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Jim Chanos
7 posts
New Evidence Raises Serious Questions About Kingsford Capital’s “Donation” to the Columbia Journalism Review
How a network of miscreant hedge funds keep unflattering stories out of the media
Blue Kryptonite and naked short selling
Within minutes of my introduction to the world of short selling hedge funds, I encountered the analogy that remains the best suited to describe the truth to which they subscribe: Bizarro World.
Patrick Byrne gives Jim Chanos the Business, Episode I
Patrick Byrne responds to short seller Jim Chanos on Fox Business Network.
Email Exposes Short Seller Plot to Destroy a Public Company
This is Part 3 of an ongoing series. Read Part 1 Read Part 2 A few years ago,…
Hedge funds reading tomorrow’s headlines today
Fairfax Financial Holdings (NYSE:FFH) was first listed on the NYSE on December 20, 2002. During its first 15…
January 3, 2009
Hedge funds reading tomorrow's headlines today
Fairfax Financial Holdings (NYSE:FFH) was first listed on the NYSE on December 20, 2002. During its first 15…
January 3, 2009
Short-Sellers Spin Themselves Silly, SEC Sounds Strong
After years of intermittently ignoring and whitewashing one of history’s biggest financial swindles, the Wall Street Journal today, for the first time, published some basic truths about the crime: “Illegitimate naked short selling is different from [legal short-selling]…this kind of manipulative activity can have drastic consequences…Eliminating the prospect of naked short selling will help assure investors that… when the market declines it is not because of unseen manipulators and `distort and short’ artists.”