I, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:

1. I make this affidavit, as a whistle blower under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Title 10 U.S.C. § 1034, in support of the above referenced MOTION as expert testimony in support thereof.

2. The expert opinions expressed here are my own and arrived at from my persons, professional and educational experiences taken in context, where appropriate, by scientific data, publications, treatises, opinions, documents, reports and other information relevant to the subject matter and are not necessarily those of the Army or Department of Defense.

Experience & Credentials

3. I am competent to testify to the facts and matters set forth herein. A true and accurate copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

4. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas Austin, completed my medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Medical School in 2008. I served as a Field Surgeon for ten years and went on to complete a residency in Aerospace and Occupational Medicine at the United States Army School of Aviation Medicine, Fort Rucker, AL. I hold a Master’s in Public Health, and I have been trained by the Combat Readiness Center at Ft. Rucker as an Aviation Safety Officer. Additionally, I have trained in the Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Causalities at Fort Detrick and USAMIIRD.

5. I am board-certified in flight Aerospace Medicine and board eligible in Occupational Medicine.

6. I am currently serving as the Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade Ft. Rucker, Alabama and am responsible for certifying the health, mental and physical ability, and readiness for all nearly 4,000 individuals on flight status on this post.

7. My appended curriculum vitae further demonstrates my academic and scientific achievements by me over the past thirteen years.

8. Prior to the outset of the pandemic, I received specialized military training from Infectious Disease doctors from the Army, Navy and Air Force on emerging infectious disease threats, FEMA training, Emergency preparedness training, Medical effects of Ionizing Radiation, OSHA, Aerospace Toxicology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, medical research and disaster planning. More recently I have functioned as a medical and scientific advisor to an Aviation training Brigade seeking to identify risk mitigation strategies, and bio statistical analysis of SARS- Cov-2 (“Covid 19”) infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated Soldiers. In so doing, I have identified, diagnosed and treated Covid 19 pathogenic infections. I have observed vaccine adverse events following the administration of EUA vaccines and followed the success of Soldiers who obtained various Covid 19 therapies outside the military. The majority of service members within the DOD population are young and in good physical condition. Military aviators are a subset of the military population that must meet the most stringent medical standards to be on flight status. The population of student pilots I take care of are primarily in their 20s-30s, males and in excellent physical condition. The risk of serious illness or death in this population from SARs-CoV-2 is minimal, with a survival rate of 99.997%.

9. In observing, studying and analyzing all the available data, information, samples, experiences, histories and results of these treatments and inoculations provided, I have formulated a professional opinion, which requires me to report those findings to superiors in the chain of command and colleagues in the military. I have done so with mixed results in terms of acceptance, rejection and threats of punishment for so sharing.

10. The application of risk management is critical to the safety and success in both medicine and aviation. Aerospace Medicine is a specialty devoted to safety of flight by the aeromedical dispositioning and treatment of flight crew members, as accomplished by the consistent and careful application of risk mitigation and management strategies. ATP 5-19, 1-3. Risk Management (RM)1 outlines a disciplined approach to express a risk level in terms readily understood at all echelons.

11. 1-6. States, “A risk decision is a commander, leader, or individual’s determination to accept or not accept. The risk(s) associated with an action he or she will take or will direct others to take. RM is only effective when specific information about hazards and risks is passed to the appropriate level of command for a risk decision. Subordinates must pass specific risk information up the chain of command.”

12. “When the specific information about hazards and risks is passed to the appropriate level of command for a risk decision. Subordinates must pass specific risk information up the chain of command. Conversely, the higher command must provide subordinates making risk decisions or implementing controls with the established risk tolerance—the level of risk the responsible commander is willing to accept. RM application must be inclusive; those executing an operation and those directing it participate in an integrated process”.

13. 1-7. States, “In the context of RM, a control is an action taken to eliminate a hazard or to reduce its risk. Commanders establish local policies and regulations if appropriate”.

14. The five steps of Risk management include 1. Identify the hazards, 2. Assess the hazards, 3. Develop controls and make risk decisions, 4. Implement controls, 5. Supervise and evaluate.

15. It is therefore my responsibility and that of every leader to apply the steps of risk management to the current pandemic and countermeasures used. The CDC and the FDA are civilian agencies that do not have the mission of National Defense that the DOD has. Guidance and recommendations made by these civilian agencies must be filtered through strategic perspective of national defense and the potential risks recommendations may have on the health of the entire fighting force. Ensuring that the health of the fighting force is not compromised is a strategic imperative, for which every military physician is responsible to of the entire fighting force. Ensuring that the health of the fighting force is not compromised is a strategic imperative, for which every military physician is responsible to ensure.

16. Step 1: Identify the hazards: As defined by FM 1-02.1 Operational Terms, pg. 1- 48, hazard is a condition with the potential to cause injury, illness, or death of personnel; damage to or loss of equipment or property; or mission degradation.

17. Step 2: Assess the Hazards: There are numerous therapeutic agents that have been proven to significantly reduce infection and therefore provide protection from the harmful effects of SARs-CoV-2.

18. Literature has demonstrated that natural immunity is durable, completed, and superior to vaccination immunity to SARs-CoV-2. mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna both have been linked to myocarditis, especially in young males between 16-24 years old,2 The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination. We additionally now know that vaccination does not necessarily prevent infection or transmission of SARs-CoV-2Therefore individuals fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccines have at least two independent risk factors for myocarditis after vaccination. Additional boaster shots add more risk. It is impossible to perform a risk/benefit analysis on the use of mRNA as counter measures to SARs-CoV-2 without further data… Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force, presents a risk of undetermined magnitude, in a population in which less than 20 active-duty personnel out of 1.4 million, died of the underlying SARs- CoV-2.

19. Aircrew Training Program (ATP) 5-19, 1-8. Accept No Unnecessary Risk, states, “An unnecessary risk is any risk that, if taken, will not contribute meaningfully to mission accomplishment or will needlessly endanger lives or resources. Army leaders accept only a level of risk in which the potential benefit outweighs the potential loss.

20. Research shows that most individuals with myocarditis do not have any symptoms. Complications of myocarditis include dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death and carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, “despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years”.

21. Step 3: Develop controls and make risk decisions: Because vaccination with mRNA increase the risk of myocarditis, a comprehensive screening program should be implemented immediately to identify individuals who have been affected and attempt to mitigate immediate risks and long-term disability.

22. Step 4: Implement Controls: Send out clear guidance to all DOD healthcare professionals on risks of-vaccination myocarditis. Compulsory SARs-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination program should be immediately suspended until research can be done to determine the true magnitude of risk of myocarditis in individuals who have been vaccinated. We must evaluate and immediately implement alternatives to mRNA vaccines, to include Ivermectin (FDA approved 1996), Remdesivir (FDA approved 2020), Hydroxychloroquine (FDA approved 1955), Regeneron (FDA EU approved 2020). Review VAERS data for deaths from COVID for age-matched data and data from active duty COVID deaths within the DOD to perform a risk/benefit analysis.

23. Step 5: Supervise and evaluate: We must establish a screening program to identify those at increased risk of myocarditis, i.e. those that have, received mRNA vaccinations with Comirnaty, BioNTech or Moderna, or have any of the following symptoms chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations They should have screening tested performed in accordance with the CDC recommendations prior to return to flight duties. Per the CDC guidelines the initial evaluation of individuals identified according to the above criteria include ECG, troponin level, inflammatory markers such as the C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It should be noted that the gold standard for diagnosis of myocarditis is end myocardial biopsy (EMB).

24. The shots carry mRNA that causes the recipient to create trillions of spike proteins. This is a problem for five reasons. First, it turns out that the spike proteins are not remaining locally in the (shoulder) injection site but have been found circulating in the blood and in virtually all organs of the body. Second, the spike proteins themselves have been shown to be pathogenic (disease causing) attaching to endothelial, pulmonary and other cells, forming clots and attacking heart cells. Third, the spike proteins and their lipid nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier, with unknown long-term effects on the brain and high concern for chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Fourth, these spike proteins interact in many signaling pathways which may trigger tumor formation, cancer, and other serious diseases. Fifth, according to Pfizer’s Japanese distribution study of LNP accumulation, unexpected sequestering in reproductive organs and spleen raise very serious long-term concerns. As aircrew Training Program (ATP) 5-19, 1-8 states we shall: Accept No Unnecessary Risk. “An unnecessary risk is any risk that, if taken, will not contribute meaningfully to mission accomplishment or will needlessly endanger lives or resources. Army leaders accept only a level of risk in which the potential benefit outweighs the potential loss. From a risk management assessment perspective, with no long-term safety data regarding these five issues, this is an unacceptable risk management risk.

25. The labels for Comirnaty and BioNtech clearly state that the vaccination should not be given to individuals that are allergic to ingredients. One of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers as Propylene Glycol, a common ingredient in antifreeze. Others seem to agree my point per recent scientific studies that caused a group of 57 doctors and scientists to call for an immediate halt to the vaccination program. The concern with this ingredient, is that Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is that it is an adjuvant which causes an immune response without carrying any vaccine at all. We believe 72% of the population already has PEG antibodies. That bodily response to PEG, ranges from severe anaphylactic response requiring hospitalization or death, to life-long allergies and anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) which could stop other medications from working in your body. Another primary ingredient of the Lipid Nanoparticle delivery system is “ALC 0315” (two attachments, parts highlighted) in the Pfizer shots. The fourth attachment is the toxicity report on ALC-0315, which comprises between 30-50% of the total ingredients. The Safety Data Sheet, (attached as Exhibit B) for this primary ingredient states that it is Category 2 under the OSHA HCS regulations (21 CFR 1910) and includes several concerning warnings, including but not limited to:

  1. Seek medical attention if it comes into contact with your skin
  2. If inhaled and If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  3. Evacuate if there is an environmental spill
  4. the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been completely investigated
  5. Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only  

26. As such, due to the risk associated with the spike proteins themselves, due to the risks associated with the lipid nanoparticles (ALC 0315) and adjuvants such as PEG, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that these shots pose a serious risk to many humans due to direct adverse effect or allergic reaction, and therefore should not take vaccinations with either Comirnaty or BioNtech. Again, I have identified an agent that possess a significant hazard to Soldiers, which would fall under DA Pam 385-61 Toxic Safety Standards cited in 2-11.

