Patrick I dont think there is any question that our elections aren’t decided by votes. The question is, when do we stop hearing evidence and start seeing action?
Nothing happens til we put them in jail or they confess. They wont confess til they have massive evidence to go to jail. I only hope we can get to the top of the pyramid. We ARE under a time crunch and turtles are moving slowly(they don’t only pile on top of each other)<—Joke.
I make a lot of money $ 5479 to $ 6285 per week online from my laptop. The first month I received a check for $ 22536, this online job is simple and understandable, you don’t have to go to the office, it’s his work from home online. This job opportunity is for you right now. If you want, just try it on the attached site …. Go to the site below and get started ….
Well, not so fast. Anybody who has ever worked data systems knows that a lot of data is often processed for cross purposes, resulting in clutter. For example, simulated inventory, clients, etc.. ALL such scenarios must be checked out first .. before reaching any conclusions.
All this duplicate voter crap has been debunked many times. If you google “Patrick Byrne” you find quite a few of them, even though it’s a slightly unusual name. I really like the harmonica player. There are lots of duplicate names among millions of voters and in some cases even with the same middle name For several years, my son, my Dad and I, with the same first and last name, and two us at the same address, and two of us with the same middle name, could all vote in the same election.
And even if one person is on the list more than once (of course there will be accidental duplications), that does not mean they voted more than once once. And when individuals are ACTUALLY CAUGHT voting more than once, it’s almost always a Republican.
And have you noticed that these videos claiming to prove fraud are always unverifiable and hard to understand, so you can’t actually replicate the process or fact-check the data? I think the fraudsters have learned from Matt Braynard’s humiliating experience, where he gave his actual unmasked data to Georgia reps and got eviscerated by Bee Nugyen actually fact checking him. His data was junk That’s why all the data is xx’d out here – so we can’t show where it’s wrong.
The bottom line is that the last Maricopa audit, despite all the incentives to find otherwise, and despite all the irregularities – not in the election itself, but in the Cyber Ninja audit – verified Biden’s win in that county. Patrick knows this, but like a dog with a bone, he can’t give up his certainty there was fraud and is desperately looking for any other support for his pre-determined conclusions.
It’s said to see one of your former heroes fail like this.
So some people who weren’t sure if they were registered to vote, re-registered in the lead up to the election. Perhaps the officials didn’t “purge the rolls” in the weeks right before the election, so that people who didn’t realize they were registered twice could vote with their most recent registration ID. How many of these duplicate people did he check to see if these people actually voted more than once? The one duplicate registree where he comments on this, is somebody who was registered twice, but voted once. On that page you can see that maybe his no. 1470 voted twice, but anybody else visible on that page (at about 5:16) either did not vote, or voted once. Then he says there is a lot more work to do to figure out what is going on. How is this “irrefutable proof” of anything, when then presenter himself makes no such claim? Patrick, I swear you have forgotten how you once bore the title “scholar”. This is shoddy, shoddy, reporting, and innuendo.
The Maricopa audit only showed that there was a ballot for every purported vote. It exonerated the machines from the theory that the machines were flipping votes. It means that if the election was stolen it was stolen the old fashion way — ballot stuffing. There were plenty of suspicious ballot dumps in all the battleground states with little or no signature verification. So, the problem a potential cheater would have is assigning a fake vote to a registered voter who didn’t vote in this election. To do that the cheater would need access to the voter rolls on election night. I don’t see this video as arguing all these people double voted, that could be detected, but it might be showing someone gaining control of a large batch of voter registrations to assign fake ballots to later. Or perhaps the double registrations were used temporarily to justify the over printing of physical ballots in the months before the election to later be used to stuff the ballot box. Or it all could be just statistical noise or even a hoax. We are all just looking for a logical explanation for the unexplainable statistical anomalies we saw on election night.
