’ to justify an full and thorough investigation by a tribunal with subpoena powers and the ability to investigate ….So his question is, why do those, like you, who insist that “There’s nothing here to see, move along” not join ranks with those of us who are more than certain that there were mountains of irregularities and insist on an investigation ???

        We’re not afraid to be proven wrong ….So then why are you?

        Pug Henry

        1. I have zero problem with that, although as far as I know, a lot of it was already investigated, so to many people, this litany of claims just seemed like desperate stalling tactics prior to inaugurations . Also, if Trump didn’t see a point in following up, I think the main reason there hasn’t been more of an investigation so far, is because of him. To people outside your circle it seemed more like he was hoping the mob would solve a problem he couldn’t, or couldn’t be bothered to, address through the courts.

          1. “………..a lot of it was already investigated,………”

            *THAT* is one of the *KEY* mistakes you are making, RoberG
            You can thank Pug Henry (and me ;)) for spending the time to help you open your eyes to your own biases ! 😉
            More later, ciao,

          2. Hopefully Maricopa will also get an independent audit, as I’m not sure the state senate are any less partisan than any other legislators, but we’ll see what happens.
            I’m getting into busy season so I may reply less often, but I promise to be back!

  35. The trolls are going to troll. I’ve read it twice now and in my opinion it gives a lot of great insights into all the complexities of trying to deal with anomalies being found in an election. $5 is a great price and it is an excellent read.

    If you are not bothered by the election anomalies or do not believe what Patrick says then this book isn’t for you. If you cannot get past biases then imagine if biden were to loose in 2024 and anomalies were found… in that case you might want to read a book like this because it adds very real dimensions to the hypothetical integrity of elections.

    If you don’t like the price then just read the blog which has some of the same info.

  36. Patrick,

    I just had a quick look at every section above, and really like the way you’ve organized this website. Everything is so easy to find now.

    By the way, I like you in that distressed leather jacket. You’re always so stylish.

    For a moment, when scanning the video titles, I mistakenly read, “What is Naked Snoring?” I thought it might be an ancient spiritual practice you learned on your travels in the mysterious Far East. Fortunately, I have an appointment in two weeks with my ophthalmologist.

  37. JGB
    I stumbled along Catfish John’s right at the peak of last summer‘s media ballyhooed riot season, and it was about the only sensible answer I could give my own soul to what I thought at the moment… And then things just clicked from there! Believe me, I’m not psychotic, and this is a mild a theory not a belief

  38. Thank you and your Army of Spartans

    The 300

    Together we must stay focused and keep the goal in sight

    If the many stand as one we can and must win this fight.

    Evil walked among us with the devil’s plan to deceive.

    The cowardice of the black robes left us without any lawful decree

    First we had no standing then 80 million votes were deemed moot

    The courts are rigged through the core and rotten all the way down to the roots

    The media turned a blind eye to the biggest steal the worlds ever seen

    Most were complicit and the rest afraid of losing the big money machine

    The robber barons of tech placed their fat thumbs on the scale

    They used usurped power hoping the Peoples President would fail

    Jovan the jovial genius was the first to offer a ray of hope

    If he could just scan the ballots we’d hang em with their own rope

    The guilty dug in like a blood sucking tick on a hound

    They lied and lawyered up not ceding one inch of ground

    God assembled Byrnes Army of Spartans with all the weapons of war they need

    He included a platoon of linguists fluent in a language only the Dolphins speak

    The Spartans deployed on the cold dark night of the 3rd

    They caught all the packets of fraud along with the demons at work

    Miss Sidney sprang into action with Gramps sound asleep at the wheel

    Miss Sidney joined the Spartans with a persona of angelic appeal

    Flynn fought the corruption machine and came out shining bright

    Through the peoples General we found wisdom and like a Flynn we must fight

    A Mr. pillow is the reason Gramps was sound asleep at the wheel

    If they dare show up for trial Mike and truth will make the D men squirm and squeal

    I am one of the commoners that watched with shock and despair

    In my heart of hearts I wondered in the end how we all would fare

    God will expose all the demons and cast into hell they will burn

    God always TRUMPS evil and by now you’d think they would learn

    The Spartans seeks no reward or medals pinned onto their chests

    Known as “The 300 “ at our Thermopylae will suffice if I may guess

    The metaphor is certainly fitting for the colossal fight on our hands

    Humbly I offer thank you’s to the Patriots that fight all over our land.

    1. Jim Murphy,

      I took the bait. A little too late. I didn’t know where you were going? I didn’t know what seeds you were sowing?
      Then it begin increasingly clear. What you were saying to me was so very dear. I felt compelled to say. All that you write with me is more than ok. (Must say the last sentence really fast.) In the end. Thank you my friend.

    2. Jim Murphy,

      I was so proud of myself. Like a book pulled from a shelf. I responded to your comment but it didn’t stick. I felt like a lamp snuffed at the wick. In the end. Thank you my friend. Your thoughts certainly appear. To be so crystal clear. I’ll try this again. I’ll see if I can. Thanks.

  39. Looks like we are going to get the ballots scanned in AZ and NH. This is the one thing all the deniers of election fraud do not want to talk about. We keep ballots for 22 months so if there are questions about an election, government officials and properly licensed auditors can check the actual votes on paper. Dominion and other voting companies tout the fact that the vote can always be checked by the paper back up.

    So why are government officials fighting so hard to keep the paper from being audited? What is the issue? This is why the law was written, this is how the voting system is sold. We have licensed, non-partisan professionals, who’s job it is to do this work and can legally testify in court.

    If all of this is on the up and up then audit the paper ballots in the view of the public, present the evidence in what ever court it need be and give the middle finger to all the Trump supporters.

    Do that and you will get 90% of the country to believe the election.

    1. I don’t believe the Deep State will allow a true forensic audit to happen anywhere in the country. It would crush all their narrative. They will do whatever it takes to stop it just like they did whatever it takes to steal the election. Watch for ‘suicide’, car ‘accidents’, mysterious ‘fires’ etc. to start showing up. By now, I have 100% confidence in the Deep State to get its way and 0% confidence that the Truth will be allowed to come out. I am waiting to proven wrong.


    Former CEO Patrick Byrne was a major player in the effort to investigate the 2020 election irregularities and fraud. He offered his considerable resources to the Trump team.
    He analyzed tons of data.
    He told everyone that the voting data didn’t make sense.
    TRENDING: Ignored by Fake News Media: Joe Biden Is Completely LOST in Texas Even with His Handler in Tow (VIDEO)
    As TGP previously reported:
    Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of, went on with Christopher McDonald of “The McFiles” to discuss the “drop and roll” strategy Democrats used to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump.

    President Trump set all new records for a sitting US president in a presidential election. President Trump’s coattails were deep and wide, winning at least 14 GOP seats in the US House, holding the senate and picking up seats in several state legislative bodies.
    Unlike in 2016, today just months after the election we are not allowed to question the “results” or irregularities. The Deep State and its media allies won’t let us.

    Patrick Byrne questions the “results” – now the Deep State is attacking Patrick Byrne.

    The US And guess who is running the SEC? Mrs Peter Strzok!

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced in January that Melissa Hodgman, the wife of disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok, was appointed to head the agency’s Division of Enforcement as its acting director.

    Reuters reported: Inc said on Friday it received a subpoena from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in January, seeking information on the company’s 2019 forecast for retail unit and on certain communication with executives and investors. The online retailer and blockchain tech investor is cooperating with the investigation, it said in a regulatory filing, and continues to provide documents requested in the subpoena. Patrick Byrne was CEO of until August 2019. That means he’s likely the focus of investigators. Is this payback?

      1. I am not surprised. The Communists’ MO (modus operandi) is intimidation, silencing, political persecution, killing. They are the true scums of the earth.

        1. Agreed ….
          The Key to cleaning up this country (a major one, anyway) is the DOJ and its investigative arm, the FBI.

          They are WAY out of control and should be COMPLETELY turned over …..even if it causes some disruption to the Law Enforcement process in the short run.

          As far as I’m concerned, they are completely useless to the law abiding citizen …..they are little more than praetorian guard for the establishment …

          Pug Henry

          1. They are WAY out of control and should be COMPLETELY turned over …..even if it causes some disruption to the Law Enforcement process in the short run.


          2. @Pug Henry, I fully agree with you. The alphabet agencies are useless. They are part of the Deep State/Globalist NWO. Have been for God-only-knows how long. The Clowns in America, a.k.a. the C_A NEVER should have been formed in the first place. THEY need to be dismantled & scattered to the winds. As far as the FBI, the DOJ….they both are corrupted so badly that, in agreement with you, THEY should be dismantled & rebuilt from the ground up with TRUE Patriots who WILL follow our Constitution. And, a whole lot smaller as well. There IS NO justice in this Country at the present time, (imho), the SCOTUS has imploded as well as has Congress, the DOJ, FBI, etc. The ONLY people made to pay the price for ‘crimes’, (usually made up by the left), are the Conservatuve, Christian, normal citizens. Let the leftist anarchist/fascists, pantifa, & the Marxist Communists, ‘blm’, burn, loot & murder with NO repercussions while being cheered on by ‘representatives’ in our own Government; but actual peaceful protestors who happen to support this Republic get demonized & labeled ‘domestic terrorists’ & interrogated/investigated by the FBI, thrown in jail, put on ‘no fly lists, lose their jobs, etc., etc., etc…..We MUST draw the line SOON.

        2. dont forget that those desperados (the real communists, not their leaders) generally have nothing to lose financially or are brainwashed to eternity and believe EVERYTHING they have been programmed into believing. it’ sad either way.

          59 million<<<<<<<<<<<<<79 000 000
          not. my. president.