27. My assessment is that ALC 0315 is a known toxin with little study, specifically it is still lacking toxicity, carcinogenic, and teratogenic studies and is specifically restricted to “research only” and effectively has no prior use history, with the SDS designation of (GHS02), listed as H315 and H319, in other words, hazardous if inhaled, ingested or in contact with skin and a health hazard with the designation (P313). A review of the SDS outlines that it is not for human or veterinary use.

28. I have not taken significant time to delineate the risks of other Covid 19 Vaccines other than the Safety Data Sheet of Moderna’s key ingredient, SM-102 (attached as Exhibit C). Suffice it to say that SM-102 is significantly more dangerous than the Pfizer ALC 0315 and it appears that the DOD is not actively acquiring or distributing this IND/EUA. If the DOD were to undertake use of the Moderna vaccine, one can expect a much higher Serious Adverse Event and fatality rate given that SM-102 carries an express warning “Skull and Crossbones” characterized under the GHS06 and GHS08. In other words, this Moderna ingredient is deadly.

29. Given that these Covid 19 Vaccines were both Investigational New Drugs and Emergency Use Authorization vaccines, I have taken considerable time to understand potential risks, hazards and dangers these and any new drug or Investigational New Drug will may have on the health, safety and operational readiness or ability of pilots under my care and at this post. I have sought to research military records and track systems for recording events and Serious Adverse Events and fatalities associated with vaccines, new vaccines and Emergency Use, investigational vaccines in computer data systems recommended by the General Accounting Office in 2002 and ordered to be developed and implemented by the Secretary of Defense in 2003.

30. A weekly MEDSITREP report fails to report the CDC data from VAERS or internal data regarding vaccine adverse events. Despite recommendation made by the Government Accountability Office in the GAO’s survey of Guard and Reserve Pilots and Aircrew GAO-02-445, published Sep 20,2002, in which it was recommended that the Secretary of Defense should direct the establishment of an active surveillance program (unlike the passive VAERS) to identify and monitor adverse events, was not implemented. I have been unable to locate, access or asses any data, data base or internal system to track, store, evaluate or research the effects of vaccines on our military members or pilots.

31. I have also reviewed scientific data and peer reviewed studies that discuss, analyze results and conclude that natural immunity is at least as good if not far superior to any Covid Vaccine available at this time. I have also reviewed Dr. Peter McCullough’s affidavit in support of and in relation to the Complaint filed in this case and have reviewed its supporting data. An additional peer-reviewed study not referenced in Dr. McCullough’s materials also supports the same conclusions drawn and reports that natural immunity provides a 13-fold better protection against Covid 19 infections than any currently available Covid 19 Vaccine6. More recently, in a meeting of the FDA Advisory Committee on September 17 of this year, fourteen of seventeen members voted against the authorization of any Covid booster vaccines in the juvenile age group having noted that the vaccine program has breached the defining test under the EUA statute as to whether the experimental treatment benefits outweigh the risks; in fact, they found the shots are far more dangerous than helpful in this age group and some voiced concerns that this would apply generally to all age groups.7

32. I am also aware of the Secretary of Defense Austin’s order in relation to Covid Vaccine mandates made this week. In an information paper, it was stated that, “Unit personnel should use only as much force as necessary to assist medical personnel with immunizations.” The use of force to administer a medical treatment or therapy against the will of a mentally competent individual constitutes medical battery and universally violates medical ethics. Currently, I am not aware of the Comirnaty available within the DOD. Emergency Use Authorized vaccines, despite the attempt to characterize some of them as approved despite such approved versions not being available and regardless of a military member’s prior immunity to Covid 19; even where it may be demonstrated with a recent antibody test.

33. Finally, I have reviewed a recent study entitled “US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, All Cause Severe Morbidity,” by J. Bart Classen, MD and published in Trends in Internal Medicine; August 25, 2021. Attached as Exhibit D.

34. I have also seen policies, memoranda and guidance as it relates to exemptions for vaccinations as fully detailed in Army Regulation 40-562, which purport to eliminate any exemption for prior immunity by our military personnel.


35. I have reviewed the Motion for a Preliminary Injunction which discusses the issue of prior immunity benefits outweighing the risks of using experimental Covid 19 Vaccines, together with proposed exhibits and materials cited therein. In opinion on this subject matter, I am also drawing my own conclusions that will be put into practice in my current role as an Army flight surgeon knowing full well the horrific repercussions this decision may befall me in terms of my career, my relationships and life as an Army doctor.

36. I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated. Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation, and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.

38. I can report of knowing over fifteen military physicians and healthcare providers who have shared experiences of having their safety concerns ignored and being ostracized for expressing or reporting safety concerns as they relate to COVID vaccinations. The politicization of SARs-CoV-2, treatments and vaccination strategies have completely compromised long-standing safety mechanisms, open and honest dialogue, and the trust of our service members in their health system and healthcare providers.

39. The subject matter of this Motion for a Preliminary Injunction and its devastating effects on members of the military compel me to conclude and conduct accordingly as follows:

  1. a)  None of the ordered Emergency Use Covid 19 vaccines can or will provide better immunity than an infection-recovered person;
  2. b)  All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines (Comirnaty is not available), in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all, whether a person is Covid recovered or facing a Covid 19 infection;
  3. c)  Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;
  4. d)  Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 Vaccines already has micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety;
  5. e)  That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user’s body, including the brain;
  1. f)  That at the initial stage this damage can only be discovered by a biopsy or Magnetic Resonance Image (“MRI”) scan;
  2. g)  That due to the fact that there is no functional myocardial screening currently being conducted, it is my professional opinion that substantial foreseen risks currently exist, which require proper screening of all flight crews.
  3. h)  That, by virtue of their occupations, said flight crews present extraordinary risks to themselves and others given the equipment they operate, munitions carried thereon and areas of operation in close proximity to populated areas.
  4. i)  That, without any current screening procedures in place, including any Aero Message (flight surgeon notice) relating to this demonstrable and identifiable risk, I must and will therefore ground all active flight personnel who received the vaccinations until such time as the causation of these serious systemic health risks can be more fully and adequately assessed.
  5. j)  That, based on the DOD’s own protocols and studies, the only two valuable methodologies to adequately assess this risk are through MRI imaging or cardio biopsy which must be performed.
  6. k)  That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded similarly for further dispositive assessment.
  7. l) That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists and National Guard troops.

40. I am competent to opine on the medical and flight readiness aspects of these allegations based upon my above-referenced education and professional medical, aviation and military experience and the basis of my opinions are formed as a result of my education, practice, training and experience.

41 As an Aerospace Medicine Specialist, and flight surgeon responsible for the lives of our Army pilots, I confirm and attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of my foregoing statements, analysis and attachments or references hereto:

_______________/S/__________________ LTC Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS

I, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS, declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America, and state upon personal knowledge that:


Medical Education

United States Army School of Aviation Medicine Aerospace/Occupational Medicine Residency University of West Florida
Graduate Student -MPH


Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, Texas Family Medicine Internship
Unrestricted Medical License, IN

09/2003 – 06/2008
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, Texas 06/2008 M.D.

08/2001 – 08/2004
Undergraduate – University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 05/2004 B.S. Neurobiology

Research Experience

08/2018 – 5/2020
School of Aviation Medicine
University of West Florida MPH program
Performed a cross-sectional study on Intervertebral Disc Disease Among Army Aviators and Air Crew

08/2002 – 05/2003

University of Texas at Austin, Texas
Research Assistant, Dr. Dee Silverthorn
Performed academic research in effort to update medical facts and the latest research information for the publication of the fourth edition of Human Physiology

09/2000 – 11/2000

Neuropharmacology Research, Texas
Lab Tech, Dr. Silverthorn
Acquisition of rat cerebellums for research in gene sequencing. The focus of the project was to determine the DNA sequence of the receptor in the developing fetal brain that binds to ethanol and induces apoptosis leading to fetal alcohol syndrome.

Publications/Presentations/Poster Sessions Presentations/Posters

Poster: Intervertebral Disc Disease Among Army Aviators and Air Crew, presented during the 2021 American Occupational Healthcare Conference.
Long, Theresa M., Sorensen, Christian, Victoria Zumberge. (2003, May). Sodium dependent transport of Chlorophenol red uptake by Malpighian tubules of acheta domesticus. Poster presented at: University of Texas at Houston; Austin, TX.

Volunteer Experience

08/ 2005 – 09/2005
University of Texas – Houston, Health Science Ctr, Texas
Medical Student -Provided medical aid and support for Acute Care and triage of Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

Work Experience

06/2021- Present
st Aviation Brigade TOMS Surgeon
Serve as the Medical Advisor to the 1st Aviation Brigade Commander regarding health and fitness of over 3600 officers, warrant officers and Soldiers. The Brigade is comprised of three aviation training battalions, responsible for initial entry rotary wing/ fixed wing flight training, advanced aircraft training. as well as Specific duties include ensuring safety of flight in Army Aviation operations by functioning as Flight Surgeon, while ensuring the health and fitness of military police, firefighters and military working dogs that support Ft. Rucker. Tasked with conducting epidemiological and biostatistical analysis of injuries and illnesses (SARs CoV-2) and medical trends that occur during training and identify and implement strategies to mitigate delays or lost training time.