The video we are responding to does not show “Irrefutable Proof of Crimes in Maricopa Voter Roll Administration”, and the person narrating the video makes NO such claims. How or why Patrick Byrne has gone from a crusader against stock market fraud to a purveyor of sensationalist headlines and uncritical acceptor and transmitter of any junk election fraud claims is a puzzle to me. Miller’s claims are debunked. Braynard’s data is junk. Shiva’s math is deceptive. The claim that unvaccinated Brits have a lower death rate than vaccinated ones is completely bogus. The claim that Hillary Clinton was supposedly going to be in a hotel room to personally accept an 18 million dollar bribe (seriously???!!!) is almost certainly a classic law enforcement scam to lure and entrap some would-be influence buyer. And even if it could have happened., Patrick has no direct knowledge of it, so he is repeating hearsay from known fraud artists (yes, the FBI). So basically he is winding people up with garbage claims, whose lack of credibility he is either oblivious or willfully blind to (you decide which) and this needs to be repeatedly hammered home.
No one can draw any conclusions from the so called “audit” because the voting machines were not inspected (Because RINO Republicans blocked the subpoena’s)
RoberG proves he wasn’t paying attention with this argument
“January 21, 2022 at 1:56 pm All this duplicate voter crap has been debunked many times. If you google “Patrick Byrne” you find quite a few of them, even though it’s a slightly unusual name. I really like the harmonica player. There are lots of duplicate names among millions of voters and in some cases even with the same middle name For several years, my son, my Dad and I, with the same first and last name, and two us at the same address, and two of us with the same middle name, could all vote in the same election.”
IF HE PAID ATTENTION he would remember that the author ruled that out by comparing birth dates.
RoberG also said
“And even if one person is on the list more than once (of course there will be accidental duplications), that does not mean they voted more than once once. And when individuals are ACTUALLY CAUGHT voting more than once, it’s almost always a Republican.”
First of all, his last comment was racist, insulting, demeaning and unsubstantiated.
Secondly, the question about both voters voting wasn’t discussed but it was seen in the early part (5:03) of the video. Notice, the first name on the list Match ID 4328 VOTED TWICE! (And this is a very SMALL sample).
Therefore, the issue is this. With so much suspicious activity, the question remains: Is this evidence which required a more detailed forensic investigation? I say the volume of suspicious activity warrants an investigation. What say you?
Thanks for your reply. You are right, in my first post I didn’t address the issue of duplicate registrations of the same person. I though I had posted a second comment pursuing that further, but I don’t see it and I don’t know if it has been purged (which I don’t think Patrick does) or I failed to post it, or appended it to another of Patrick’s entries by mistake. Or maybe I am just blind.
Anyway here is what I meant to say – I did notice what you pointed out, that in a paused frame you can see that one person appeared to have voted twice and several others didn’t, but you can’t view all the data to see how often that happened. The guy making the video could easily have sorted his database to let us or the Arizona politician to whom the video was sent know if his spreadsheet showed a lot of people voting twice, and sadly he didn’t.
However, in the Maricopa response to Cyber Ninjas’s report, they say Cyber Ninjas eventually gave them a list of 164 people who had two chances to vote. Maricopa officials found that most of the claimed duplicates were actually 2 different people, as contrary to the video above, Cyber Ninjas had only matched the year of birth of like-named people in their final submission to within +/-10 years, and in a county of 4 million people there will be some with the same first, last and middle name. From Cyber Ninjas’ list, county officials found that there were 6 people in total who might have voted twice, among two million who voted, and they have passed those names on to law enforcement.
Maricopa County Election Department, Correcting the Record, January 2022, item 5.6.10
- (it’s a good read)
As for me being racist, of course we all are to some degree (you can take an online implicit bias test if you disagree) but unless you are saying all republicans are white, or all republicans who vote fraudulently are black, I don’t see the relevance. There have been several news reports of individuals who were actually caught voting twice, and they are mostly republican. I find this ironic and a bit amusing.
Ok, I did post it – I just forgot to add my name so it is labelled anonymous – it is the anonymous reply to my original post
Just answer one simple question, Is it OK for 150 million people to vote with no proof of identification necessary, while having everyone who voted in person wearing masks?