    1. Let’s think about this. Trump’s conservative-leaning supreme court, and other judges he appointed “didn’t want to do anything”.
      That could mean (a) all these judges are in on the conspiracy or (b) Trump didn’t make a good case.
      According to Patrick elsewhere on this site, the answer is “b”.
      Trump is angry about this. That could mean either (a) he expected that if he appointed them, they would do his bidding, or (b) he’s trying to deflect the blame and generate outrage, or (c) all of the above.
      I’ll leave that for you to answer.

  41. As a professor of mathematics education I was uncomfortable with the discussion of Miller’s work. The article that purports to debunk Miller because the data was not good does not prove its case. It states that the sample was small, but does not give numbers for the sample. It states only Republicans were surveyed which is irrelevant since the claim is about fraud related to Republican ballots. It states people lie on surveys…yes, that is why we have a “confidence interval” in valid and reliable studies. The article critical of Miller does not say what the confidence interval was. I will not believe or disbelieve Miller’s conclusions based on that biased article lacking necessary information – merely think there is some chance Miller’s conclusions are valid, some chance they are not, and conclude they deserve further investigation. Why doesn’t somebody go out there and survey more people if the sample was too small, for heaven’s sake?

    1. There was a fair amount of detail in the Lior Pachter critique – did you review that one? I have a bit of a math background and some basic statistical knowledge, but certainly a lot less than you. My understanding is that statistical confidence intervals only apply when we assume data is normally distributed and the subsample randomly selected, or at least that there is no reason to assume the data is skewed in some way.
      Here are Miller’s report and Pachter’s rebuttal,

      1. Well, it seems that you both make valid points, RoberG and Linda A ….Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have a formal tribunal examine yours and others ‘opinion/assertions’ with the chance to cross examine and present evidence to the contrary ???
        In some venues they’re commonly referred to as ‘courts’ …
        Ever heard of those RoberG?

        Pug Henry

          1. Well yes, that would be best. What to do about all the paper ballots that were shredded/torn up by postal service employees, (a.k.a. demonrat operatives), by election ‘officials’ & their programmed operatives working the polling places, etc., etc., though? You have operatives livestreaming themselves tearing up people’s ballots!! And, they have the disgusting NERVE to brag about it…..that rag, ‘Time’ magazine’s article actually explaining how they “saved our democracy” by cheating. They don’t even care to even TRY & hide their Anti-American Communism anymore.

    2. The other point is that in another state, the data Braynard (the source for Miller’s analysis) submitted was ridiculously flawed, with lots of people misidentified. We have no way of knowing where he got the data that says 165,000 Republicans requested a ballot and did not submit it, and if the phone calls he ordered to 23,000 of them were even the right people. Did he get the phone numbers from the elections officials, or look them up? Based on his work in Georgia (see Bee Nguyen cross-examination linked below) he might have been calling an unrelated set of people with the same name.

      1. Every argument here is completely mute.

        There is only one real way to get to the bottom of all of this and every Democrat and Republican who is not corrupt is for it. We have a law that says hold all election material for 22 months. Forensically scan all the paper ballots for errors and fraud and to check the adjudication results. This is why we hold all the material and it will answer all the questions.

        ALL the not corrupt Democrats should be demanding this to shut the MAGA idiots up. If RobertG were on the up and up he would have already contacted his congress people to get this done. He would be fighting to get the evidence to throw in everyone’s face. “I was right all along”…

        But for some reason the Democrats and many Republicans are fighting against this.

        Just scan all the ballots, the people will fund it no problem…. There is no other argument, there is no rational argument for not scanning the ballots. Either you are for the real information or you are corrupt.

        I welcome anyone to try and rationally argue against this…

        1. You are absolutely correct, Deadheded
          (I always start to write DedHeaded – then have to correct myself ! :))

          BTW and FYI, RoberG is not a US citizen – so he has no congress rep to call… although he does seem to be the type to relish saying “I was right all along”…. 😉

      2. ok, now one guy who likes it from behind has left the forum (GH) but his … ahem… “friend”… is still here talking about his fantasyboy Miller? RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


        but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

        1. Yep, not American, but I do have some ties to the country, and for all citizens of the world, what happens in the US affects everyone. Plus, truth knows no borders.

        2. Yep – not American, but I have some close ties to the country, and as a citizen of the world, what happens in the US affects us all. Plus, truth knows no borders. Aren’t we all seeking truth?

          1. you are too brainwashed to accept truth. your borders are YOU. YOURSELF. partially. your upbringing and social environment. close ties to the US? hahaha who doesnt.
            you dont become a surgeon by watching videos and gettting the idea. but you guys still assume that you do.

            similarly you dont understand why americans voted trump or reagan. why the majority of the US citizens voted trump. no, it wasnt just the lesser of the 2 evils. we actually voted trump. yes, us the libertarians (patrick excluded) too. we voted to prevent shit that jb government is doing from happening. that’s the truth. so if we the libertarians think he is ok, imagine what the rest of the counry thinks about the person who was a national celebrity for 40 yrs. do you really think that fake news media can change the perception in a short time? do you think that people are blind? do you think that we are unable to see his flaws? do you not realize that people DO CARE about the fact that he donated his salary? you guys are nuts. nuts becuase you still assume that you can think like americans without living here. breathinig the same air. living the same life. it’s not that we are better. it’s that we are different. that’s why new immigrants vote one way. and those living here long enough voted trump.

            59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
            not. my. president.


            but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

          2. You wouldn’t know ‘the truth’ if it bit you in the a*s. Then again lib/leftist/Commies have THEIR OWN version of ‘the truth’ that supplants the ACTUAL truth. And, THAT’S why the only ‘good’ Commie is a DEAD Commie.

          3. Yes, we are, RoberG:
            But your problem is that you are woefully ignorant of your own blind spots. You think you are always right. You are not able to understand logic and argumentation in a structured manner. You run around, gathering endless pieces of data *pre-selected* by your hatred of Trump.

            But this is NOT about Trump. This about a Fraudulent election. And if you are in it for the truth, you have to start by acknowleding your flaws and your inabilities to separate your biases from the fact.

            Re-read for example “Anonymous” comment about what it *means* to *be* American. as opposed to becoming a surgeon by watching videos of surgery… Let it sink in. When you are start the truth he is trying to help you see, you will understand something different than you do now.

            Good luck ! 🙂

    3. “It states people lie on surveys…yes, that is why we have a ‘confidence interval’ in valid and reliable studies.”

      That’s not at all the reason we have confidence intervals. Confidence intervals have nothing to do with that.

  42. (I am copy pasting my comment from another article on this website) :
    At this point, I think, anyone who still claims China Joe won the election could be either not paying attention or not smart enough or dishonest or part of the fraud for corrupt Dems. If you are any of the former two, here are some things to be curious about:
    1. Why the vote count was suddenly paused for hours almost at the same time in 6 states? When the recount resumed, why the massive lead for Trump in each of the states reversed? Such a pause in counting has never happened in this country. In other countries, ex
    2. Why the corrupt Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to prevent any forensic audit of the election anywhere? Despite what you have heard, real audit has not been done anywhere so far.
    3. The only place where a real validation of result of the voting machines has happened is in Antrim County, Michigan. This was not the result of any of Trump’s lawyers lawsuits. It happened because of another lawsuit in a separate case – thanks attorney DePerno. This audit showed the voting machines had an error rate of 68% !!! Can you believe that? Go find the history of this lawsuit to see how much effort corrupt Democrats put to try to stop this audit and later to stop the release of the report. Similar machines were used in many places in all of the 6 states in question. Update: in recent days, another proof has come out from NH of rigged voting machines.
    4. If you are still curious, go to this link for more details:

  43. I downloaded the mobi file (, it crashes my Kindle reader. MacOS 10.15.7, Kindle reader 1.30.0. Any clues what’s happening?

    1. He FINALLY made the honor roll.

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


  44. Pingback: Auribus Arrectis
  45. Yes all the Deep Capture stuff from back in the day definitely qualifies you as an investigative journalist. But I would say Deep Rig cements it. This is a well written, researched and documented investigation. Yes you had the benefit of being on the inside some what, but I have read many a lesser attempts by insiders.

    Have you thought about putting all the Deep Capture articles into book format? With all the GME stuff the topic is again hot.

  46. Joe Hoft (Gateway Pundit) used Patrick’s report of the shredded Georgia ballots. Today’s date. Says there is a second source who described what happened. The FBI and DHS are in on the heist. What’ll come of this? I know there is a doddering old codger in the White House. A squatter. Joe Biden knew he won before the first vote was cast. That all by itself speaks of MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD.

    How do we prove? Beyond a shadow of doubt? President Trump was cheated of 5M votes and Joe Biden received more than 13M phony votes.

    1. I read that article this morning. The FBI shredding ballots and judges (with the honorable exception of some) sitting on their hands is a long long way from being a democratic constitutional State.
      Even the the EU (I’m form Holland) such a thing would probably not occur. And that’s saying something.

    2. I’ve been trying to keep track of who-all must be implicated for the vote to have been stolen. Last month I said:

      “the number of people who would have had to be involved in the implementation and cover-up, from lowly poll workers up to Republican governors, conservative Supreme Court judges, Trump loyalists like Barr, Pence, and maybe even Trump himself, is astronomical.”

      So now we can add the FBI and DHS. Wow. I’ll post updates as more are added.

  47. Good evening Patrick,
    My friends and I read the book and have been intrigued by your narration of the events surrounding the election and its aftermath. We have so many questions, but I’ll ask just one. Why have you not yet been sued by Dominion? Dominion has gone after anyone who alleges fraudulent activity, including some of the people with whom you worked, so why have you been spared? Thank you for all you have done and what you tried to accomplish.