Aerospace and Occupational Medicine Resident

Graduate Medical Education training in Aerospace and Occupational Medicine while obtaining a Master’s in Public Health. Specialty training included the Flight surgeon course, The Instructor/Trainer course, Space Cadre Course, Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties course at USAMIIRD, Ft. Detrick, NASA, 7th Special Forces, Aviation Safety Officer Course, Global Medicine Symposium, OSHA, Dept of Transportation, Textron Bell Helicopters, Brigade Healthcare Course, Preventative Medicine Senior Leaders Course, Joint Enroute Critical Care Course, Army Aeromedical Activity, research on Intervertebral Disc Disease.


Department of Rehabilitation Services
General Medical Officer
Assigned to Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Physical Medicine clinic with special duties Function as General Medical Officer, to mitigate the number of high risk patients get referred off-post to Pain management and PM&R clinics. Functioned as the Performance Improvement officer for PM&R, the Chiropractic Clinic OIC, and the MEB/IDES Subject Matter Expert to IPMC multi-disciplinary team. Significantly increased access to care to the Physical Medicine clinic. Was instrumental in leading the hospital transition for the Chiropractic clinic, contributing to the subsequent successful Joint Commission inspection. Increased access to care in the Chiropractic clinic by 500%.

9/2013- 5/2015

Department of Pediatrics/ Department of Deployment & Operational Medicine
General Medical Officer
Assigned to the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical center Pediatric Clinic with special duties within the Department of Deployment & Operational Medicine. Provided acute and routine medical care for newborn to age 18 and collaborated with Lactation Team Leader to develop research matrix to ensure effective use of resources to meet Perinatal Core Measures PC-05 for Joint Commission Accreditation. Demonstrated initiative by providing emergency medical care to one of the victims of the April 2, 2014 FT Hood shooting.


Department of Deployment Medicine/ Emergency Medicine
General Medical Officer
Assigned to the Department of Deployment & Operational Medicine at Carl R Darnall Army Medical Center (CRDAMC) with specific duties directed by the CRDAMC DCCS. Supported soldier deployment/redeployment from combat, while also performing clinical rotations within the Emergency and Internal Medicine Departments to increase access to care for acutely ill patients. Improved productivity of the SMRC by conducting ETS, Chapter, Special Forces, Airborne, Ranger, SERE, and OCS/WOCS physicals. Ensured DODM success with 90% CRDAMC staff compliance of their annual PHA’s. Selected to become an ACLS instructor.


Department of the Army Inspector General Agency
Disability Medicine Subject Matter Expert (SME) – Temporary Dept of the Army Inspector General
Assistant Inspector General on Medical Disability (Subject Matter Expert)
Selected above my peers, from across the Army AMEDD as one of three medical NARSUM Subject Matter Experts to function as a temporary assistant Inspector General, in a SECARMY directed inspection of the MEB/IDES system. Planed, coordinated, and conducted inspections of agencies/commands and to gather required data and perspectives relevant to the inspection topic. Developed inspection concepts, objectives, methodologies while coordinating inspection site requirements with major Army Commands ASCC, DRUs, Installations and Components. Identified trends, analyzed root causes to systemic problems and proposed solutions to the IG, Army Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Army for service-wide implementation.


Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center
Integrated Disability Evaluation System
Increased patient access to care by conducting 203 acute care appointments in four months. Increased productivity by 25% by completing 202 NARSUMs, 12 TDRLs, 42 Psychiatric addendums in nine months with only a single case returned from the PEB. Performed duties of MEB chief and QA physician in their absence by performing QA on seven NARSUMS, and reviewing 13 cases for initial intake. Functioned as IDES Physician Training officer, applying PDA training to develop a comprehensive training program for new MEB/IDES NARSUM physicians.


Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Hospital Operations, Clinical Plans and Medical Operations Officer

Served as Clinical Plans and Medical Operations Officer for Hospital Operation (HOD), responsible for the synchronization of external and internal MEDCEN operations supporting over 3,000 MEDCEN employee as well as the DoD’s largest military installation and surrounding civilian population; assisted in development and execution of medical plans supporting Installation, Garrison, MEDCEN and Civilian AT/FP and MASCAL events

06/2005 – 07/2005

United States Army, Texas, Officer Basic Course – Class 1st Sergeant

Supervised 306 medical, dental, and veterinarian HPSP scholarship recipients for Officer Basic training. 10/2002 – 08/2003

United States Army Texas National Guard, Texas Flight Medic –EMT/BCLS Instructor Training

10/2001 – 10/2002

United States Army Reserve, Texas, Instructor/Trainer

      1. Send out clear guidance to all DOD healthcare professionals on risks of-vaccination myocarditis. Compulsory SARs-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination program should be immediately suspended until research can be done to determine the true magnitude of risk of myocarditis in individuals who have been vaccinated. We must evaluate and immediately implement alternatives to mRNA vaccines, to include Ivermectin (FDA approved 1996), Remdesivir (FDA approved 2020), Hydroxychloroquine (FDA approved 1955), Regeneron (FDA EU approved 2020). Review VAERS data for deaths from COVID for age-matched data and data from active duty COVID deaths within the DOD to perform a risk/benefit analysis.

        1. I can’t believe it’s gone. Do you know how to reach her? There are couple videos out whistleblowers. Bout ren dis a vear. It’s k i ll in g people in ICU.. it’s written in her report w hydro & ivermec…
          It does something to kidneys then you fill w fluid. Then your put on ventilator..that’s what. k ii l. Ls s…she needs to delete/ edit her affidavit ASAP…

          1. Yes. R3md3sivir causes kidney failure. Lungs become flooded with fluids. Vent required. Then deterioration of pt condition.

        2. NOT REMDESIVIR! This drug causes multiple organs to fail, including kidneys & adrenals. Fauci promotes this drug & it is standard protocol used in hospitals, but it is literally killing people. Fauci cites a study done in Africa using Remdesivir, but what he doesn’t share is the fact that in that same study, Remdesivir was PULLED OUT of the study because it was killing people. Hydroxycholoroquine & Ivermectin are the two best treatments, both w/ long records of safe use. Interestingly , HCQ is safe enough to use while pregnant& & prevents blood clots which is a common problem w/SARSCv19 @all the variants!

    1. I found this information very disturbing and leads me to believe, along with a growing amount public medical research, there is a concerted push to devastate the US population, as well as the military by an enemy within our own government.

    2. mRNA Jabs Are an ‘Operating System’ Designed to Program Humans
      HAFJanuary 5, 2021
      by Lance D Johnson
      The experimental injections being rolled out by Moderna and Pfizer are nothing similar to traditional vaccines. These mRNA platforms are an “operating system” designed to program human beings and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems.
      Moderna is now going public with the real intentions behind the mRNA platform. The mRNA technology platform is similar to a computer operating system, the company admits.
      Scientists prepare a unique mRNA sequence that codes for a specific protein. Once injected into humans, this program is carried out in the individual’s body, at the cellular level.
      The mRNA platform is where Big Pharma merges with Big Tech, enslaving human beings to a controlling system designed to profit from their cellular and biological functions into the unforeseeable future.
      Moderna admits that healthy immune systems are a threat to their mRNA platform

      As mRNA platforms go live on human populations, Moderna admits that healthy human immune responses can actually destroy the mRNA sequences before they get into the person’s cells.
      The immune system may attack the program and its RNA fragments, leading to negative outcomes that could include molecular deficiencies, hormonal defects, etc..
      If the protein folding is disrupted, the proteins may never achieve their desired functionality, leading to partial development of antigens that never confer targeted immunity to coronavirus spike proteins.
      The body may turn on its own cells in the process, causing hyper-inflammatory responses and autoimmune issues that are the precursor to organ failure and various disease processes.
      During the so-called pandemic, public health officials were mum on the actions people should take to mount a healthy immune response to infection. Now we know why these public health officials were telling people they must wait on a vaccine to go back to normal.
      The people behind the mRNA experimentation of humans are building psychological justification and scientific precedent to declare human immune systems incapable.
      Their first attempt is this: WHO Changes Definition Of ‘Herd Immunity’, Literally Re-Writing Hundreds Of Years Of Scientific Understanding, Just To Push Vaccines
      In this way, people will submit their bodies to the latest mRNA programs as they become dependent on the biological software that have been created for them.
      This is an open door toward trans-humanism, and millions of people are buying into it.
      By casting shame on human immune systems, drug companies have also found the perfect alibi for when their experiments cause injury in humans.
      It’s not the injected technology that is causing allergic reactions, seizures, infertility and death, claim the drug companies…
      It’s the individual’s human’s immune system that is causing all the pain and misery, they demand.
      The drug companies will demand that more carefully crafted mRNA programs and interventions will be needed to “perfect” human beings.
      The new mRNA vaccines are dependency programs, designed to manipulate and enslave human biological functions
      Moderna brags that “several hundred scientists and engineers are solely focused on advancing Moderna’s platform technology.”
      These scientists are attempting to “hack” humans with bio-information and make populations dependent on the technology. Moderna has even dubbed their mRNA platform the ‘Software of Life.’

      These scientists are looking for ways to help the foreign mRNA avoid immune detection. They are also experimenting with ways to trick the cell’s ribosomes into processing the mRNA as if it was natural.
      They are also plotting ways to instruct the human cells to produce the artificial proteins long term.
      Watch Dr. Carrie Madej explain how this new vaccine platform can change the way we live, who we are, what we are:
      Moderna was founded on the success of using modified RNA to reprogram the function of a human stem cell, therefore genetically modifying it.
      As these RNA “operating systems” are installed in human bodies, it becomes even more clear that drug companies are looking to genetically modify and own human proteins while controlling biological processes for generations to come.
      On both a psychological and physiological level, human beings are being branded like cattle as they submit to these mRNA software programs.
      This system is not medicine, nor is it vaccination. This system is complete cellular manipulation, using foreign biological molecules to code, decode, regulate, change the expression of, and alter the physiological instructions within human beings.
      Humans Are Free
      Me: What better troops than the ones you control in battle, you move them around like Chess pieces, kill a few here, or there, to shift the focus of battle where you want it, to go to make a potential heavy strike against the enemy – just like playing war games with lead soldiers.