It’s a false claim that 150 million people voted with no proof of identification as most states do require it. And in Arizona you don’t need to use a photo ID, so the mask wearing is irrelevant. And even in the few states that don’t require ID at the poll, there is no evidence that large numbers of imaginary people voted, and no large numbers of people claiming that someone stole their vote. Certainly lots of people, including Cyber NInjas have looked for it and not found it. Sure, some hacks like Matt Braynard claimed to have found evidence of fake voters, and anybody else who looks at their data can immediately see it is nonsense. For example if he sees voters at the same street address as a Fedex office, he assumes they are all using a Fedex post office box as a fake address, not understanding that in cities, Fedex offices can be on the ground floor of a condo building. You really ought to watch the video of Bee Nguyen exposing his uselessness – I really got a kick out of it.
Bottom line – there is nothing there, to back up all this fear-mongering. But it’s understandable that Republicans are convinced that there is all this fraudulent voting, because in the tiny numbers of cases where it is discovered, it’s typically republicans who do it, so I guess they figure if they would do it, so would everybody else.
Fraud is a long time process watch they will be put in jail. What goes up must come down. Every action equal or opposite reaction. Also do your own homework on the fraud. Look at the voters and how many voted. Look at Bernie the prophet. He called the election to a tee. Yet pollsters claimed a blue tsunami never not once did they predict a “red” anything let alone a mirage. Never had Trump getting more votes than ANY PRESIDENT EVER!!!! Why did the mess happen in the counties that shut down counting etc. -Occam Razor oh and btw on WI a judge/Lawyer has 202 Thousand illegal votes he had all of the information. Biden told the Supreme Court not to deal with it. So they choose not to. Our country will be is becoming a place where we will go to war to protect Ukraines borders but allow millions in illegally with no mandates free health care free housing flights at 3am etc etc. You are either asleep or are not real just a bot!
Biden cannot tell the (largely right wing) supreme court not to take a case. If they didn’t take it, it’s because they decided there were insufficient grounds to do so.
Pollsters didn’t do a good job of predicting when Trump won, or when he lost, because people don’t always tell them truthfully how, or even if, they are going to vote.
Damn, 6 million for minds? Maybe take a look at and kick in a few RVN. Vincent is funding 100%, except for some very small RVN drops from the community, and he is just a regular joe.. A couple of hundred RVN is better than nothing. You co-founded RVN to give the People the same technology as the elite, at least take a look at what one freedom fighter is building with RVN.
Hope that more people will start to demand fair,accurate and transparent elections in which EVERY CITIZEN CAN VERIFY THEIR VOTES WERE COUNTED ACCURATELY.
You get a receipt for buying a pack of gum,but not for your votes?
Does this make sense to you??
It seems to me the solution would be a voting system that perhaps had both an electronic,blockchain vote AND a paper vote cast simultaneously in which the electronic ballots and paper ballots were counted separately to expose any discrepancies / fraud.
Voatz system seems to be a good solution which accomplishes this which I first heard about years ago when Patrick Byrne mentioned it when he was CEO of Overstock.
Does anyone really believe that people involved in politics and elections are fair,honest and unbiased and they should just be trusted “counting” votes using the current election systems ??
Who in the world,other than corrupt,dishonest people, would be against an election system where every voter could verify their vote was counted accurately??
Here is excerpt from Voatz website:
“HOW VOATZ WORKS How do voters confirm that their votes are counted? Once a voter submits a ballot, three distinct records are created that allow a voter to verify their vote is recorded and counted as they intended.
Ballot Receipt: Soon after voting, a voter receives an encrypted, anonymized receipt to verify their selections. This receipt is password protected and signed with an anonymous ID (only the voter knows this password and anonymous ID).
Paper Ballot: A paper ballot is generated and printed at the jurisdiction for tabulation. This paper ballot is signed with the same anonymous ID, and this paper ballot constitutes the record being counted.