        1. Yeah, Lollie –
          But I think( read “am reasonably sure”) Patrick’s $$ wealth exceeds Mike’s. (The problem(?) with the Internet is that everyone can see what you’re worth…. especially if you have a public company ! :))
          ps. I think you are perhaps(?) insinuating something with your comment (that if I guessed correctly) is barking up the wrong tree ! 🙂

        2. Hi Lollie –
          You are right, I am not psychic… that’s why I also used the word “perhaps” 🙂 in my message to you…
          ps. BTW, I did go and research further Mike’s net worth – the Internet leaves no secrets on many things 😉 — apparently, not sure if I give it 100% credibility, Mike’s net worth is in the ball-park and substantially north of PB’s net worth – but PB has many private investments since his exit from Ostock, *and* Mike’s private company is private… so they are probably both in the same wealth zip-code.
          ps. 2 I hope I am not offending anyone (most of all, PB and Mike with this candid discussion of $$ wealth…) if so, apologies in advance, hard to answer Lollie without getting into specifics.

  48. Been too busy to follow politics lately. Just heard the trump CPAC speech. my guess is that he will run again. it’s great that he knows that he won the election and that it was stolen. BUT he also said it when trying to help GA republicans get elected. the problem was that counting still stopped @ 3am or whatever the time it was and the numbers magically changed again. What has changed between November 3/Jan 5 and today that gives us hope that our vote is not wasted?

    Becuase if democrats were bold enough to put pizza boxes to prevent you seeing fraud, …. etc…etc…etc…. (Read The Deep Rig) and bold enough to publish a Time magazine article a la OJ Simpson’s “How I did it”…. where does it all stop and when do things change/how do we see anything change/will anything change?
    Probably a rhetorical question for most of us, mere mortals. Patrick, would you like to answer @ some point? Anyone is welcome to chime in.


    59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
    79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
    not. my. president.


  49. What am I missing by not being on Telegram to read Patrick’s posts? Telegram’s FAQs gave me a headache. I don’t want my name or photo displayed because I had a stalker once upon a time. I avoid texting because I hate typing on glass. The last time I texted was years ago when I bought a throwaway phone with a tiny keyboard in London. I no longer have a boyfriend to help me with this tech stuff!

    1. pam you can use telegram on your desktop. also you don have to display your name or photo. you can display any photo you want.


      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      1. Thanks for that. I set up an account as RealPam. When Privacy Settings reference ‘Contacts’ do they mean my own personal Contacts in my phone or only Contacts on Telegram, of which I have none?

          1. Anil,

            Thanks for your help. When I go to Telegram’s Contacts section in Settings, it says “No contacts found”. I haven’t added anyone from Telegram yet. Don’t they have to ask me, like a friend request on Facebook? I’m not on Facebook, which is why I know nothing about this stuff!

            When you have a moment, could you search for me on Telegram to see if you see my username and photo by my messages? I just see text I typed with no name or pic so it looks anonymous.

            I should get my elderly aunt to join Telegram since she’s more tech savvy than I am. Then I could bug her to help me instead of asking strangers!

          2. Hi Pam:
            Have to reply to my own message. Trust you are going to come back and read your message to me.
            Re: your questions:
            1. Yes, I think they do have to ask you. (but an not sure – have just recently got onto Telegram, but not under my own name (fyi, neither is Anil – it’s just a name I use for this site for various reasons).

            2. I will search for you generically as you requested, and post back to you here, (or someplace on this article comment section… ) but you will be happy to know (or perhaps you already do — I did look up your comment on the Steel show, where you posted your comment about PB/Covid etc… and it *does* show up with “Real Pam” and with a picture of a goose (swan (?) – apologies didn’t look carefully and am getting old, so the picture was too small to make out, both due to my failing eyesight, and with my zoologically challenged sense of things ;))

            3. I do like Telegram, (have only been on there for a few days) but I recently heard that in terms of cryptography and end-to-end security and privacy, apparently Signal is better… just sharing that if its useful to you..

            Oh, and you’re welcome 🙂

          3. ps. That’s not intended to be snarky.. it’s the “welcome” due you from your “thanks” part of your message 🙂
            Cheers, and happy days to all of us (yes, I know that this is a constituional emergency, but we will all be more effective in achieving our goals perhaps if continue to nurture our personal happinesses, big or small ! ? 🙂

          4. Anil,

            That’s all I needed to know, that my name and avatar were visible on my own comments on Telegram even though I, as the originator, can’t see them.

            Yes, that is a goose, the late Gossy Osbourne, who belonged to an ex-boyfriend many years ago.

            Thanks, again, for your help.

    2. Did Patrick actually make it over to Telegram?

      The last I had read in the comments on here was that there were a couple of imposter accounts. Perhaps I missed his announcement that he started posting on Telegram.

  50. Who are these idiotic “in the know” negative commenters who;
    1. State they didn’t and won’t read it,
    2. Cite no information of their own research about the subject, and
    3. Didn’t cite a single sentence from the book with their irrefutable proof against itt.
    Maybe these ignorant cancel culture dolts should act like responsible adult readers

    1. popularly known as liberals. general concensus: idiots.
      best solution to deal with: turn around and RUN AWAY. Any attempt @ logic validates those psychos.


      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


  51. This woman is doing all of this on her own, without a lawyer. She needs help.
    US Supreme Court Brief FILED 3/3/2021
    12-14-20 Staci’s Response to MTD Filed w Court
    Election Appeal Order
    Supreme Court Hearing
    Supreme Court Brief Complete with Attachments
    12-11-20 Evidence Filing for hearing
    12-8-20 Complaint Cover with Court Stamp and Denial of Right to Vote Highlighted
    Final Exhibits for US Supreme Court
    Maricopa County Recorders Office data

  52. Trying to buy from Australia, but it looks like it’s restricted to US and Canada – is that right?

    This site won’t let the country be changed from US and Canada. Amazon won’t let me use my Australian customer ID, and tells me to log into, but when I do The Deep Rig is not available.

    Am I snookered?

    1. if i were you, i would try somethign like this:

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


  53. Patrick, you are the Forrest Gump of tragedy. You seem to end up in the middle of multiple really odd and awful situations. If sowmthing crazy bad happens, Patrick will somehow be involved. Election, Bison, FBI, it is amazing really! I wonder if this new name will stick?

    1. Bro, the stick is up your ass.

      Patrick is the guy who will help you take it out. He is God’s gift for us (and you… , especially!)

      Of tragedy? If trump woiild have listened to tragedy, we would have less of that in political terms.
      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      1. Great response, 79mAnon… 🙂
        That’s my new name for you :)…
        This one also had me laughing audibly to myself (luckily no one in the hotel business center with me :))… much like the prior instance of “you don’t know which end is which” response to our good friend GunTher Heinz ! 🙂
        Cheers, and blessings – and…. many thanks for the laughs 🙂

  54. I think you misunderstood. I like Patrick, and highly respect him. If I could do lunch with a famous person, he might be it. It is between him and Billy Corgan , rock star and libertarian, like what how is that even possible?! I do no think it is Patrick’s fault, but no question he has been involved in multiple convoluted, intriguing and sad stories.

    1. There’s an idea, Anonymous:
      Why don’t you start a thread here for how much people would pay for Lunch with Patrick ? I will definitely participate in the bidding…. (hope I win ! :))… would love to meet him too..

    2. Also, Anonymous:
      Hope you read my prior comment to 79mAnon independantly of this comment… clearly, I might also have (partially, (at least)) misunderstood your Forrest Gump comment…
      ps. Am sincere/serious about the “Lunch with Patrick Auction”… (we do need of course Patrick to confirm that he approves of this idea ! :))

    3. nver heard that being compared to forrest gump was considered ok, so you may haav misspoken but there was nothing to misunderstand. just hiting the keys and protecting our national treasure, Patrick Byrne! One of the few people standing up for me and for YOU, and all of us.

      Anil, I would pay nothing for a lunch with Patrick. I am not a fanboy or anything. Just respect any person who deserves it. I met quite a few people in my life who are extreme performers (starting w my dad). these are not people who like to waste time w a stranger. they are driven by their beliefs and goals. I would love to talk to Patrick when he is less busy/ has time but I would LOVE TO WORK with him though. On any interesting project he thows @ me. I already asked him twice but maybe the 3rd time will work better. HOPE PATRICK IS READING!!!! 😉

      Same goes for you. I saw your writing. I mostly agree (rarely disagreed) and I would love to have a dinner with you to work on somthign togeher… but I would never pay anyone to organize a meeting with you. I lke how you are so polite though. Reminds me to be more civil!!!! (Actually i’m very polite in real life and hate hurting people’s feelings. I just dont like that people come on an anonymous forum and throw shit @ the host. It’s like going on twitter and saying I hate @jack… We are all here listen patrick BECAUSE he has EARNED his trust. seriously disrespecting a giant of patrick’s size… i just had to step in…)

      Take care bro.
      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      1. I never said anything about paying for the lunch, just I would love to spend the time with him, as I am sure he has numerous interesting stories and a nonconformist outlook, maybe similar to myself:) I of course did not mean he is like Forrest Gump in being mentally impaired, we all know Patrick is quite intelligent, and either has an eidetic memory or is very good at making memory palaces. I meant that like Forrest he accidentally ends up in just the right (wrong?) place at the right time to be involved in so many crazy and important things. It seems statistically so unlikely to be involved in even one, but there are at least 4 I know of, and I really do not know him well, and I suspect there are more.

        1. Dear Anonymous:

          You are right – you never did say anything about paying for the Lunch… (I seem to have leapt to that conclusion – with the nuerons in my brain connecting the Rabbi’s annual charity auction luncheon, and my desire to meet with PB, and providing him some benefit for the charity of his choice – Real Pam, says cats are his favorite – I have no idea, although I have read his acknowledgement of Real Pam’s suggestion back in 2019, I think it was).