    3. Graphene Outcomes?

      Neural Lace is when nanoparticles form a web around the brain so that it picks up brainwaves but can also send wave information to the brain. Neural link picks up the frequencies from Neural Lace then amplifies them, programs the brain and connects it to a Starlink network (AI remote control). Starlink are the Satellites.These things are owned by Elon Musk. He has also been seen on video talking about graphene, one atom thick, and able to be injected. There are now claims from Pathologists about this product being found in vials. SpaceX is the delivery system for Starlink. Stranger than fiction? If this is correct then the message is to never get tested or injected because AI technology is far more advanced than we realise.


    4. Countries that buy Pfizer’s vaccine undertake to break the law
      Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.
      Published: August 8, 2021, 12:09 pm
      In history’s largest medical experiment with “vaccines” that have not been approved for use in humans, it is the buyers’ responsibility to defend Pfizer for causing harm, leaked documents showed. Pfizer has escaped all liability and is indemnified, arguing that side effects and the long-term effects of the injections are unknown – to the company as well. Pfizer thus admits that an insufficiently tested product is being pushed in literally billions of doses on the world market.
      This means that all responsibility for costs, healthcare, etc. due to vaccine damage – no matter how large and onerous – is passed on to the taxpayers in the countries that have signed the agreements. Since the agreements put each country’s own laws out of play, they have all been signed at government level. The design of the agreements is an important explanation for why the propaganda for mass vaccination is of a totalitarian nature and does not allow for debate or questioning.
      In view of the fact that the majority of those now in hospital for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated – a situation that buyers could never have anticipated – the agreements certainly appear to be criminal. The buyer countries have been forced to sign the blank agreements, without knowing what they were actually buying.
      On July 28 , NBC Chicago reported that 169 people in Illinois died and 644 were hospitalized for Covid-19. Everyone was fully vaccinated. Israel with 9,3 million inhabitants was among the first to sign an agreement with Pfizer. The vaccination rate in the country is 55 percent, and 11 051 469 vaccine doses have been distributed. On June 30, the alarming news broke that fully vaccinated patients accounted for half of Covid adults hospitalized in Israel. In just over a month, the numbers have increased dramatically.
      Albania’s agreement with Pfizer
      Even from Iceland, which has a vaccination rate of as much as 71,1 percent, there are worrying reports that the majority of hospitalized Covid-19s have been fully vaccinated. Vaccines that have been presented as “safe” and painted as the only salvation in the pandemic, have turned out to be the opposite. Pfizer had good reason to force binding agreements with buyer countries before the truth about the “vaccines” started emerging. One of the top managers in the WHO, Mariangela Simao, admit that people can not feel safe just because they have taken the jab. Vaccines are not enough to prevent the spread of infection.
      Israeli Ehden Biber, a cyber security expert, has revealed Pfizer’s agreement with the buyer countries.
      It is Israeli cyber security expert, Ehden Biber, who lives in England, that is responsible for the sensational leak regarding the agreements of Pfizer and its customers. Unsurprisingly, the explosive information he recently shared on Twitter on this issue was immediately deleted.
      The basis of Biber’s revelation is Albania’s agreement with Pfizer, which was published in the newspaper in January. Curiously, not a single journalist investigated the leak or found it interesting enough to report on.
      “They should be ashamed,” said Ehden Biber, who has also leaked Pfizer’s agreements with the EU, Israel, Brazil (signed by Roberto Ferreira Dias, head of the logistics department) and the Dominican Republic. The agreements are designed in the same way, only with different pricing based on what countries could endure. Albania pays $12 per dose, the United States $19,5 per dose and Israel $62 per dose.
      “Netanyahu [Israel’s former prime minister] is certainly a magician – he made Israel pay $62 per vaccine dose – five times more than Albania – and got people to worship him for the lousy deal,” noted Biber.
      A group of independent investigative journalists in South America has revealed that Pfizer in negotiations with Brazil and Argentina, among others, demanded that the country provide state assets such as embassy buildings and military bases as a guarantee for future costs for possible lawsuits.
      The negotiations have been marked by conflicts and delays, and government officials have stated that they were being held hostage by “life-saving vaccines”. After protracted and divisive controversies, Argentina did not sign an agreement until 27 July with Pfizer for about 20 million vaccine doses.
      Pfizer has negotiated with more than a hundred countries and signed agreements with a dozen countries in Latin America that have been forced to agree to the company’s outrageous demands. The industry’s greed and abuse are all the clearer in light of the fact that Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers had received generous grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from several governments throughout the vaccine development process. The German government, for example, gave Pfizer’s business partner BioNTech $445 million.
      Sweden has recently obediently agreed to increased prices per vaccine dose in the EU’s latest agreement with Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. For Pfizer/BioNTech, this is an increase from around SEK 160 to SEK 200 per dose. For Moderna from 190 to about 220 kronor, according to the Financial Times.
      The reason for the price increase is that the vaccine has been “updated”. Sweden’s “vaccine coordinator”, pharmacist Richard Bergström (with a long history in the pharmaceutical industry) welcomed the price hike. “It’s well worth the money. I call it an ‘all inclusive’ award.”
      There is no way out or any way for the buyers to break the agreement if it turns out that the “vaccine” is harmful and large parts of the population suffer from death or other serious side effects. The buyer must complete the agreement and pay the full amount anyway.
      Some samples from the confidential agreements
      · The purchaser is aware that the efficacy and long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown and that side effects may occur which are not currently known.
      · The buyer must pay Pfizer for the ordered doses, regardless of how many you use and regardless of whether Pfizer has the preparation approved by the authorities. ” (This was written before the FDA’s emergency approval of the so-called “vaccines”).
      · The buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Pfizer/BioNTech and their subsidiaries indemnified against all claims, documents, claims, losses, damages, debts, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses.
      · The buyer must pay all losses, including and without limitation costs for legal fees and other legal costs.
      · Buyer must indemnify Pfizer for claims and all losses and must implement this through statutory or regulatory requirements.
      · Pfizer has the right to make necessary adjustments to the agreed number of contracted doses and delivery schedule, based on principles decided by Pfizer. The buyer is obliged to agree to any change.
      · The agreement must be kept secret for ten years.
      · However, for the state of Israel’s agreement with Pfizer, signed by the Israeli Ministry of Health on January 6, a full 30 years of secrecy apply. The reason is unclear.
      The Covid vaccines were emergency approved (EUA) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 1, 2020 – in violation of the agency’s own rules. Emergency approval can only be granted if there is no other, effective treatment. Such treatments exist – but were eliminated by medical authorities around the world. The reason was simple: if effective drug treatments were available, the FDA’s emergency approval would be invalidated and the “vaccines” would be illegal.
      Both Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and the 2015 Nobel Prize-winning drug Scatol (Ivermectin) have been shown to be effective and safe. they areb also cheap, because the patents have expired. Ivermectin has been used for 35 years and 4 billion doses have been distributed. But on March 31, the corrupt WHO banned Ivermectin from treating Covid-19 with the argument “insufficient safety”, despite studies showing that Ivermectin, if used at an early stage of the disease, reduced mortality by 74 percent and has 85 percent efficiency if used as prophylaxis.
      International health authorities, including the Swedish Medicines Agency, have slavishly complied with the WHO’s injunctions.
      Pfizer demanded that embassy buildings and military bases be provided as a guarantee for future costs for possible lawsuits
      Mainstream media around the world have contributed to denying patients good and tested treatments by not raising any questions or concerns. Ivermectin was called a “veterinary medicine” and “dangerous”. On May 22, the two reputable medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published false articles alleging studies of nearly 100 000 Covid-19 patients in 671 hospitals and six continents. The bottom line was that Hydroxychloroquine was ruled out as an effective Covid-19 treatment.
      Their scam came down to sheer political and medical terrorism. When the scam was revealed and the authors of the article Surgisphere, an obscure small business in Illinois, could not show the data on which the article was based, both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine were forced on June 4 to retract the article and apologize to readers. But by then the system media’s journalists were no longer interested, so the public was never informed about the scam. The publication error nevertheless had serious consequences. The Swedish Medicines Agency banned Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) for indications other than rheumatism. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were thus sacrificed to prepare the market for the vaccine manufacturers’ multi-billion profits. And in addition, millions of patients with Covid were sacrificed. They all might have recovered if they had received the proven medicines.
      Why does any country sign such a slave contract at all and agree to break its own laws?
      One explanation is the worldwide mass psychosis and the panic and pressure that erupted at the same time as the Corona pandemic in early 2020.
      “The globalist entity Pfizer hates nation states and does not recognize their laws and acts as a government that governs other governments in the world. If you look at the complete lawlessness and meltdown of the once stable institutions around the world, you can see that Big Pharma (the multinational pharmaceutical industry) is being used as a massive brick wall to break down national laws and national sovereignty in all countries,” said Ehden Biber.
      “Anyone who takes part in the agreements realizes that there are good reasons for Pfizer to keep it a secret and why they make an effort to hide the details of the agreements.”
      The Trusted News Initiative took a decision on 10 December 2020, which in practice means that the media undertakes not to report objectively on Covid vaccines. Photo: The Trusted News Initiative
      The FDA thus gave an emergency approval to the so-called “Covid vaccines” on December 1, 2020. Ten days later, TNI (Trusted News Initiative), an association of several of the world’s leading media houses and major online platforms, decided to “pioneer a global vaccine campaign and combat the spread of ‘harmful misinformation’ about vaccines”. It was announced at the World Press Freedom Conference on December 10, 2020.
      Business magazine Biz News, reported on the initiative: “In a surprisingly underreported event, many of the world’s biggest media, agreed to promote the global vaccine rollout and focus on combating the spread of harmful vaccine disinformation.”
      Thus the world’s most influential media groups have decided to act as megaphones for the interests of the vaccine industry and state pharmaceutical authorities. The agreement explains something that has long been obvious to many media consumers, namely the media’s startling one-sided propaganda for the vaccines.
      TNI members are some of the largest and leading media houses and news agencies in the world, including the news agencies AP and AFP, Reuters, British BBC, CBC Canada, European Broadcast Union, Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google, YouTube, The Hindu , Microsoft, Twitter and the Washington Post.
      Privately owned online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google, due to their extreme profitability, evidently colluded with the established media in their efforts to restrict freedom of expression – something that millions of users have experienced in recent years. In Sweden, a seemingly lobotomized and paralyzed journalist corps has so far acted as the megaphones of the Public Health Agency and the vaccine industry and only delivered one-sided vaccine propaganda. The same shills are seen over and over on media platforms, voicing no criticism, opposing views or even questions.
      And as if that were not bad enough, one and the same person, James Smith, sits on the board of both Reuters news agency and Pfizer: Two incompatible roles.
      James / Jim Smith have incompatible roles. He sits on the board of both Pfizer and the news agency Reuters, one of the media houses that have promised to be at the forefront of the ‘vaccine’ scam. Photos: Reuters, Pfizer
      He was previously CEO of Reuters and now calls himself Jim Smith. On Pfizer’s board, he was known as James Smith. In an attempt to hide his dual role, he has removed his image from his LinkedIn profile., but it’s the same person. He is also a member of the International Business Council of the globalist body World Economic Forum.