Blockchain Record: All ballot selections pass through multiple, distributed nodes on a public-permissioned blockchain network. If the votes pass all checks, they are stored as a tamper-resistant record alongside all other votes.”
“There is an additional step a voter can take to verify their vote(s). Once the election closes, the voter has the opportunity to participate in a public citizens’ audit, where all ballot receipts, paper ballots and blockchain data are compared to ensure voter intent is reflected in the overall election count. For more information about the Voatz post-election audit process, view the video on the Security & Technology page of our website.”
Google pays 390$ reliably. My last paycheck was $55000 working 5 hours out of consistently on the web. My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can’t trust how direct it was once I attempted it out. This is my essential concern…:) For more info visit any tab on this site Thanks a lot GOOD LUCK…….
Hope that more people will start to demand fair,accurate and transparent elections in which EVERY CITIZEN CAN VERIFY THEIR VOTES WERE COUNTED ACCURATELY.
You get a receipt for buying a pack of gum,but not for your votes?
Does this make sense to you??
It seems to me the solution would be a voting system that perhaps had both an electronic,blockchain vote AND a paper vote cast simultaneously in which the electronic ballots and paper ballots were counted separately to expose any discrepancies / fraud.
Voatz system seems to be a good solution which accomplishes this which I first heard about years ago when Patrick Byrne mentioned it when he was CEO of Overstock.
Does anyone really believe that people involved in politics and elections are fair,honest and unbiased and they should just be trusted “counting” votes using the current election systems ??
Who in the world,other than corrupt,dishonest people, would be against an election system where every voter could verify their vote was counted accurately??
Here is excerpt from Voatz website:
“HOW VOATZ WORKS How do voters confirm that their votes are counted? Once a voter submits a ballot, three distinct records are created that allow a voter to verify their vote is recorded and counted as they intended.
Ballot Receipt: Soon after voting, a voter receives an encrypted, anonymized receipt to verify their selections. This receipt is password protected and signed with an anonymous ID (only the voter knows this password and anonymous ID).
Paper Ballot: A paper ballot is generated and printed at the jurisdiction for tabulation. This paper ballot is signed with the same anonymous ID, and this paper ballot constitutes the record being counted.
Blockchain Record: All ballot selections pass through multiple, distributed nodes on a public-permissioned blockchain network. If the votes pass all checks, they are stored as a tamper-resistant record alongside all other votes.”
“There is an additional step a voter can take to verify their vote(s). Once the election closes, the voter has the opportunity to participate in a public citizens’ audit, where all ballot receipts, paper ballots and blockchain data are compared to ensure voter intent is reflected in the overall election count. For more information about the Voatz post-election audit process, view the video on the Security & Technology page of our website.”
I’m watching the election integrity committee. Omfg lmfao. This is / was a joke. 2020 was the most secure election in Americas history! President Trump they finally gave you credit, for having a perfect election. The 170K votes that came in extra just proves how that county is very American!! SMH 🤦🏼♀️ Cica ex leader Chris Krebs talking about people risking lives.
Uptil I looked at the check which said $5381, I be certain …that…
my best friend woz like they say really bringing in money in there spare
time from their computer.. there mums best friend started doing this for
under 10 months and just now cleared the morgage on their apartment and
purchased a new Alfa Romeo. visit this web-site…..….>
A few questions:
1. What percentage of all AZ voter roll records does this study represent?
2. Were the records in the study randomly pulled from the study population?
3. Has this information been shown to the people responsible for maintaining the voter rolls? If yes, what were their comments?
4. Is there any evidence that the existence of a duplicate voter in the sample study resulted in a duplicate vote for Joe Biden being cast and counted?
5. If every instance of a duplicate voter identified in the study resulted in a duplicate vote being cast and counted for Joe Biden, how many fraudulent votes would that have produced for Joe?
6. If the results in 5. are extrapolated to AZ as a whole, what is the estimated impact on the vote tally for Joe Biden?
Patrick I dont think there is any question that our elections aren’t decided by votes. The question is, when do we stop hearing evidence and start seeing action?