          I think 79mAnon was right – the Forrest Gump might have been a less-than-perfect comparision for the variety of reasons you point out as well.. btw, Did you know that Patrick was once considered as being groomed for the track of “President” of USA ? (I don’t know where I heard that – but it occurred in some conversation where I was sharing with someone my admiration for him!).

          Real Pam is right – I do think he should write his auto-biography, but there’s still time… he’s a young man, with several decades left..
          Cheers, and apologies if I seemed to suggest that you were going to pay for “Lunch with PB” 🙂

          1. btw, Did you know that Patrick was once considered as being groomed for the track of “President” of USA ? (I don’t know where I heard that – but it occurred in some conversation where I was sharing with someone my admiration for him!).

            Groomed by? I smell BS.

      2. Dear 79mAnon:
        (hope you like that moniker 😉 — best I could do (yet)…
        Yes, I get it. Noted that you would pay nothing for Lunch with PB. (I still would – its like the annual luncheon that PB’s mentor (the Rabbi – I think you know who that is ?) does each year. and it generates a ton of money for the Rabbi’s charity of choice for that year (or maybe he directs it each year to his 1st wife’s foundation – not sure – I used to follow the Rabbi avidly in the 90s, and almost went to Omaha to apply for a job in his office)
        I don’t know if I would call myself a “fanboy” either. I agree with PB on some(most?) things – research a variety of sources (all the way down to specific journalists in the MSM, etc), and then make my conclusions in my own unhurried way.
        Thank you, also, for the offer to meet/work on something – it would be a pleasure to meet you sometime…. let’s continue to intersect on these pages so kindly provided by PB. and when the right time comes, am sure serendipity will provide some project for us to meet on… 🙂
        Cheers, and all the best….
        ps. Hope you come back and search for “79mAnon” – it should pull up this message which is really only for you, but written with the awareness that this is a public forum… 🙂

  55. Patrick, just wanted to buy the kindle edition of The Deep Rig (Response: Did you mean the deep ring patrick byrne). Thought you may want to know that doesn’t show your book among the results. You can only find it if you go to Books›Politics & Social Sciences›Politics & Government.
    Do you have any friends who may talk this problem up among the newsmedia?

    59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
    79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
    not. my. president.


    1. Anonymous, you will regret helping me set up my Telegram account because I will continue asking for your help (which I appreciate)!

      I wrote a test message (“I think this is around the time Patrick got Covid in DC”) in the discussion below the Steel video Patrick just posted. I see my message but not my username, RealPam, nor my profile pic, a white goose. What did I do wrong?

      Thanks in advance.

      1. i already do, pammy! plus you are THE BIGGEST conspiracy theorist on this site. 😉

        this is how you find your own messages:
        1. find the internet page that you want to find the text on.
        2. Press “ctrl” key and hold
        3. press the “f” key (without releasing the control key from the previous step)
        4. this will open a little box usuallly @ the top of your screen
        5. release both the keys
        6. type in “real pam” into that box
        7. with your mouse pointer press on the little arrow next to the text.
        8, you have multiple messages per page, so you will have to run through all your messages and find the right one.

        i would love to help you, but i would recomment you dont assume i will read your messsages becuase i only surf internet 30 min a day on work day and my time is really limited. i have to catch up on ALL the news i can – political, financial, medical, etc. today is one of those monthly days off. so i can actually reply to you. i dont revisit my own posts. just hit and run most of the time. just saying so you know and dont wait for me to help. not because i dont want to help. i work 12 hr days. 7 days a week. i am taaking a daay off today so dont mind helping.

        best way to resolve your problems is to go to youtube and write in the topic you are trying to figure out. there will be many videos you will have to watch. some better and some worse. one of them will explain it to you so you geet it. it’s the same thing for all of us. just make sure you know what you are asking and tweak your questions if you feel you’re not getting what you want.

        … or … get a boyfriend? … jk


        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


  56. Speaking of “journalists”:
    Gotta admit one of the benefits of the PP (Potemkin Presidency) is the executive order on January 20, freeing them from the 10 month Federal Mandate to include the phrase, “as the pandemic rages” As they chronicle whatever all Joe is doing…There was a lot of joy as the riders felt this freed them up, spared them from false accusations of having Tourette’s syndrome, and might’ve even made some of their stories flow better… However they quickly were saddled with the new task of attaching “baseless” to any and all concerns of at least half the country…But rest assured, big tech has an app that can tell them where it needs to be sprinkled in, so their roll isn’t slowed…

  57. I WISH you (and Mike LIndell and Jovan Pultizer and and and …) would LET US CONTRIBUTE!! (Dammnit!) Yes, yes, we know, you’re happy to spend your own money trying to save the U.S. (Thank you SO much for that!) But WE want to help too! By doing it all yourselves, you’ve denying US a way WE could actually help! Set up a trust or charity or fund, to be spent on your computer experts and lawyers and court cases and and whatever/whoever else you need and can use! Or hire an accountant to manage it so you are kept safely clean of any questions and instead of you getting all the credit (or blame {wink}) for spending your money, let US contribute to help our country! Most of us cannot do anything substantive to try to save the country and get the God Emperor BACK in office where he belongs.
    I am 65-yr-old widowed veteran running an American manufacturing co. I can’t run for office, nor help someone run for office. But send small amounts of money to folks fighting on my behalf!? THAT I can do!
    I”d be happy to throw some money to help the cause! If it helps you feel good; limit all donations to no more than $10. (Then duck, cause a tsunami of donations will be headed your way!!) Please let US help too!

    1. contribute to Defend the Republic .org Sidney needs our help.

      Also this woman has done more on her own than anyone fighting this fight..

    1. From Sidney Powell’s website:
      “Today we are proud to announce the formation of Defending the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections.”

      1. i already do, pammy! plus you are THE BIGGEST conspiracy theorist on this site. 😉

        this is how you find your own messages:
        1. find the internet page that you want to find the text on.
        2. Press “ctrl” key and hold
        3. press the “f” key (without releasing the control key from the previous step)
        4. this will open a little box usuallly @ the top of your screen
        5. release both the keys
        6. type in “real pam” into that box
        7. with your mouse pointer press on the little arrow next to the text.
        8, you have multiple messages per page, so you will have to run through all your messages and find the right one.

        i would love to help you, but i would recomment you dont assume i will read your messsages becuase i only surf internet 30 min a day on work day and my time is really limited. i have to catch up on ALL the news i can – political, financial, medical, etc. today is one of those monthly days off. so i can actually reply to you. i dont revisit my own posts. just hit and run most of the time. just saying so you know and dont wait for me to help. not because i dont want to help. i work 12 hr days. 7 days a week. i am taaking a daay off today so dont mind helping.

        best way to resolve your problems is to go to youtube and write in the topic you are trying to figure out. there will be many videos you will have to watch. some better and some worse. one of them will explain it to you so you geet it. it’s the same thing for all of us. just make sure you know what you are asking and tweak your questions if you feel you’re not getting what you want.

        … or … get a boyfriend? … jk


        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


  58. I like the new design here on DeepCapture.
    Congrats on the book selling well Patrick.
    Would be much appreciated if you start a thread/article here where we all can discuss peaceful solutions for We The People to combat problems of corruption and censorship in government,MSM and social media/tech giants.

  59. Hi Patrick. Not only do I think the book should be free, I think you need to rent a C5 Galaxy from the Air Force and drop 6.02×10^23 number of copies over this great land from the sky. Don’t think consumer marketing, think Constitutional emergency.

    1. How much are you willing to contribute to that idea, weak stream ?
      ps. Question meant sincerely – no sarcasm !
      ps. I do agree – it *is* a constitutional emergency.

      1. Do you mean in dollars? Zero. But I’m at the bottom of the stack. Patrick is near the top and I think he’s probably got some fancy friends as well. Lindell’s video is fantastic, an hour long and free on his website. Lindell’s also quite rich so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s thrown money at it. Patrick has also thrown resources (time, money, writing etc.) and I applaud him for that. What irks me about this, as well as others, is that work like this is being considered as a ‘standard marketing thingy’ where you’d be trying to get someone to buy DeepRig maybe instead of buying Mary Poppins, for example. It’s a different animal from any other sort of Fiction/nonfiction work.

        1. Thanks for the response, Weak Stream.
          I’m neither at the bottom of the stack, nor at the top (or even the top-range). But I would say it’s much better to charge for this book. $4.99 is a fair price, and enough for people to take it seriously. But there’s a whole discussion of that in various comments if you want read the different points of view…. (or perhaps you already have).

    2. People in large mass don’t read free books. Free book don’t make the best sellers list or in to book marketing sites.

      1. What is needed is something altogether more dramatic to actually affect change/reform. People that need marketing thingies to induce them to read something aren’t going to do anything about the problems on the average anyway. People that need marketing are people that are so marginally attached to an idea in the first place. Deep Rig with Patrick has to work its way on to the Today Show and CNN to have any real impact.

  60. In a recent essay on the election and divisions in the US, Thierry Meyssan asserts:
    “… some Governors have stuffed the ballot boxes without much expertise: in more than one county in 10, the number of voters is higher than the number of adult residents. With all due respect to commentators, it is therefore perfectly impossible to say how many voters actually voted and who they would have liked to be president.”
    Patrick or anyone here, do you know the source of that figure, one in 10 counties reporting more votes than resident adults? Is that an accurate representation of level of electoral malfeasance?

    1. Sorry, Deadheded:
      Don’t find him a deep thinker at all. Could barely get through 4 mins of the 10 min video. He makes some fundamental analytical errors in those first 4 minutes – he does practice his capacity to think, which is more than a lot of members in his generation.