    5. COVID-19 Test kits (300215) imports by country
      in 2017

      Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions
      Category: COVID-19 Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing

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      Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
      In 2017, Top importers of COVID-19 Test kits are European Union ($17,131,541.68K , 2,759,970 Kg), Germany ($8,731,545.89K , 3,015,010 Kg), United States ($7,927,894.38K , 2,627,050 Kg), United Kingdom ($6,291,366.96K , 1,062,590 Kg), Belgium ($5,914,764.97K , 2,074,820 Kg).

      COVID-19 Test kits exports by country in 2017
      Download Excel Sheet

      Reporter TradeFlow ProductCode Product Description Year Partner Trade Value 1000USD Quantity Quantity Unit
      European Union Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 17,131,541.68 2,759,970 Kg
      Germany Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 8,731,545.89 3,015,010 Kg
      United States Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 7,927,894.38 2,627,050 Kg
      United Kingdom Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 6,291,366.96 1,062,590 Kg
      Belgium Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 5,914,764.97 2,074,820 Kg
      Japan Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 4,342,493.07 876,139 Kg
      Switzerland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 4,069,347.74 833,368 Kg
      Ireland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 3,654,102.77 202,805 Kg
      China Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 3,588,189.72 3,060,310 Kg
      France Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 3,569,261.30 1,609,400 Kg
      Italy Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 3,430,743.06 1,254,260 Kg
      Netherlands Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 2,770,122.90 1,214,050 Kg
      Spain Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,752,185.47 377,769 Kg
      Brazil Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,430,873.30 409,487 Kg
      Canada Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,257,528.00
      Australia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 922,396.90 267,529 Kg
      Hungary Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 776,740.95 166,832 Kg
      Korea, Rep. Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 730,301.68 200,758 Kg
      Austria Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 651,742.99 1,429,260 Kg
      Turkey Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 454,142.57 366,308 Kg
      Sweden Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 439,215.94 111,863 Kg
      Poland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 428,515.95 193,077 Kg
      Israel Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 415,440.00 104,240 Kg
      Russian Federation Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 409,161.15 179,789 Kg
      Czech Republic Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 386,271.89 121,890 Kg
      Denmark Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 334,002.09 542,799 Kg
      Other Asia, nes Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 326,122.74 120,230 Kg
      Colombia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 322,012.64 207,997 Kg
      Norway Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 304,967.97 102,954 Kg
      Croatia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 294,685.98 51,609 Kg
      Greece Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 288,758.51 292,999 Kg
      Romania Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 250,639.63 70,706 Kg
      Finland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 230,204.97 41,584 Kg
      Portugal Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 209,247.22 124,375 Kg
      Slovak Republic Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 183,333.14 85,249 Kg
      Thailand Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 134,782.53 37,704 Kg
      Kuwait Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 131,439.69 37,092 Kg
      Bulgaria Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 124,946.14 22,354 Kg
      South Africa Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 106,025.98 466,013 Kg
      Slovenia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 104,486.21 19,621 Kg
      Chile Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 103,896.75 34,662 Kg
      Lebanon Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 101,797.39 13,974 Kg
      Costa Rica Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 97,408.08 172,005 Kg
      New Zealand Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 92,221.86 23,140 Kg
      India Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 72,748.89 5,069 Kg
      Hong Kong, China Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 71,295.60 17,889 Kg
      Morocco Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 64,060.97 33,920 Kg
      Peru Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 56,598.58 53,733 Kg
      Lithuania Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 51,095.83 19,451 Kg
      Kazakhstan Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 45,227.00 46,901 Kg
      Latvia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 45,194.17 6,392 Kg
      Oman Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 37,365.85 74,086 Kg
      Indonesia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 33,913.75 82,372 Kg
      Uruguay Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 31,556.84 21,220 Kg
      Bosnia and Herzegovina Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 26,566.50 23,579 Kg
      Belarus Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 23,588.20 44,682 Kg
      Estonia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 23,416.65 11,711 Kg
      Algeria Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 21,876.37 42,632 Kg
      Ecuador Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 19,373.81 41,040 Kg
      Iran, Islamic Rep. Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 18,610.71 20,895 Kg
      Paraguay Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 18,012.19 36,943 Kg
      Jordan Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 15,036.49 12,631 Kg
      Serbia, FR(Serbia/Montenegro) Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 14,550.91 7,363 Kg
      Montenegro Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 13,003.95 8,280 Kg
      Malaysia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 11,806.21 65,964 Kg
      Bahrain Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 11,580.60 7,800 Kg
      Guatemala Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 8,949.33 10,191 Kg
      Luxembourg Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 7,466.71 2,702 Kg
      Macedonia, FYR Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 5,798.63 7,127 Kg
      Zambia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 4,900.00 66,166 Kg
      Bolivia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 3,698.21 746 Kg
      Dominican Republic Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 2,715.06 681 Kg
      Cyprus Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 2,616.28 1,879 Kg
      Armenia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 2,296.97 4,545 Kg
      Mongolia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,891.11 8,494 Kg
      Maldives Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,465.65 33,394 Kg
      Malta Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,317.74 1,716 Kg
      Tanzania Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,137.49 4,290 Kg
      Kyrgyz Republic Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,087.34 21,601 Kg
      El Salvador Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1,084.84 2,161 Kg
      Honduras Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 966.20 2,028 Kg
      Iceland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 536.14 595 Kg
      Andorra Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 443.93 159 Kg
      Cambodia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 310.83 90 Kg
      Namibia Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 175.68 1,683 Kg
      Madagascar Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 90.70 537 Kg
      Myanmar Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 84.92 486 Kg
      Nicaragua Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 79.91 117 Kg
      Fiji Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 55.07 187 Kg
      Albania Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 48.17 118 Kg
      Sri Lanka Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 37.21 147 Kg
      Mauritius Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 30.26 43 Kg
      Swaziland Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 10.80 52 Kg
      Pakistan Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 6.66 55 Kg
      Brunei Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017 World 1.28 0 Kg
      Sudan Import 300215 COVID-19 Test kits 2017
      Me: “COVID-19 Test kits exports by country in 2017” But Covid did not begin until after 2019 re Covid-19 = 2019 = 2018-2019 right?

    6. Agenda 21? Depopulation of 95% of the World By 2030
      Bywakingtimesmedia Maker Liam K.

      May 11, 2017
      Most people are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program which plans to depopulate 95% of the world.
      The name of this plan is Agenda 21, and it was developed by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development, as part of a sustainability policy.
      According to the United Nations website, Agenda 21 is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, government, and major groups, in every area in which humans have impact on the environment”.
      In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners.
      It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control.
      Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body.
      Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans.
      Agenda 21 policies date back to the 1970’s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it. President Clinton signed it later and continued the program in the United States.
      Agenda 21 is ‘soft-law’ and did not have to be voted on by the Congress. A non-governmental organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI, is tasked with carrying out the goals of Agenda 21.
      Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members, and that number is growing. The costs are paid by taxpayers.