Nothing happens til we put them in jail or they confess. They wont confess til they have massive evidence to go to jail. I only hope we can get to the top of the pyramid. We ARE under a time crunch and turtles are moving slowly(they don’t only pile on top of each other)<—Joke.
I make a lot of money $ 5479 to $ 6285 per week online from my laptop. The first month I received a check for $ 22536, this online job is simple and understandable, you don’t have to go to the office, it’s his work from home online. This job opportunity is for you right now. If you want, just try it on the attached site …. Go to the site below and get started ….
…………………….. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We could accelerate process by applying pressure in other areas.
Well, not so fast. Anybody who has ever worked data systems knows that a lot of data is often processed for cross purposes, resulting in clutter. For example, simulated inventory, clients, etc.. ALL such scenarios must be checked out first .. before reaching any conclusions.
All this duplicate voter crap has been debunked many times. If you google “Patrick Byrne” you find quite a few of them, even though it’s a slightly unusual name. I really like the harmonica player. There are lots of duplicate names among millions of voters and in some cases even with the same middle name For several years, my son, my Dad and I, with the same first and last name, and two us at the same address, and two of us with the same middle name, could all vote in the same election.
And even if one person is on the list more than once (of course there will be accidental duplications), that does not mean they voted more than once once. And when individuals are ACTUALLY CAUGHT voting more than once, it’s almost always a Republican.
And have you noticed that these videos claiming to prove fraud are always unverifiable and hard to understand, so you can’t actually replicate the process or fact-check the data? I think the fraudsters have learned from Matt Braynard’s humiliating experience, where he gave his actual unmasked data to Georgia reps and got eviscerated by Bee Nugyen actually fact checking him. His data was junk That’s why all the data is xx’d out here – so we can’t show where it’s wrong.
The bottom line is that the last Maricopa audit, despite all the incentives to find otherwise, and despite all the irregularities – not in the election itself, but in the Cyber Ninja audit – verified Biden’s win in that county. Patrick knows this, but like a dog with a bone, he can’t give up his certainty there was fraud and is desperately looking for any other support for his pre-determined conclusions.
It’s said to see one of your former heroes fail like this.
So some people who weren’t sure if they were registered to vote, re-registered in the lead up to the election. Perhaps the officials didn’t “purge the rolls” in the weeks right before the election, so that people who didn’t realize they were registered twice could vote with their most recent registration ID. How many of these duplicate people did he check to see if these people actually voted more than once? The one duplicate registree where he comments on this, is somebody who was registered twice, but voted once. On that page you can see that maybe his no. 1470 voted twice, but anybody else visible on that page (at about 5:16) either did not vote, or voted once. Then he says there is a lot more work to do to figure out what is going on. How is this “irrefutable proof” of anything, when then presenter himself makes no such claim? Patrick, I swear you have forgotten how you once bore the title “scholar”. This is shoddy, shoddy, reporting, and innuendo.
The Maricopa audit only showed that there was a ballot for every purported vote. It exonerated the machines from the theory that the machines were flipping votes. It means that if the election was stolen it was stolen the old fashion way — ballot stuffing. There were plenty of suspicious ballot dumps in all the battleground states with little or no signature verification. So, the problem a potential cheater would have is assigning a fake vote to a registered voter who didn’t vote in this election. To do that the cheater would need access to the voter rolls on election night. I don’t see this video as arguing all these people double voted, that could be detected, but it might be showing someone gaining control of a large batch of voter registrations to assign fake ballots to later. Or perhaps the double registrations were used temporarily to justify the over printing of physical ballots in the months before the election to later be used to stuff the ballot box. Or it all could be just statistical noise or even a hoax. We are all just looking for a logical explanation for the unexplainable statistical anomalies we saw on election night.