    2. Ed Snowden is a hero. He def has some good ideas. Since trump gave up his presidency I don’t like tot watch pure politics anymore. It’s more of the same and reminds me of what Ron Paul used to say. “We have 1 party!”. I think that what we should fight for is fair elections nd tht’s all that matters. Everything else is moot.
      Facebook is a private company. I don’t like it. I don’t have an account. Period. You dont like it? You wanna be on instagram/whatsapp? Respect the owner’s prerogative if you do. Or build your own shit. Same goes for twitter. Don’t like it? LEAVE. Trump had to leave Twitter in 2018. We would have all followed. If a baker has the right to not serve someone because of his religion, then any other private company regardless of its size should have a right to do whatever it wants to. As long as you know it.
      So yes, I agree with Ed Snowden partially because he somewhat contradicts himself. And he is still hero for doing what the did. The man is a legend.
      When i the app you were touting coming out, deadheded?
      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      1. Dear 79mAnon:
        Did you read my response to your message to me above ? 🙂 Here it is… in case you didn’t 😉
        ——my prior message to you Mar 9th—-
        Dear 79mAnon:
        (hope you like that moniker 😉 — best I could do (yet)…
        Yes, I get it. Noted that you would pay nothing for Lunch with PB. (I still would – its like the annual luncheon that PB’s mentor (the Rabbi – I think you know who that is ?) does each year. and it generates a ton of money for the Rabbi’s charity of choice for that year (or maybe he directs it each year to his 1st wife’s foundation – not sure – I used to follow the Rabbi avidly in the 90s, and almost went to Omaha to apply for a job in his office)
        I don’t know if I would call myself a “fanboy” either. I agree with PB on some(most?) things – research a variety of sources (all the way down to specific journalists in the MSM, etc), and then make my conclusions in my own unhurried way.
        Thank you, also, for the offer to meet/work on something – it would be a pleasure to meet you sometime…. let’s continue to intersect on these pages so kindly provided by PB. and when the right time comes, am sure serendipity will provide some project for us to meet on… 🙂
        Cheers, and all the best….
        ps. Hope you come back and search for “79mAnon” – it should pull up this message which is really only for you, but written with the awareness that this is a public forum… 🙂
        ——-end prior message—–
        Now :)… onto Snowden…. and my thoughts on him (other than previously mentioned thought that he is, in my humble(? 😉 opinion), NOT a great thinker! ;)).
        1. I did think his alerting the world onto the “clandestine(?)” surveillance that US Govt entities do on its citizens (and anyone in contact with them) is a service to all Americans and world citizens in exposing the negatives of government, etc, etc… it’s why I am a self-identified Libretarian…

        2. The rest of your post re-FB, Twitter, etc – I presume that is all based on his(Snowden’s) commentary in his 10-min video ? If so, I have no comment, because I didn’t make it past 4 mins…. LIke you, 79mAnon, I spend very little time on the Internet, and didn’t have much time to spend the remaining 6 mins… every 60 seconds is very valuable to me ;)… So basically, I have no substantive comment on that.

        3. Yeah, sure, in general, live and let live. Those who want FB, Twitter, great. Those who don’t, great. that is my basic position 🙂
        Cheers, and hope you’re well….

        1. didnt watch either. too slow. too long. snowden is a hero for risking his life. he is not a “deep” deep thinker. he is an honest citizen who got into trouble for honesty. a smart good guy. but yeah.. no sowell… etc… level deep.
          yes, seriously, i was telling my wife in 2017 that the left coast techies will stifle trump unless he opens a new TV station. Why the hell did he not support the twitter competition? why the fck were nevertrumpers getting jobs? trump didnt realize the extent to which the left was ready to go to fight for their power. you cant win a boxing match with a guy who is kicking your balls … while his coach is distracting you!!! i still think that trump is a once in a generation-level capable politician. i cant believe he chose rudy over pat byrne. i am more than sure that rudy wouldn’t even care. make him and ambassador to england or something. done.

          Well, yes bro. it’s no more politics for me. I just dont understand how trump will EVER win again. unless he takes the gloves off and breaks all the rules. we lost georgia senate seats thanks to wtf. fool me once… shame on you. fool me twice. wtf.

          hope patrick has some plans that work well and has gen flynn taking care of things. cause it seems like patrick is too nice too. if i had anyone “directing traffic” in my front office i would go ballistic and ask wtf is happening right away.

          59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
          79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
          not. my. president.


          1. Agreed, 79mA 🙂
            (abbreviated your moniker further 😉
            agreed as in… Snowden is no deep thinker. but yes, he does deserve kudos for shining the light on the deep state activities.

            Also, agreed that election integrity is the number one issue between now and 2022. (Am not even thinking on 2024.

            And finally, agreed that Trump is a master politician (once-in-a-generation guy) who blew the lights off everyone in 2016. (Hence, the resentment that boiled over these last 4 years ! – as someone said, I think it was Sydney Powell – election 2020 was Coup 5.0!)

            I love Patrick, but I love Sydney too ! perhaps more 😉

          2. for the record, it is highly possible that Snowden was actually a CIA plant inside the NSA. The NSA were the good guys, and CIA the bad guys. The good guys were collecting info on the bad guys, and the bad guys sent in one of their own to try to put an end to it. I was obviously not there, so who knows, but this is not unreasonable. The guy is a spook either way, so take what he says with a grain of salt, as he is a professional liar. I do believe there is way more to that whole story than what either side presented to the public. Sadly, there are so many lies running around, it is nearly impossible to discern truth anymore.

      2. Hoping to have a demo out in a couple of weeks. Then we will see the first of the social media type applications coming out not long after. You will see new functions coming out in steps but the full blown marketplace is closer to the end of the year. I did speak with a payment gateway last week that put the last questions to rest. We are going to be able to make the payment function seamless. The end users, like my mother, will be able to make purchases exactly the same ways they do today. So after registration there will be no learning curve for the consumer. I believe this is the biggest hurtle to mass adoption and now I know it is only a matter of integration using existing application.

  61. I want to buy this book but I can’t. I am NOT going to provide my street address to buy this Ebook. Doing so is just one data security breach away from inviting Antifa/BLM to come over and burn my house down.

  62. Thank you for investigating the election as well as documenting the events in your book. I read your drafts and am working my way through your book as time permits.

    On pages 305-306 of the ePub, the process is more nuanced than you relate. The Senate did not acknowledge an ability to refuse illegitimate electors. They, Rand Paul among them, said their role is to simply count. So, we do not have the final safeguard as you imply.

    I cannot speak for everyone on the Right. But, that is one of my grievances. The process was not strictly followed. Some electors were chosen in a manner not prescribed by their legislature. The Senate counted their votes.

    1. Rand Paul, son of RON Paul, is a strict constitutionalist. In a sense, he is right that if politicians were to misuse this power, then one day, we will have the Dems just annulling ANY election.

      I rarely disagree with him. But this time I do.

      I still think that he is the best person to lead this country bar none. Better than Trump. Why?

      He who balances the budget is the best.
      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


  63. You’ll be able to tell whether or not DeepRig is working or not by whether Patrick gets sued by Dominion. If you aren’t taking flak, you’re not over the target.

    1. Not necessarily true, weak stream.
      Decisions on fillings lawsuits are more complex than that..
      ps. Patrick is square over the target, whether they sue him or not.

      1. I do think it’s true in this case but I also think Dominion has no intentions of carrying out any of the lawsuits…the public will find out for sure what transpired in discovery. I think Lindell might countersue them for this reason. Buying popcorn.

        1. Hope you’re enjoying the popcorn this week, weak stream…
          The show has started with Sidney filing to dismiss…(as I’m sure you already know :))
          Cheers, and all the best,

  64. 65 days of Joe Biden in the White House is enough. DEMOCRAT coup de tat happened without a whimper except for January 6th. The only hope for America is to abolish DEMOCRAT. 272 disgraceful DEMOCRATS hold a job in American politics. The American Rescue plan in the name of COVID is as fake and phony as Joe Biden is. Joe Biden is a fifty year bottom feeder. Makes me ill to see him in front of the TV camera. Disingenuous. America deserves better. We voted for better. Everything about Joe Biden is WRONG. ACCEPT the coup? NEVER! The INSURRECTIONISTS are in charge and it shouldn’t be allowed. Why do the wicked prosper?

    I believe the Founding Fathers would push back against DEMOCRAT. Sinister and diabolical to all they wanted to achieve for posterity’s sake. The best defense is a good offense.

    1. Many Republicans participated in the coup, PreservetheAmericanWay !

      *All* those who participated, regardless of political persuasion, should be charged for crimes against the USA. Hopefully, we will get to the bottom of the election corruption before 2022…

      Cheers, and good luck to all of us.

  65. Patrick,perhaps it would be very helpful if a company like Voatz or others who claim to have an accurate,unchangeable voting system to run an exhibition/test election to prove their system as the way forward to accurate,fair elections?

    They should promote it on free speech social media sites like Minds and Gab as censoring sites like Twitter and Facebook would likely shut their account down if they did this.

    I think this could be a great way to get more of the public to support accurate ,fair elections.

  66. Just dropping in to let you guys know I haven’t forgotten you!
    I’ll comment when there are some new verifiable developments.

    1. wipe that white stuff off your mouth, bro. i thought you and your buddies only did it from behind. RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

    2. No body (that I know of) is really looking for your comments, RoberG:
      Until you address a few basic questions – like how many times in your life have you been wrong on important things ? And can you acknowledge that Dominion voting machines connect to the Internet ? (or do you think that is a conspiracy too ? 😉

      1. I think I already answered the question on how many times I have been wrong. Lots of times, of course. Am I wrong now? We’ll see.So far I haven’t had reason to change my mind. Apparently some voting machines have modems that allow them to send unofficial results over cell service to provide results to central election officials more quickly, so they can report to the media more quickly.

        1. Yay ! RoberG !!

          Bravo !

          An answer *directly*, and *without qualifications*.

          Now onto the substantive part… Do you know that Voting Machines are NOT supposed to connected to the Internet for ANY reason ?… it is a violation of Federal Statute…. perhaps you can do some real work and discover which statute… that will have the double advantage of proving that you are REALLY a TRUTH-seeker, and willing to find details that are not served up easily in the main-stream media.