    7. 26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After Death of 20-Year-Old Student
       by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News 29th September 2021
      The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
      A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.
      The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)
      So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.
      The EudraVigilance database reports that through September 25, 2021 there are 26,041 deaths and 2,448,362 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:
      From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,176,130) are serious injuries.
      “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”
      A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.
      Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*
      Here is the summary data through September 25, 2021.
      Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer – 12,362 deaths and 1,054,741 injuries to 25/09/2021
      · 28,662   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 172 deaths
      · 29,569   Cardiac disorders incl. 1,834 deaths
      · 277        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 23 deaths
      · 14,027   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 9 deaths
      · 822        Endocrine disorders incl. 5 deaths
      · 16,330   Eye disorders incl. 30 deaths
      · 92,590   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 514 deaths
      · 274,633 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,517 deaths
      · 1,186     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 59 deaths
      · 10,876   Immune system disorders incl. 65 deaths
      · 36,113   Infections and infestations incl. 1,214 deaths
      · 13,804   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 191 deaths
      · 26,554   Investigations incl. 387 deaths
      · 7,555     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 225 deaths
      · 138,223 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 155 deaths
      · 837        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 78 deaths
      · 185,082 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,341 deaths
      · 1,347     Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 39 deaths
      · 172        Product issues incl. 1 death
      · 19,436   Psychiatric disorders incl. 159 deaths
      · 3,605     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 205 deaths
      · 24,848   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 4 deaths
      · 46,177   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,443 deaths
      · 50,420   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 111 deaths
      · 2,007     Social circumstances incl. 15 deaths
      · 1,034     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 34 deaths
      · 28,555   Vascular disorders incl. 532 deaths
      Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna – 6,907 deaths and 306,490 injuries to 25/09/2021
      · 6,051     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 67 deaths
      · 9,283     Cardiac disorders incl. 744 deaths
      · 122        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 3 deaths
      · 3,769     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 1 death
      · 248        Endocrine disorders incl. 2 deaths
      · 4,627     Eye disorders incl. 20 deaths
      · 26,405   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 269 deaths
      · 82,564   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 2,617 deaths
      · 500        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 29 deaths
      · 2,659     Immune system disorders incl. 11 deaths
      · 9,570     Infections and infestations incl. 487 deaths
      · 6,759     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 127 deaths
      · 5,811     Investigations incl. 128 deaths
      · 2,944     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 158 deaths
      · 38,397   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 139 deaths
      · 369        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 42 deaths
      · 53,562   Nervous system disorders incl. 706 deaths
      · 583        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 8 deaths
      · 62           Product issues incl. 2 deaths
      · 5,772     Psychiatric disorders incl. 118 deaths
      · 1,772     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 114 deaths
      · 4,576     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 5 deaths
      · 13,315   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 682 deaths
      · 16,453   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 62 deaths
      · 1,366     Social circumstances incl. 28 deaths
      · 1,032     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 71 deaths
      · 7,919     Vascular disorders incl. 267 deaths
      Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca – 5,468 deaths and 1,008,357 injuries to 25/09/2021
      · 12,160   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 226 deaths
      · 17,334   Cardiac disorders incl. 623 deaths
      · 163        Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 6 deaths
      · 11,826   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 1 death
      · 522        Endocrine disorders incl. 4 deaths
      · 17,753   Eye disorders incl. 26 deaths
      · 97,985   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 280 deaths
      · 265,482 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,320 deaths
      · 866        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 53 deaths
      · 4,104     Immune system disorders incl. 25 deaths
      · 26,800   Infections and infestations incl. 347 deaths
      · 11,472   Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 153 deaths
      · 22,152   Investigations incl. 129 deaths
      · 11,805   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 77 deaths
      · 151,690 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 76 deaths
      · 536        Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 17 deaths
      · 209,576 Nervous system disorders incl. 872 deaths
      · 456        Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 11 deaths
      · 164        Product issues incl. 1 death
      · 18,858   Psychiatric disorders incl. 50 deaths
      · 3,752     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 49 deaths
      · 13,707   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 2 deaths
      · 35,537   Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 654 deaths
      · 46,297   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 40 deaths
      · 1,328     Social circumstances incl. 7 deaths
      · 1,199     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 24 deaths
      · 24,833   Vascular disorders incl. 395 deaths
      Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson – 1,304 deaths and 78,774 injuries to 25/09/2021
      · 737        Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 32 deaths
      · 1,315     Cardiac disorders incl. 129 deaths
      · 26           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders
      · 687        Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 1 death
      · 47           Endocrine disorders incl. 1 death
      · 1,067     Eye disorders incl. 6 deaths
      · 7,102     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 59 deaths
      · 20,536   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 333 deaths
      · 98           Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 9 deaths
      · 321        Immune system disorders incl. 7 deaths
      · 1,943     Infections and infestations incl. 79 deaths
      · 743        Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 17 deaths
      · 3,998     Investigations incl. 79 deaths
      · 465        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 29 deaths
      · 12,263   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 33 deaths
      · 37           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 2 deaths
      · 16,253   Nervous system disorders incl. 148 deaths
      · 26           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
      · 21           Product issues
      · 1,059     Psychiatric disorders incl. 11 deaths
      · 311        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 15 deaths
      · 1,139     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 4 deaths
      · 2,786     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 148 deaths
      · 2,426     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 5 deaths
      · 235        Social circumstances incl. 4 deaths
      · 572        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 43 deaths
      · 2,561     Vascular disorders incl. 109 deaths
      Joachim Kuhs, Member Of The European Parliament, to EU Commission: “Pull the brake on these vaccines and stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!”

    8. Evidence of millions of deaths and injuries from COVID Vaxxes?
      Published on September 27, 2021
      Written by David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D.
      The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.
      Our aim is to only present scientific facts, and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. References can be found with all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.
      C O M P L I C I T Y
      The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical: will we rise up to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we prefer personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: there is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.
      W O R L D W I D E
      Although this report focuses on the situation in the United States, it also applies to the rest of the world, as the same type of experimental injections with similar death rates – and comparable systems of corruption to hide these numbers – are used worldwide. Therefor we encourage everyone around the world to share this report. May it be a wake up call for all of humanity.
      Less than 1 percent is being reported
      All this information already shows us that the number of adverse events and deaths is a multitude of what is being told to the public. The situation is however still far worse, than most of us can even imagine. The famous Lazarus report from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care inc. in 2009 revealed that in general only 1 percent of adverse events from vaccines is being reported:
      ‘Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3 percent of all adverse drug events and 1-13 percent of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events are reported.’
      The reason that less than 1 percent of adverse events is reported, is first of all because the vast majority of the population is not aware of the existence of official reporting systems for vaccine adverse events. Secondly, the pharmaceutical industry has been waging an unrelenting media war the past decades against all medical experts, who were attempting to correctly inform the public about the dangers of vaccines.
      One deployed strategy is name calling, and the negative label ‘anti-vaxxer’ was chosen to shame and blame all scientists, physicians and nurses who speak out about the devastation caused by vaccinations.
      Because of this criminal campaign of aggressive suppression of adverse events data, the majority of the population is clueless that vaccines can cause any harm at all.
      The message the general public constantly hears and sees, couldn’t be further from the truth: ‘Vaccines are safe and the best way to protect yourself from disease.’ The thousands of books, scientific studies, and reports documenting the devastating effects of vaccines in general, have been suppressed by all possible means. The undeniable fact that children (and people of all ages, for that matter) are far more sick today than ever before in history, while at the same time they are the most vaccinated population in all of history, is stone cold denied. The widespread
      propaganda by the vaccine companies, who use government agencies as their main carrousel, simply told humanity for decades that adverse events are a very rare occurrence. When vaccinated people therefor suffer from serious adverse events, it doesn’t even occur to them that this could be from previous injections.
      During the current world crisis the attacks on medical experts who are warning for vaccines, has gone to an even higher level. Not only are medical experts being censored, they have now also been de-platformed from all social media, their websites are de-ranked by Google, entire YouTube channels are deleted, many have lost their jobs, and in some countries medical experts have been arrested, in an attempt to suppress the truth about the experimental covid injections.
      Several countries are now labeling scientists who speak out against vaccines ‘domestic terrorists’. Evidence and scientific facts are ignored. It’s simply not accepted that experts share accurate information about the severe dangers of the injections.
      It is clear that all means have to be deployed by the criminal vaccine cartel to suppress what is going on with these shots. Because of all of this, countless medical personnel are afraid to report adverse events, which further contributes to the underreporting of these side effects.
      Additionally, the amount of scientific information warning for these highly dangerous experimental biological agents, and the number of medical experts warning humanity, is so overwhelming and almost omnipresent, that it is virtually impossible for any medical professional to not be at least somewhat aware of the risk they are taking, by administering an untested, extremely dangerous DNA altering injection, without even informing their patients of what is being injected into their body.
      If they then see their patients die, or become disabled for life, they are naturally afraid of being held accountable, and therefor have yet another motivation for not reporting the adverse events.
      Lastly: many medical professionals receive financial incentives to promote the vaccines. In the United Kingdom for example nurses get ₤10 per needle they put into a child. That again is a reason for them to not report adverse events.
      There are undoubtedly more reasons for the vast underreporting but this at least gives us a basic understanding of the overall corruption that is at play here. This is possible because the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most criminalized industries in the world, because of their constant political lobbying, controlling of the news media, and bribery of all who need to play their game.
      Pfizer alone estimates to profit at least 33.5 billion dollars from the covid injections! With that amount of money you can buy every politician, health agency and media company in the world, to work for you…
      Yet, all of this is only the short term tsunami of suffering caused by the experimental covid injections. Bill Gates, the world’s number 1 vaccine dealer and a major driving force behind this worldwide push for covid vaccinations, said in an interview with the BBC that most adverse events only show up after two years, which is why vaccine development usually takes many years. This means that the waves of death and disabilities in the coming years will be even exponentially greater. Especially because there is a push to impose more and more booster shots onto the population, with vaccine passports being implemented all around the world.
      This alarming data leads world experts, like the Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, Dr. Luc Montagnier, to issue a grave warning that we are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide, in the history of humanity. 1 Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, warns against these injections that are using his technology.2,3 The situation is so severe that former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon has come forward to warn humanity for these extremely dangerous injections.
      Dr Yeadon recorded several videos in which he shares his scientific expertise, revealing the dangers of these experimental injections. One of his best known videos is titled ‘A Final Warning’.4 Another world renown scientist, Geert Vanden Bossche, former Head of Vaccine Development Office in Germany, and Chief Scientific Officer at Univac, also risked his name and career, by bravely speaking out against administration of the covid shots.
      The vaccine developer explains why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe. He warns that the covid injections could compromise the immunity of the vaccinated, making them dangerously vulnerable for every new variant. 5, 6
      3: inventor-mrna-vaccine-technology
      See more here:

    9. More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot
      VAERS data released Friday by the CDC included a total of 726,965 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 15,386 deaths and 99,410 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021.
      By Megan Redshaw
      Data released Sept. 17 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021, a total of 726,965 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 15,386 reports of deaths — an increase of 461 over the previous week.
      There were 99,410 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,887 compared with the previous week.
      Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 569,294 adverse events, including 6,981 deaths and 44,481 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021.
      Of the 6,981 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 17, 12% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 30% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
      In the U.S., 383.6 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Sept. 17. This includes: 220 million doses of Pfizer, 149 million doses of Moderna and 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).
      This week’s U.S. VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to Sept. 17, 2021, for all age groups combined, show:
      20% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
      54% of those who died were male, 42% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
      The average age of death was 72.9.
      As of Sept. 17, 3,726 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 1099 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
      Of the 2,835 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 50% were attributed to Pfizer vaccinations, 42% to Moderna and 8% to J&J.
      606 reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, with 39% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 33% to Moderna and 27% to J&J.
      152,309 reports of anaphylaxis with 42% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 50% to Moderna and 7% to J&J.
      9,441 reports of blood clotting disorders. Of those, 4,047 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 3,442 reports to Moderna and 1,903 reports to J&J.
      2,537 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis with 1,608 cases attributed to Pfizer, 825 cases to Moderna and 95 cases to J&J’s COVID vaccine.
      The Defender

    10. Over 150,000 people including 600 children have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA
      By Daily Expose on September 22, 2021
      Scientists have concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines have killed at least 150,000 people in the USA alone after conducting in-depth scientific research on publicly available data, and are now calling for the medical community to oppose mandatory Covid-19 vaccination as their findings prove that it is not justifiable.
      Jessica Rose PhD, studied Immunology at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador, gaining a Master of Science and Medicine in 2006. She then went on to study Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University, gaining a PhD in 2013.
      From 2016 to 2020 she worked in Biochemistry / Protein Biology at the Technion Institute of Technology, and has published several papers such as ‘Kinetic modelling of Hepatitis B Virus: the relationship between HBeAg and viral kinetics.’ and ‘Kinetics of Chronic Human Viruses – Comparative Analysis of Bio-Mathematical Models and their Clinical Implications.‘
      Now, in an in-depth analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) alongside data available from multiple scientific studies, including the Pfizer clinical trial studies, Jessica Rose PhD has concluded using a modest calculation that at least 150,000 Americans have been killed by the Covid-19 Vaccines.
      In a paper which can be read in full here, titled ‘Estimating the number of Covid vaccine deaths in America’, Jessica Rose PhD states that she and her team determined the VAERS under-reporting multiplier by using a specific serious adverse event that should always be reported – anaphylaxis.

      Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and occurs in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States based on events reported to VAERS according to the CDC report on ‘Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination’.
      However, a scientific study conducted at Mass General Brigham, published March 8th 2021 on JAMA, found “severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000” people fully vaccinated.
      This implies that VAERS is receiving reports of anaphylaxis between 50 – 123 times less than what is actually occurring among the vaccinated population, despite it being a well known side effect that doctors are required to report.
      Jessica Rose PhD concludes in her paper that after the JAMA study was published doctors were more careful to assess vaccine recipients for prior history of anaphylaxis, so to calculate the true under-reporting multiplier she and her team decide to assess the VAERS database figures that were reported before the Mass General Brigham study was published, and calculated the underreporting rate to be 41 times less than what has and is occurring in the vaccinated population.
      The rate was calculated by taking the number of vaccinated people from the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to the end of March 2021 in the US, and the number of reports of anaphylaxis reactions submitted to VAERS in the same time frame.
      ‘Our World in Data’ shows that 97.5 million Americans had received a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by March 31st 2021.
      Whilst the VAERS database shows that 583 reports of anaphylaxis were submitted to VAERS up to 31st March 2021.
      Bases on the results of the JAMA study which found anaphylaxis was occurring due to the Covid-19 vaccines at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000 people, the true number of anaphylaxis reports to VAERS should have totalled 24,082.
      The calculation is as follows:
      97.5 million (people vaccinated) ÷ 10,000 (JAMA per rate) = 9,750
      9,750 x 2.47 (JAMA rate of occurrence) = 24,082.5
      24,082.5 + 583 (VAERS reports of Anayphlyaxis) = 41.3 (underreporting rate)
      Using the conservative underreporting rate that they calculated, Jessica Rose PhD and her team were then able to calculate the number of people the Covid-19 vaccines have killed in the USA using a variety of methods.
      One of those methods was to use the data available in VAERS. As of August 27th a search of the VAERS database shows that there had been 7,149 deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines in the USA.
      Using the underreporting rate of 41 times calculated, this would mean that 293,109 Americans have been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines up to the 27th August 2021. However, Jessica Rose PhD explains in her paper that the number of average background deaths must be subtracted in order to calculate the true number of people that have been killed by the Covid-19 vaccines.
      To calculate the number of average background deaths, Jessica Rose PhD used the results of a study published on ‘Research Gate’, titled ‘Analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Database Interim: Results and Analysis‘. The study found that 86% of deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines up to April 2021 were consistent with the vaccine being causal for the death.
      The Expose

    11. As you can see above 14,265 people died within 21 days of having the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, and 4,388 people died within 21 days of having the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine whose death allegedly involved Covid-19.
      Another 11,470 people died within 21 days of having their second dose of having a Covid-19 vaccine, and 182 people died within 21 days of having their second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine whose death allegedly involved Covid-19.
      Therefore 30,305 people died within 21 days of having the Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first 6 months of 2021. A further 123,796 people also died 21 days or more after having the Covid-19 vaccine, but it’s currently impossible to know the exact parameters for the further deaths unless ONS release the data in response to a Freedom of Information request.
      This means people who had a Covid-19 vaccine account for 70% of deaths due to all causes (excluding Covid-19) during the first 6 months of 2021. It also means the number of people to have died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine (30,305) in a period of 6 months is eight times greater than the number of people who have died of Covid-19 within a period of 18 months (3,832).
      The Expose UK

    12. Vaccines emergency use in children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October 2021
      Washington — Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb predicted Sunday that the agency he helmed will authorize Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use in children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October.
      In an interview with “Face the Nation,” Gottlieb, who serves on Pfizer’s board of directors, said the drug company is expecting to have data on its vaccines in young children before the end of September, which will then be filed with the FDA “very quickly.” The agency then has said it will be weeks, rather than months, before determining whether it will authorize the vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11. 
      “In a best-case scenario, given that timeline they’ve just laid out, you could potentially have a vaccine available to children aged 5 to 11 by Halloween,” Gottlieb said. “If everything goes well, the Pfizer data package is in order, and FDA ultimately makes a positive determination, I have confidence in Pfizer in terms of the data that they’ve collected. But this is really up to the Food and Drug Administration to make an objective determination.”
      · Transcript: Dr. Scott Gottlieb on “Face the Nation”
      Pfizer has been conducting clinical trials of its two-dose vaccine in children 2 years and older, and its approval could be crucial to helping combat the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant in schools. Children represent 25% of new COVID-19 infections.
      The shot has already been authorized for children ages 12 to 15, and Gottlieb said he believes COVID vaccines will eventually be among those required for children in public schools.
      “I think you’re going to see more local school districts and governors make those recommendations,” he said. “Eventually ACIP is going to make a recommendation about whether this should be included in the childhood immunization schedule. My guess is they’re waiting for more of the vaccines to be fully licensed to make that kind of a recommendation. But I would expect this eventually to be required as part of the childhood immunization schedule.”
      For parents who may be wary of their children receiving a vaccine that is under emergency use, rather than fully approved by the FDA for children, Gottlieb encouraged them to consult with their pediatricians, but stressed they are not facing a “binary decision” of getting their children vaccinated against COVID-19 or not.
      “There’s different ways to approach vaccination. You could go with one dose for now. You could potentially wait for the lower dose vaccine to be available, and some pediatricians may make that judgment. If your child’s already had COVID, one dose may be sufficient. You could space the doses out more,” he said. “So, there’s a lot of discretion that pediatricians can exercise, making largely off-label judgments, but exercising discretion within the context of what an individual child’s needs are, their risk is, and what the parents’ concerns are.”
      While the FDA is expected to make a decision on whether to authorize COVID vaccines in children in the coming weeks, federal health agencies are also weighing whether to approve booster shots for vaccinated Americans.
      The Biden administration initially announced in August that it was prepared to begin offering the boosters the week of September 20, and Americans would need to get their additional shots eight months after receiving their second vaccine dose. But Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told “Face Nation” last week that it may only be Pfizer’s booster that receives federal approval by September 20. 
      The FDA’s advisory committee is scheduled to meet Friday to discuss the booster shots, and Gottlieb said the agency is positioned to act “very quickly” depending on the outcome of the meeting. If the boosters are approved, he said a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee would then recommend which populations would get them first, likely those who are at higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 such as elderly Americans living in nursing homes.
      Pfizer has already filed its application with the FDA for approval of its booster, and Gottlieb predicted Johnson & Johnson will likely be next to do so.
      “They have very good data also looking at boosters. They’ve showed a good response,” he said of Johnson & Johnson. “And I think that vaccine also could be in a position to get authorized by FDA in short order.”
      Coronavirus Crisis
      First published on September 12, 2021 / 11:48 AM
      © 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    13. Dangers of Booster Shots and COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels
      New discoveries in the immunology of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines
      What happens inside your body after injection with gene-based COVID-19 vaccines? How does this new ‘vaccination’ technology differ from usual vaccination methods, and why is that dangerous?
      In this document, we answer all those questions and more, based on the latest and best available science. We explain how several papers in 2021 significantly advanced our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunity, and therefore the science and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
      Unfortunately, as the COVID-19 vaccination programme has followed a policy of ‘vaccinate first – research later’, our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunity has only recently caught up with the rushed vaccination schedule.
      Given that no clinical trials involved more than two injections of any vaccine, it is important that doctors and patients understand where the latest science leaves us in terms of how the vaccines interact with the immune system, and the implications for booster shots.
      We explain here that booster shots are uniquely dangerous, in a way that is unprecedented in the history of vaccines. That is because repeatedly boosting the immune response will repeatedly boost the intensity of self-to-self attack.
      Please take the time to read this important information, and share.
      The findings are presented in summary form for those who would like an overview, followed by an explanation of the underlying immunology for those who wish to understand in more detail.