The video we are responding to does not show “Irrefutable Proof of Crimes in Maricopa Voter Roll Administration”, and the person narrating the video makes NO such claims. How or why Patrick Byrne has gone from a crusader against stock market fraud to a purveyor of sensationalist headlines and uncritical acceptor and transmitter of any junk election fraud claims is a puzzle to me. Miller’s claims are debunked. Braynard’s data is junk. Shiva’s math is deceptive. The claim that unvaccinated Brits have a lower death rate than vaccinated ones is completely bogus. The claim that Hillary Clinton was supposedly going to be in a hotel room to personally accept an 18 million dollar bribe (seriously???!!!) is almost certainly a classic law enforcement scam to lure and entrap some would-be influence buyer. And even if it could have happened., Patrick has no direct knowledge of it, so he is repeating hearsay from known fraud artists (yes, the FBI). So basically he is winding people up with garbage claims, whose lack of credibility he is either oblivious or willfully blind to (you decide which) and this needs to be repeatedly hammered home.
No one can draw any conclusions from the so called “audit” because the voting machines were not inspected (Because RINO Republicans blocked the subpoena’s)
RoberG proves he wasn’t paying attention with this argument
“January 21, 2022 at 1:56 pm All this duplicate voter crap has been debunked many times. If you google “Patrick Byrne” you find quite a few of them, even though it’s a slightly unusual name. I really like the harmonica player. There are lots of duplicate names among millions of voters and in some cases even with the same middle name For several years, my son, my Dad and I, with the same first and last name, and two us at the same address, and two of us with the same middle name, could all vote in the same election.”
IF HE PAID ATTENTION he would remember that the author ruled that out by comparing birth dates.
RoberG also said
“And even if one person is on the list more than once (of course there will be accidental duplications), that does not mean they voted more than once once. And when individuals are ACTUALLY CAUGHT voting more than once, it’s almost always a Republican.”
First of all, his last comment was racist, insulting, demeaning and unsubstantiated.
Secondly, the question about both voters voting wasn’t discussed but it was seen in the early part (5:03) of the video. Notice, the first name on the list Match ID 4328 VOTED TWICE! (And this is a very SMALL sample).
Therefore, the issue is this. With so much suspicious activity, the question remains: Is this evidence which required a more detailed forensic investigation? I say the volume of suspicious activity warrants an investigation. What say you?
Thanks for your reply. You are right, in my first post I didn’t address the issue of duplicate registrations of the same person. I though I had posted a second comment pursuing that further, but I don’t see it and I don’t know if it has been purged (which I don’t think Patrick does) or I failed to post it, or appended it to another of Patrick’s entries by mistake. Or maybe I am just blind.
Anyway here is what I meant to say – I did notice what you pointed out, that in a paused frame you can see that one person appeared to have voted twice and several others didn’t, but you can’t view all the data to see how often that happened. The guy making the video could easily have sorted his database to let us or the Arizona politician to whom the video was sent know if his spreadsheet showed a lot of people voting twice, and sadly he didn’t.
However, in the Maricopa response to Cyber Ninjas’s report, they say Cyber Ninjas eventually gave them a list of 164 people who had two chances to vote. Maricopa officials found that most of the claimed duplicates were actually 2 different people, as contrary to the video above, Cyber Ninjas had only matched the year of birth of like-named people in their final submission to within +/-10 years, and in a county of 4 million people there will be some with the same first, last and middle name. From Cyber Ninjas’ list, county officials found that there were 6 people in total who might have voted twice, among two million who voted, and they have passed those names on to law enforcement.
Maricopa County Election Department, Correcting the Record, January 2022, item 5.6.10
- (it’s a good read)
As for me being racist, of course we all are to some degree (you can take an online implicit bias test if you disagree) but unless you are saying all republicans are white, or all republicans who vote fraudulently are black, I don’t see the relevance. There have been several news reports of individuals who were actually caught voting twice, and they are mostly republican. I find this ironic and a bit amusing.
Ok, I did post it – I just forgot to add my name so it is labelled anonymous – it is the anonymous reply to my original post
Just answer one simple question, Is it OK for 150 million people to vote with no proof of identification necessary, while having everyone who voted in person wearing masks?