          Again, no sarcasm, and am genuinely thrilled to know that:
          a) You have been wrong in the past
          b) you are OK admitting it – a very good sign in my opinion
          c) you addressed the Dominion voting machine question head-on…
          Take care, and all the best to you in UK – that’s where I think you are 😉


  67. Patrick,
    You mentioned on the Eric Metaxas podcast 3/11 that a print version of The Deep Rig is going to be available. If that is still the case, are you able to share a release date?

  68. Initially, I think Trump and his sycophants pushed the stolen election myth in the faint hope the election would be overturned, and then of course later, they saw it as a huge fund-raising opportunity. Now, it seems, Republican insiders are keeping the meme alive as a strategy to bring in restrictive laws that ensure only the right kind of people get to vote. Can’t have those poor, inner city, marginalized people of colour having a say in who gets to be president, can we?

    1. wipe that white stuff off your mouth, bro. i thought you and your buddies only did it from behind. RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

      1. As for Miller, I already said it’s not about the math, He did his analysis using data from junk data purveyor Matt Braynard (did you watch Bee Nguyen rip him one yet? I found it very satisfying) and simply took it at face value. It’s not hard to find a lot of people who claim they never asked for a ballot, when you have no idea if you’re calling the right people. I’ve watched a whole bunch of videos people here recommended. Do me a solid (any of you) and watch this one:

  69. Oh my I can’t get it on Amazon. I downloaded a sample on Kindle. Not sure what they did with your book there.

        1. wipe that white stuff off your mouth, bro. i thought you and your buddies only did it from behind. RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

          59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
          79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
          not. my. president.


          but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

  70. PATRICK: I wanted to bring this to your attention. Pls have a look @ what amazon is selling.
    Summary Of The Deep Rig By Patrick Byrne: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J.Trump the White House,By a Man Who did not Vote for Him

    WTF? Havent read it/even looked @ it.

    59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
    79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
    not. my. president.


    1. Thanks for posting that 79mAnon:
      Am glad I clicked it…. At first i couldn’t quite make out the jumble of characters… maan, the propoganda machine is hard at work…. So easy to lead the bunch of sheep that humanity is getting dumbed down to…. critical thinking/logical reasoning no longer required !

      1. i know, right?
        not reading ANYTHING politics-related recently. just work. stopped by here aand wanted to help someone out to provide the link and saw it. the closest i got to politics was to listen to a 5 min rand paul talk while driving. seriously not interested as in wtf can i really do about it unless they fix the system.
        hope you’re doing good, bud. trump is presumably coming out with a new platform whatever it is. i am pretty sure that he read pat’s book so I HOPE he realized when he runs again that he can only win (as in get what he won) if he ensures that there is no cheating.

        this forum is essentially dead. i dont know when i will stop by but this is sthe MOST i can take in terms of politics so i assume i will check it out sooner or later. ..
        hope all is well. take care.


        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


        but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

    2. Wow, there are now at least 3 books for sale on Amazon referencing Patrick’s book. Looks like they are maybe cheap ripoffs trying to snare some of Patrick’ customers.

      1. wipe that white stuff off your mouth, bro. i thought you and your buddies only did it from behind. RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


        but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

  71. Sidney’s not off to a very promising start in the libel lawsuit, claiming she isn’t responsible for promoting falsehoods about Dominion voting machines, as it is a “well recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole”, and “no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact”.

    So…if any of you here believed what she said, apparently she thinks you’re idiots.

    1. wipe that white stuff off your mouth, bro. i thought you and your buddies only did it from behind. RoberG, the non-citizen, trying to imagine he understands math better than anyone else in the whole world. Your first post was about miller… and you’re stitll dreaming of doing to Miller what you do to GH. Like numbers, dont we? Since you like math, let’s start math 101.

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

    2. Or maybe you don’t really understand what a general legal process looks like, or what “defamatory” statements mean in this particular legal case.
      One can always count on superficial readings from you, RoberG !
      ps. Are you going to answer my question in addressed to you in my earlier message to you ?

      1. ignore him bro. when you get so much from behind a lot of the compressed matter jams the brain and comes out of the mouth…

        1. I might have been tempted to, dear 79mAnon 🙂
          but…. he responded to my question directly above…. and I don’t want to lose faith in my fellow-human beings… I don’t want to succumb to “hating” someone who disagrees with me… I want to respectfully agree to disagree, but I think we need to move back to earlier times, when we could disagree and still be friends…
          that world seems to be fast disappearing…. and that is lamentable in my old book — getting on in years 😉
          Cheers, bro, and always good to interact with you here… (and hopefully in other venues in the future too).

          1. I just discovered that for some reason my Android tablet doesn’t always show the latest version of this thread, but the laptop does.

    3. I’ve noticed that too, RoberG..
      It seems that this site is only optimzed for the desktop OSes ? Or maybe its something more sinister ? 😉
      Strange times.

      1. I see now that I can choose the desktop site when using the tablet, so that helps. I don’t get a notification if someone responds to or mentions me, but if I miss it initially I should eventually catch up using “find in page”.

        1. Yes, that is the perfect way, RoberG.
          (re: Find in page….)
          Good to hear from you… this is a bit of a dying forum since Patrick moved most(all?) his activity to Tgram…. but like with first loves… I *know* that Patrick will never abandon Deep Capture 😉 — where I first came to know of him in 2008 (maybe 2007 !)
          Cheers, and take care,

    1. Hi PreservetheAmericanWay
      (may have to abbreviate that next time — if ok with you ? 🙂
      Patrick has posted responses on Telegram channel, which are copies of what Sidney has posted on the main page of her web-site…
      Hope that helps,

    2. Hi again Preserve….
      Patrick’s most up-to-date comments (daily) are available on Telegram. You don’t have to sign up for Telegram. Just look for the Telegram icon (it looks like a plane/concorde ? or like a paper rocket we used to make as kids)…
      On this page/this web-site, it is on the top-right hand corner of the page, just to the right of the tab “Community” on the very top of the page… If you click that, it will open up another window and you will be able to read Patrick’s daily comments on his Telegram channel…
      Hope that helps now (and in the future).

  72. Patrick, I trust the election will be sorted out thanks to the fine work of yourself and others. Today however I need help on whether to hold AMC or not? Damn HFs using all the illegal tricks.
    Kidding, sort of.
    Thank you sincerely Patrick for all you are doing to educate us,

  73. This might be one of the most informative vids I have ever seen.
    Want to know what Patrick is not saying about why they almost came to blows in the White House?
    Want to know how to force your State to conduct a forensic audit?
    Want to know how to stop Child Protective Services from kidnapping children?
    Want to know how to make your legislature do our bidding…
    This guy just blew my mind

  74. Patrick: I’d pay $30 for a physical book. However, it’s appallingly apparent from having printed out, and then having to edit the six chapters so it would be possible to read them, that you didn’t hire a competent editor. Perhaps not even an editor, period. Why not? At any rate, the thought of the eye strain from reading a PDF ten chapters long, in the deplorable condition that it probably still is in, is too much to ask. Thank you, sincerely, for everything. NOW GO HIRE AN EDITOR. A good one. Don Reed

  75. Re: the new material about to come out. Please, please, please make sure this doesn’t involve Dennis Montgomery. The guy is a fraud. If this his stuff, he’s going to destroy your’s, Mike Lindell’s and Sidney Powell’s reputations irreparably.

    1. already did. the new materiala confirmed the old material. let me summarize it for you:
      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


      1. Dear 79mA 😉
        Who is Dennis Montgomery ? Of course, I could go ahead and Google it, but…….. but in the interests of reaching out to you, and giving us something to type about ;)….
        Pray Tell ! :0

          1. Finally had the time, 79mA friend !
            Found out all about Dennis and his “claims”…. what’s your take on the guy ? Is he legit in your opinion ?

            ps. I should have gone into law, would have made a lot more money, and i could have lived out my ethics too – would have a sterling reputation for being unbiased, and merit/fact-based either as a lawyer or a judge…

  76. Democratic Congressman proves that FB actively promoted far right wing extremists group membership and internal report show FB recommendation alago responsible for 64% increase in membership. FB did not act on the report, which had had for more than a year, until after Jan 6th.

    Democratic lawmaker snaps at Mark Zuckerberg during hearing: “It’s not a difficult question!”

        1. i created a school account when it was just starting (not available to public and became whatt everybody had to have before they realized the sht it was). just to know what it is. have about 30 invites that i never answered. never used it even 1 time because it was obviously a scam. the only way to make money off it would have been to study you inside out. wtf privacy

          zuckerberg was lucky with microsoft. then he was ssmart to buy a few right companies.

      1. I did ! :)…..
        More than *10* years ago…. Facebook was still growing. It was a private company, and my research indicated that Mark Zuckerberg was a lying sack ! (basically 90% proability he stole the software – the case went all the way to SCOTUS).

          1. Yo RoberG –
            (dare i say buddy ;))
            I don’t want to hate MZ… and I am happy to report that I don’t 🙂 — he’s just a lying sack ! 😉

          2. you can think someone is pos without hating on them. just have a contempt for stupidity. like i do for foreiigners who think they understand usa.

            59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
            not. my. president.


            but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

        1. it’s 100 % that he stole it. he had to give 65 million to the twins he stole it from.

          still give him credit for making it big. question is (i dont know the details) did he takae the idea in development and waalk away (scumbag) or an idea talked about that nobody was doing anyhting about ( no big deal). i vaguely remember it was the scumbag part though… i might b wrong

          1. That’s not the one I’m talking about Anonymous —
            (The twins are crooks/shiesters in their own right, and $65m seems a decent payout – which they have parlayed into $1B++ in Bitcoin, etc… but that’s a different story).

            I’m refering to Leader Technologies – whose son was a college-mate of MZ and the Winkelwoss twins… google the story, and if you go down that rabbit-hole, you will be intrigued if you are a student of business, or business history.

          2. doubt the twins are anything but hypersmart kids with good family support (like patrick dad is an actuary). wish i had invested in btc that early too. theey were billionaires before december so must be more than just btc/gemini exchange unless they literally sunk in millions intot btc @ 1 usd which is unlikely

            what evidence do you have of them being dishonesst? they aare actually olympians. people wih that work ethic are competitive and hard workers. i dont consider doping to be dishonest tbh. lance is still the champ… beat all te other who dope too fair and square…

          3. Interesting idea, Anonymous
            (BTw, would you mind using some name ? so I can be sure I am talking to the same person each time — i presume you are the same person asking further down what evidence there is that they are shysters…)
            Read the book on how Facebook was born. You will see a bunch of college kids tripping over each other with loose ethics, trying to ride on this rocket that suddenly took off…
            Some other factual inaccuracies in your most recent message above)…
            1. Yes, they did invest millions into BTC. They saw that one early fair and square.
            2. Just because they are Olympians doesn’t mean anything more than they are type A. and have great discpline. i have met several Olympians as well. Doesnt’ say anything about their ethics. Crooked people exist everywhere. Not just in politics.

          4. anil, poor wording on my part. olympian = good in sport. nothing more. does require hard work, discipline, and focus. and that is what ii was saying.
            only meant to say that winklevosses seems to be normal very smart kids wiht with the “right” kind of a family background.
            … i remember reading from theeir court filing that they were actually paying osme harvard studnets to work on a project they ran … etc… they are def smart. plus, just think of it. 2 brains are better than 1. 2 smart brains who can trust each other 100 % are def halff an army strong.

            yes, i will come up with some name and open up a telegram acct. this forum is on its last legs.

            hope youre doing well.

            i will repost this message as a separate message below so easier to find/respond to.

        2. It’s not that big a deal if Zuckerberg stole some software or did or didn’t cheat business partners. That’s between them, and actually trivial compared to how he treats his literally billions of users with complete disdain, and lies and manipulates and repeatedly apologizes only when caught. How many times has he apologized so far? And how many times did he mean it?

          1. you say, “It’s not that big a deal if Zuckerberg stole some software or did or didn’t cheat business partners. ” … then you expect the same liar to be honesst?
            that’s the problem with you liberal-leaning tools. you assume that it’s okay to cheat those you dont like. but it’s not okay to cheat those you like? or yourself.
            it’s a very big deal if you steal something. it’s freaking unethical and bad and says VOLUMES about a person and what you should expect from that person. some politicians steal speeches verbatim. then deny it. others sleep their way to the top. lose the election and dont admit it and instead act like they won.
            but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american. you dont understand OUR VALUES AS I SAID. we actually DO value honesty and integrity very much. as a nation. except in a few places (and we know where they are) you would not be welcome if you lie and cheat.

            59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
            79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
            not. my. president.


            but what would you know. you didnt vote and are not an american.

          2. One happens because of the other, RoberG…. you must see the link, dear chap !?
            ps. Dear 79mA – (hope you like that moniker) — good to read you. Miss you ! 🙂

          3. Sorry, Anon 79 million guy, if I wasn’t clear. I don’t agree with business people cheating each other, apparently unlike Patrick elsewhere in this site who seemed to think it was no big deal that Trump routinely “stiffs contractors”. What I meant is that it if Zuckerberg cheats each other business people, which of course is bad, that is still far less important to us, than how he mistreat us.

          4. Sorry, Anon 79 million guy, if I wasn’t clear. I don’t agree with business people cheating each other, apparently unlike Patrick elsewhere in this site, who seemed to think it was no big deal that Trump routinely “stiffs contractors”. What I meant is that it if Zuckerberg cheats each other business people, which of course is bad, that is a relatively minor offence compared to how he mistreat us. So let’s go after him for that.

          5. Hi RoberG:
            The publisher of the video removed it (before I guess YouTube banned it ;))

            Its the one from the Plaintiff in the Michigan Antrim County case, and his lawyer (Matt Deperno, or something like it)… I think it is now available on Rumble…. and they are discussing their filing with some show/video host…

            I think if you Google “Antrim County” (which is as of date the only case where the one part of the evidence (i.e inspection of the Dominion machines) was actually conducted) and “Matt Deperno”, both phrases in quotation marks to be entered simultaneously for a long tail search…

            it should show up.

            Keep digging, RoberG… the MSM is definitely deluded on the election fraud of 2020, such is their “collective hate” of all things Trump…. 🙂
            ps. I ONLY care about Election Integrity…. that is why I am following this debacle so carefully.

  77. Patrick,
    You need to learn about David Jose if you have not yet. He is the one that forced the AZ audit. He is the one that got the mask mandate lifted in AZ. He is a great speaker and has the same kind of memory that you have. He has read most if not all state constitutions and can quote most from memory. Please promote him. He can show people how to get things done.

    1. Hi Anonymous-
      Hoping you get this message reply to yours… Have a bit of time hanging on my hands, do you have a link to this David Jose guy ? I can’t find anything on a random google search specific to AZ audit… lots of David Joses, but none that I can drill down into for AZ audit ?

  78. Apart from the why, it is an indisputable fact that within less than a minute of the dude from Arizona getting down to brass tacks and talking math 1/6/21… All holy hell erupted…Whether it was by deep design, the universe’s way of protecting our delicate ears from “conspiracy theories” … It was clockwork… Don’t ever forget that rationality was drowned out by nonsense and then, the bells rang in the dead of night as our “Patriotic” and “Heroic “ Lawmakers “Refused to let our democracy be tarnished by the “evil Trump monster seditionists”… And did their job in the middle of the night…an art they perfected in 2020 and has truly flourished in the Reign of Dim Love

    1. sad thing. buffett would have done us all a favor if he had used his brains to invest his money to help. this money would have done better going to tesla. elon musk is CREATING jobs. gates THINKS that he i creaating them. he means well. but nothing is better than creating jobs. and he is just increasing corruption. also why is he so pro-covid vaccines? he is smart nough to see the hoax.

      because warren and bill are buddies i am 100 % sure thaat gaates is a good guy just means well, but we would profit more of these intellectual giants creating jobs, not welfare

  79. anil, poor wording on my part. olympian = good in sport. nothing more. does require hard work, discipline, and focus. and that is what ii was saying.
    only meant to say that winklevosses seems to be normal very smart kids wiht with the “right” kind of a family background.
    … i remember reading from theeir court filing that they were actually paying osme harvard studnets to work on a project they ran … etc… they are def smart. plus, just think of it. 2 brains are better than 1. 2 smart brains who can trust each other 100 % are def halff an army strong.

    yes, i will come up with some name and open up a telegram acct. this forum is on its last legs.

    hope youre doing well.

    59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
    79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
    not. my. president.


  80. btw anil, dd you ever read pat’s telegram. i reaad it yesterday… my second time since november putsch…

    surreal when you are not following things regularly.

    more focused on work and finances as of now…

    59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
    79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
    not. my. president.


    1. hey buddy !
      *great* to hear from you… i didn’t think it was you…. (your customary 79m signature was missing ;))…

      yes, agree with you re: winkelvoss guys.. they have good athletic ability, are def smart et al, right connections, etc, etc, but nowhere near PB’s ethics (which is the world i live in). they and mz were trying to outsheister each other… settled for $65m -i don’t think they had the endurance/motive to hold out for more… because i don’t think they saw where FB could end up, and they were probably out-lawyered (among other factors)

      yes, i do read PB’s telegram channel every day. he posts several articles each day. Lots of big things happening…. let’s see if it all comes to pass by the end of this quarter. the Courts will not move in my opinion, but the fraud is looking like it will be no longer be possible for msm to call it “conspiracy land”… that in itself will be a big win, to watch the msm pundits collapsing in their seats as they understand how deluded they are…
      let me know if you join Tgram, maybe i will be tempted to join as well :)….

      Cheers, and all the best, always,

      1. Anil, give a couple of wks or so. i will join the tlgrm (have an acct already just dont use it). hope all’s well.

        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


        1. Hi buddy –
          Good to hear from you. I come to this site everytime I sit at a desktop (otherwise I live a computer-free life :))… was waiting for your response, and very happy to read your message today… I saw that dim-wit GH’s message yesterday — clearly he was missing you ;)…. was wondering whether you would show up to respond to him…… (wonder if he will write back to your response 😉
          Chat soon on Tgram…. .(once I hear from you, I will have to set-up an account as well, we’ll have to figure out a way to exchange info…. i guess we’ll get to it when we do 🙂

  81. Hey Patrick any chance you might ask your Rabbi about all of this

    “This new initiative involves high-ranking members of the European Commission, Putin hater Olga Yurkova (Co-Founder,, Marwan M. Kraidy (Dean and CEO, Northwestern University in Qatar), Justine Isola (Facebook), and others. One look into the backgrounds of these people will tell you the Roberta Buffett Institute is already presenting a narrative to students that is mightily skewed in favor of the liberal order. With Biden in charge now, and after Trump succeeding in destroying conservatism for good, Buffett and his fellows are ready for the push to subdue Russia or anything standing in the way. At least, this is my analysis.”

    This is the kind of crap the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs is spewing.

    1. Yes anon that is a creepy bunch of censor-happy bullies looking at those pics in the second link. That one actually made me chuckle, from Stopfake dot org (“Accuse them of what you yourself are doing” right there in eight letters)
      s t o p f a k e… said the propaganda artist trying to shut down all dissent in her “disinformation” fight.

    1. votes @ the inner city areas in some states the votes were stolen, trump wont get reelected unless something is done about the counting process.