It’s a false claim that 150 million people voted with no proof of identification as most states do require it. And in Arizona you don’t need to use a photo ID, so the mask wearing is irrelevant. And even in the few states that don’t require ID at the poll, there is no evidence that large numbers of imaginary people voted, and no large numbers of people claiming that someone stole their vote. Certainly lots of people, including Cyber NInjas have looked for it and not found it. Sure, some hacks like Matt Braynard claimed to have found evidence of fake voters, and anybody else who looks at their data can immediately see it is nonsense. For example if he sees voters at the same street address as a Fedex office, he assumes they are all using a Fedex post office box as a fake address, not understanding that in cities, Fedex offices can be on the ground floor of a condo building. You really ought to watch the video of Bee Nguyen exposing his uselessness – I really got a kick out of it.
Bottom line – there is nothing there, to back up all this fear-mongering. But it’s understandable that Republicans are convinced that there is all this fraudulent voting, because in the tiny numbers of cases where it is discovered, it’s typically republicans who do it, so I guess they figure if they would do it, so would everybody else.
Fraud is a long time process watch they will be put in jail. What goes up must come down. Every action equal or opposite reaction. Also do your own homework on the fraud. Look at the voters and how many voted. Look at Bernie the prophet. He called the election to a tee. Yet pollsters claimed a blue tsunami never not once did they predict a “red” anything let alone a mirage. Never had Trump getting more votes than ANY PRESIDENT EVER!!!! Why did the mess happen in the counties that shut down counting etc. -Occam Razor oh and btw on WI a judge/Lawyer has 202 Thousand illegal votes he had all of the information. Biden told the Supreme Court not to deal with it. So they choose not to. Our country will be is becoming a place where we will go to war to protect Ukraines borders but allow millions in illegally with no mandates free health care free housing flights at 3am etc etc. You are either asleep or are not real just a bot!
Biden cannot tell the (largely right wing) supreme court not to take a case. If they didn’t take it, it’s because they decided there were insufficient grounds to do so.
Pollsters didn’t do a good job of predicting when Trump won, or when he lost, because people don’t always tell them truthfully how, or even if, they are going to vote.
Damn, 6 million for minds? Maybe take a look at and kick in a few RVN. Vincent is funding 100%, except for some very small RVN drops from the community, and he is just a regular joe.. A couple of hundred RVN is better than nothing. You co-founded RVN to give the People the same technology as the elite, at least take a look at what one freedom fighter is building with RVN.
Hope that more people will start to demand fair,accurate and transparent elections in which EVERY CITIZEN CAN VERIFY THEIR VOTES WERE COUNTED ACCURATELY.
You get a receipt for buying a pack of gum,but not for your votes?
Does this make sense to you??
It seems to me the solution would be a voting system that perhaps had both an electronic,blockchain vote AND a paper vote cast simultaneously in which the electronic ballots and paper ballots were counted separately to expose any discrepancies / fraud.
Voatz system seems to be a good solution which accomplishes this which I first heard about years ago when Patrick Byrne mentioned it when he was CEO of Overstock.
Does anyone really believe that people involved in politics and elections are fair,honest and unbiased and they should just be trusted “counting” votes using the current election systems ??
Who in the world,other than corrupt,dishonest people, would be against an election system where every voter could verify their vote was counted accurately??
Here is excerpt from Voatz website:
“HOW VOATZ WORKS How do voters confirm that their votes are counted? Once a voter submits a ballot, three distinct records are created that allow a voter to verify their vote is recorded and counted as they intended.
Ballot Receipt: Soon after voting, a voter receives an encrypted, anonymized receipt to verify their selections. This receipt is password protected and signed with an anonymous ID (only the voter knows this password and anonymous ID).
Paper Ballot: A paper ballot is generated and printed at the jurisdiction for tabulation. This paper ballot is signed with the same anonymous ID, and this paper ballot constitutes the record being counted.
Blockchain Record: All ballot selections pass through multiple, distributed nodes on a public-permissioned blockchain network. If the votes pass all checks, they are stored as a tamper-resistant record alongside all other votes.”
“There is an additional step a voter can take to verify their vote(s). Once the election closes, the voter has the opportunity to participate in a public citizens’ audit, where all ballot receipts, paper ballots and blockchain data are compared to ensure voter intent is reflected in the overall election count. For more information about the Voatz post-election audit process, view the video on the Security & Technology page of our website.”
Google pays 390$ reliably. My last paycheck was $55000 working 5 hours out of consistently on the web. My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can’t trust how direct it was once I attempted it out. This is my essential concern…:) For more info visit any tab on this site Thanks a lot GOOD LUCK…….
Hope that more people will start to demand fair,accurate and transparent elections in which EVERY CITIZEN CAN VERIFY THEIR VOTES WERE COUNTED ACCURATELY.
You get a receipt for buying a pack of gum,but not for your votes?
Does this make sense to you??
It seems to me the solution would be a voting system that perhaps had both an electronic,blockchain vote AND a paper vote cast simultaneously in which the electronic ballots and paper ballots were counted separately to expose any discrepancies / fraud.
Voatz system seems to be a good solution which accomplishes this which I first heard about years ago when Patrick Byrne mentioned it when he was CEO of Overstock.
Does anyone really believe that people involved in politics and elections are fair,honest and unbiased and they should just be trusted “counting” votes using the current election systems ??
Who in the world,other than corrupt,dishonest people, would be against an election system where every voter could verify their vote was counted accurately??
Here is excerpt from Voatz website:
“HOW VOATZ WORKS How do voters confirm that their votes are counted? Once a voter submits a ballot, three distinct records are created that allow a voter to verify their vote is recorded and counted as they intended.
Ballot Receipt: Soon after voting, a voter receives an encrypted, anonymized receipt to verify their selections. This receipt is password protected and signed with an anonymous ID (only the voter knows this password and anonymous ID).
Paper Ballot: A paper ballot is generated and printed at the jurisdiction for tabulation. This paper ballot is signed with the same anonymous ID, and this paper ballot constitutes the record being counted.
Blockchain Record: All ballot selections pass through multiple, distributed nodes on a public-permissioned blockchain network. If the votes pass all checks, they are stored as a tamper-resistant record alongside all other votes.”
“There is an additional step a voter can take to verify their vote(s). Once the election closes, the voter has the opportunity to participate in a public citizens’ audit, where all ballot receipts, paper ballots and blockchain data are compared to ensure voter intent is reflected in the overall election count. For more information about the Voatz post-election audit process, view the video on the Security & Technology page of our website.”
I’m watching the election integrity committee. Omfg lmfao. This is / was a joke. 2020 was the most secure election in Americas history! President Trump they finally gave you credit, for having a perfect election. The 170K votes that came in extra just proves how that county is very American!! SMH 🤦🏼♀️ Cica ex leader Chris Krebs talking about people risking lives.
Uptil I looked at the check which said $5381, I be certain …that…
my best friend woz like they say really bringing in money in there spare
time from their computer.. there mums best friend started doing this for
under 10 months and just now cleared the morgage on their apartment and
purchased a new Alfa Romeo. visit this web-site…..….>
A few questions:
1. What percentage of all AZ voter roll records does this study represent?
2. Were the records in the study randomly pulled from the study population?
3. Has this information been shown to the people responsible for maintaining the voter rolls? If yes, what were their comments?
4. Is there any evidence that the existence of a duplicate voter in the sample study resulted in a duplicate vote for Joe Biden being cast and counted?
5. If every instance of a duplicate voter identified in the study resulted in a duplicate vote being cast and counted for Joe Biden, how many fraudulent votes would that have produced for Joe?
6. If the results in 5. are extrapolated to AZ as a whole, what is the estimated impact on the vote tally for Joe Biden?