  82. If Biden WON THE POPULRAR VOTE, all this moral crusading loses its urgency … , and one ia left to defend a process that most people find not worth defending to begin with. INDIRECT election of a President? The world finds this very odd ..

    1. when you get so much from behind a lot of the compressed matter jams the brain and comes out of the mouth… when you dont read “The Deep Rig” and just assume that it means, as usual, getting it deep from behind,… you keep thinking that most normal people would pro-actively elect someone who wouldnt even get elected to lead a committee @ a senior citizen’s home. There are many oddities about you. The facts still remain. Numbers dont lie. Math 101 for you (AGAIN). For a moment take that thing out and read:

      59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
      79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
      not. my. president.


  83. Patrick,
    On Tori’s show she mentioned that she was having difficulty getting the 3rd party report on Dominion software. Well thanks to David Jose I have been reading my Florida constitution and have found some very powerful stuff. One thing in particular might be of help:
    SECTION 24. Access to public records and meetings.—
    (a) Every person has the right to inspect or copy any public record made or received in connection with the official business of any public body, officer, or employee of the state, or persons acting on their behalf, except with respect to records exempted pursuant to this section or specifically made confidential by this Constitution. This section specifically includes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government and each agency or department created thereunder; counties, municipalities, and districts; and each constitutional officer, board, and commission, or entity created pursuant to law or this Constitution.
    (b) All meetings of any collegial public body of the executive branch of state government or of any collegial public body of a county, municipality, school district, or special district, at which official acts are to be taken or at which public business of such body is to be transacted or discussed, shall be open and noticed to the public and meetings of the legislature shall be open and noticed as provided in Article III, Section 4(e), except with respect to meetings exempted pursuant to this section or specifically closed by this Constitution.

    I am sure you have someone in Florida that can make a constitutional demand and if not I would be happy to submit one. I believe David Jose gave the AZ government 5 days to produce information and I don’t see why Tori should not ask for the same.
    And for some of the most up to date AZ new check out VoteLizHarris on YT. Liz is the one that has organized the 4200+ canvassers and has 3 videos a day. Her show last week with David was one of his best.

    Just one of the things every patriot should know. There is a jurisdictional difference between the United States and the United States of America. NEVER sign under the jurisdiction of the United States, only under the United States of America.

  84. Hi Patrick. This book was great, the information was different than I expected to hear. Makes sense about Rudy. This helped fill in quite a few “blanks” in what’s reported elsewhere. I bought an audio version. Listened through it once. Then ordered the paper version to see the references. Am I looking right past them on this site? I came here to research those links. Seeing such info for Deep Capture, but not Deep Rig. Thanks for documenting your story.

  85. I will tell you right now I am tired of being asked to pay for the weather, the news, my opinion and every little thing. NO I WILL NOT PAY TO READ YOUR BOOK. Not even $4.99. Tell your friend your book lost a great deal of readership by charging a stupid $4.99. Free the press!

  86. Patrick,
    First, thanks for now releasing the book in print so I cans send it to friends and family who will greatly benefit from its content.
    Second, I really wish/hope you, General Flynn, Sidney Powell, and others who put the American People First will continue to fight hard to restore integrity to our election process. We must have free and fair elections or we will just become another Venezuela.
    I’m ok if the majority votes differently from me, but I’m not ok with rigged the elections.
    Finally, I really wish someone could get this book into Donald Trump’s hands – America First is a great message, but Don just can’t seem to see the rats in his own boat. As your book points out, he often trusts the wrong people 🙁 Plus, he never cleaned house like he should have, like Obama and Biden have, probably because he didn’t understand the realities of Washington DC.
    Thanks again for all your work Patrick, and a great book! Please write more like this!

    1. Zero chance Trump has read a book in the past decade. Find someone to read it on fox News and maybe he’ll hear it. Arizona audit is going well. Glad pattie paid a bunch of morons who can’t mount a hard drive a million dollars to embarrass themselves.

      1. when you get so much from behind a lot of the compressed matter jams the brain and comes out of the mouth… Stop swallowing. It makes it worse.

        There are many oddities about you. The facts still remain. Numbers dont lie. Math 101 for you (AGAIN). For a moment take that thing out and read:

        59-68 MILLION <<<<<<<<<79 000 000
        79 000 000 landslide stolen and caught on camera. #STOP THE STEAL
        not. my. president.


  87. Reasons not to pay $5 a month to join a social media site.

    First and foremost, “DON’T EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU PAY A MONTHLY FEE FOR SOME SOCIAL MEDIA SITE… AND IT’S CALLED LOCALS!!!” said my wife. With a wife and kids there is no justifiable reason to spend this money. And I have been following your writings since the Deep Capture days.

    Second, in a properly regulated capitalist’s economy there are and will be a plethora of outlets for news and information. I could easily be signed up for 10 to 20 such services. I already don’t comment on most all of the news sites I frequent as they ask to sigh up and enter a verifiable email address. I don’t want to sign up for, let alone pay for all these sites.

    Third, while I wouldn’t mind supporting you, if this were your source of income, and I like Rubin and his news, I am not ready to pay a subscription to support everything on the site. I much prefer the hybrid monetary model giving options for subscription, add supported and the LBRY and BAT crypto approaches allowing consumers to tip and support the content they wish.

    Lastly and most importantly, thanks to the messengers of Westeros, which you gestated, we will soon be fundamentally changing they why all digital content is shared, sold and consumed. Sites like Locals, YT, Twatter, FB, ect… will still exist, they just wont control the content they are allowed to publish.

    P.S. Support Dave Jose. Take some of that support and create templets and videos on how we, as citizens, can constitutionally demand that our elected officials do our bidding.

  88. Patrick,
    Have you attempted to contact Kelly Ward or Karen Fann in Arizona to offer any assistance with the audit? Or possibly get the experts you had assembled to help out?
    I would think any help would be appreciated. There are an awful lot of MSM smears happening. I think they are afraid of what may be exposed.

  89. Patrick, you know I have the upmost respect for you, but Dave Jose is showing the true meaning of coming through the front door with a chainsaw.

    If everyone wants to know what we the people, working and raising kids can do to make a BIG difference, Dave can teach all of us. Just look how this NJ school owner got his place open in the middle of the lockdown and the city and cops did nothing

  90. Thank you for your reference to Flynn as Washington. I believe he is the only one, as President, that could get the DOJ and the IC cleaned up. He has the backbone and the knowledge. I don’t see anyone else who could do the job properly. I like DeSantis a lot but we don’t need a politician at this time.

    I like the new interview room, just need some cloth up on the walls, there is a bit of an echo..

  91. As I listen to your interview with Ann Verndersteel from last night I get more and more anxious and upset. Someone asked can you give use some pragmatic actions we the People can do. All you, Flynn, Lindel, Sidney can give them is get informed, read a book, watch a movie, contribute. We think the courts are going to go 9-0 for us. ALL OF THIS IS JUST VAPORWARE!!! The courts will never let you win

    I support what all of you are doing but Josh Barnett and Dave Jose have made most of what you guys are doing moot.

    You can’t show me the court case that got the AZ audit going because it was not ordered by a court. This is what happened.
    Dave and Josh first sent notice to the representative that they were committing maladministration and then instructed their representatives what they wanted them to do, which was a full audit.
    Right to assemble.—The people shall have the right peaceably to assemble, to instruct their representatives, and to petition for redress of grievances.
    They showed in the constitution where the legislature had the power and by not submitting to the will of the people they were violating their oath of office. This violation would allow the people to call a grand jury and hold a court to judge these violation OUTSIDE the judicial branch.

    They also pointed out this in the constitution:
    1. Legislative authority; initiative and referendum

    Section 1. (1) Senate; house of representatives; reservation of power to people. The legislative authority of the state shall be vested in the legislature, consisting of a senate and a house of representatives, but the people reserve the power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution and to enact or reject such laws and amendments at the polls, independently of the legislature; and they also reserve, for use at their own option, the power to approve or reject at the polls any act, or item, section, or part of any act, of the legislature.

    Well guess what, if you form your “instructions” in to an affidavit and send it certified mail, the recipients have to refute the affidavit OR IT BECOMES TRUE EVIDENCE IN A COURT OF LAW. And they can’t refute what is written in the constitutions.

    You have to add an arbitration clause as allowed by 9 U.S. Code Title 9—ARBITRATION. As one of the People you get to name the arbiter, they don’t get to choose.

    So does this work?
    Audit in AZ
    Mask mandated lifted in AZ and then in GA
    88 children returned from CSP using constitutional demands and clauses.
    110+ business opened in the middle of the lockdown in AZ by using the constitution and making them private.
    Same thing opened a MMS school in NJ, same affidavits.
    SOS power removed after AZ Senate is “educated” that they have the power to do just that and then “instructed” to do so by the PEOPLE using these affidavits and constitutional demands.

    Dave and Josh setup tables at conservative rallies with a notary there and a stack of these affidavits. Once the legislature received hundreds of theses, they now do what the People tell them to do, which is what they took an oath to do.

    We the people are making a bigger difference that Patrick, Flynn, Mike, Sidney and the other great icons of freedom. We have been lied to by ALL the lawyers, even the good ones. I will give you one example:
    (1)If executed without the United States: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).

    (2)If executed within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).

    There is the FEDERAL CORPORATION named the United States and there is the Country the United States of America. These are TWO different jurisdictions. DO NOT LET YOUR SELF BE A SUBJECT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!! We are the People, who hold ALL political power, of the United States of AMERICA!!!!

    Learn the truth, get yourself educated and love you neighbors and your enemies. We don’t want to beat them we what to show them the truth and bring them in to the light.

    Davecaresforyou on youtube or look up Dave Jose and or Josh Barnett.

  92. I don’t have an e-book reader of any kind. So I lose.
    I would have bought it too!