    14. 1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot
      by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News October 1, 2021
      The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot. (Source.)
      By way of contrast, I performed the exact same search in VAERS for all non-COVID-19 vaccines for the past 30 years, and it returned a result of 2,183 fetal deaths from pregnant women following vaccination for the past 30 years. (Source.)
      So there have been nearly the same amount of fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months, as there have been for the past 30+ years that VAERS has been in existence!
      And how has the CDC responded to this data?
      This past week the CDC published recommendations for all pregnant women to get a COVID-19 shot!
      CDC Statement on Pregnancy Health Advisory
      Media Statement
      For Immediate Release: Wednesday, September 29, 2021
      Contact: Media Relations
      (404) 639-3286
      Today, CDC issued an urgent health advisory to increase COVID-19 vaccination among people who are pregnant, recently pregnant (including those who are lactating), who are trying to become pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future to prevent serious illness, deaths, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
      The CDC health advisory strongly recommends COVID-19 vaccination either before or during pregnancy because the benefits of vaccination for both pregnant persons and their fetus or infant outweigh known or potential risks. Additionally, the advisory calls on health departments and clinicians to educate pregnant people on the benefits of vaccination and the safety of recommended vaccines.
      According to CDC data, only 31 percent of pregnant people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and vaccination rates vary markedly by race and ethnicity. Vaccination coverage is highest among Asian people who are pregnant (45.7 percent), but lower among Hispanic or Latino pregnant people (25 percent), and lowest among Black pregnant people (15.6 percent).
      Attribute the following to CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H.
      “Pregnancy can be both a special time and also a stressful time – and pregnancy during a pandemic is an added concern for families. I strongly encourage those who are pregnant or considering pregnancy to talk with their healthcare provider about the protective benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine to keep their babies and themselves safe.” (Source.)
      Everyone acknowledges and agrees that VAERS is vastly under-reported, but now we have an expert analysis on just how under-reported adverse events are from Dr. Jessica Rose. Her conservative estimate based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS need to be multiplied by X41.
      That would mean that a conservative estimate of the true numbers of fetal deaths would be 80,729 when their mothers are injected with a COVID-19 shot.
      Wake up people!! We are watching a eugenic plan of controlling the world’s population unfold before our very eyes, and it is pure insanity for any pregnant woman to voluntarily agree to get a COVID-19 shot that will risk her life, and the life of her unborn baby.
      Rochelle Walensky and her cohorts at the CDC, along with the criminals at the FDA, NIH, and many other government health organizations need to be arrested immediately to stop this attack against the citizens of the United States with experimental gene therapy injections.

      Vaccine Impact

  1. Wtf why was this deleted? And why does lin wood pos assistant block people for asking a simple question? Disgusting she belongs on facebook! Idiot cost him his following I see Lynn always wonder what happened to his followers while your POS assistant is what happened she’s blocking everybody for no reason maybe she’s jealous?

    1. I thought the article I ‘BROWSED’ earlier was gone/missing, I did ‘screen shot’ a couple pairagraphs @ number 25…. But now thought it must had been a link… I’m glad I paused to read the comment..about why was the post deleted! (?)🤦

  2. Sorry; we will not be able to stop Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Deep State, Big Banks, etc., nor the WEF and at the WHO, from taking total control over our lives. We’re screwed, and Dr. Gold won’t be even a speed bump on that road.

  3. Research shows that most individuals with myocarditis do not have any symptoms. Complications of myocarditis include dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death and carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, “despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years”.
    Given that the labels for Comirnaty and BioNtech clearly state that the vaccination should not be given to individuals that are allergic to ingredients. I have noted that one of the primary ingredients of the Lipid Nanoparticle delivery system is “ALC 1035” (two attachments, parts highlighted) in the Pfizer shots. The forth attachment is the toxicity report on ALC-1035, which comprises between 30-50% of the total ingredients.3 The Safety Data Sheet, (attached as Exhibit B) for this primary ingredient states that it is Category 2 under the OSHA HCS regulations (21 CFR 1910) and includes several concerning warnings, including but not limited to:

    Seek medical attention if it comes into contact with your skin;
    If inhaled and If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    Evacuate if there is an environmental spill
    the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been completely investigated
    Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only
    To be abundantly clear, one of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is a derivative of ethylene oxide. Polyethylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze. While it is hard to believe this is a key ingredient in these vaccines, it would explain the increased cardiovascular risk to users of the BioNTech or Comirnaty shots. I cannot discern what form of alchemy Pfizer and the FDA have discovered that would make antifreeze into a healthful cure to the human body. Others seem to agree my point per recent scientific studies that caused a group of 57 doctors and scientists to call for an immediate halt to the vaccination program.

    I have not taken significant time to delineate the risks of other Covid 19 Vaccines other than the Safety Data Sheet of Moderna’s key ingredient, SM-102 (attached as Exhibit C). Suffice it to say that SM-102 is significantly more dangerous than the Pfizer ALC 3015 and it appears that the DOD is not actively acquiring or distributing this IND/EUA. If the DOD were to undertake use of the Moderna vaccine, one can expect a much higher Serious Adverse Event and fatality rate given that SM-102 carries an express warning “Skull and Crossbones” characterized under the GHS06 and GHS08. In other words, this Moderna ingredient is deadly.

    Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 Vaccines already has micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety;
    e) That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user’s body, including the brain;

  4. Total crap.
    Strike one: The “danger” of SM-102 was debunked months ago. The safety data sheet was referring to chloroform, the solvent used in the “Research Use Only” version of the product. The API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) version does not contain chloroform and has no hazards. Any doctor without the competence to distinguish RUO and API safety data sheets has serious problems with their credibility.
    Strike two: “Polyethylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze.” What??!! How is it that she doesn’t know the difference between polyethylene glycol and ethylene glycol?? Any doctor who makes this mistake should have their degree revoked.
    Strike three: “Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome…” mRNA vaccines DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, modify the recipient’s genome, i.e. their DNA. The vaccine doesn’t even enter the nucleus of any cell, so this is impossible. Any doctor claiming even basic knowledge of the COVID-19 vaccines would not make this absurd statement.
    Case closed.

      1. With pleasure.
        1. Here’s a link to the press release from Cayman Chemical Company, the makers of SM-102: And here’s a fact-check from Reuters from last May:
        2. Here’s one of many links explaining the difference between polyethylene glycol and ethylene glycol:
        3. Here’s a Forbes magazine article that does a good job of explaining why the vaccines don’t alter DNA:

      2. I tried, but my comment has not appeared. I will give it a little longer, and then I will try publishing several comments with only one link each, in case the spam-remover doesn’t like comments with multiple links.

    1. Polyethylene Glycol is different from ethylene glycol, the former Polyethylene Glycol, is made by polymerising ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze solutions and has some nasty effects on the human body ie;Irritation Of The Rectum
      A Sleep Disorder
      Excessive Thirst
      Stomach Cramps
      Abdominal Bloating
      A Feeling Of General Discomfort Called Malaise
      Intense Abdominal Pain
      Upper Abdominal Pain
      INFREQUENT side effects
      If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression i
      Low Amount Of Magnesium In The Blood
      Low Amount Of Phosphate In The Blood
      Low Amount Of Calcium In The Blood
      High Amount Of Calcium In The Blood
      An Increased Sodium Level In The Blood
      Low Amount Of Sodium In The Blood
      Acidosis, A High Level Of Acid In The Blood
      High Levels Of Potassium In The Blood
      Low Amount Of Potassium In The Blood
      High Amount Of Uric Acid In The Blood
      If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression i
      Runny Nose
      RARE side effects
      If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression i
      High Blood Pressure
      Atrial Fibrillation
      Abnormal Heart Rhythm
      A Feeling Of Throat Tightness
      Rapid Onset Of Fluid In The Lungs
      A Puncture, Tear Or Hole In The Esophagus
      A Type Of Stomach Irritation Called Gastritis
      Insufficient Blood Supply To The Colon
      Bleeding From Stomach, Esophagus Or Duodenum
      Decreased Kidney Function
      Muscle Tremors
      A Skin Rash
      Fluid Retention In The Legs, Feet, Arms Or Hands
      Puffy Face From Water Retention
      Swelling Of The Tongue
      Trouble Breathing
      Abnormal Liver Function Tests
      A Significant Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Anaphylaxis
      A Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Angioedema
      Ulceration Of The Colon
      Lip Swelling
      Fast Heartbeat
      Asystole, Stopping The Heart
      If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression i
      Skin Inflammation
      Heart Throbbing Or Pounding

      It’s nothing I wish to ingest.

      While this injection may not change one’s dna, it somehow confuses one’s immune system and creates a permanent injurious reaction to something which otherwise should not trigger a reaction, period.
      While she may have made some mistakes, she has taken ACTION ! We can learn from those mistakes and re-submit.

      1. Ooooo…sounds scary! Here are the side effects of another drug you probably want stay away from. It’s called aspirin:
        Abdominal or stomach pain, cramping, or burning
        black, tarry stools
        bloody or cloudy urine
        change in consciousness
        chest pain or discomfort
        convulsions, severe or continuing
        dark urine
        decreased frequency or amount of urine
        difficult breathing
        fast breathing
        feeling that something terrible will happen
        general tiredness and weakness
        greatly decreased frequency of urination or amount of urine
        increased thirst
        irregular heartbeat
        light-colored stools
        loss of appetite
        loss of consciousness
        lower back or side pain
        muscle cramping and weakness
        muscle tremors
        nausea or vomiting
        numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lips
        rapid, deep breathing
        skin rash
        stomach cramps
        swelling of the face, fingers, or lower legs
        unusual bleeding or bruising
        unusual tiredness or weakness
        vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
        weakness or heaviness of the legs
        weight gain
        yellow eyes and skin

        1. Quite frankly, if aspirin were mandated as a condition of employment, I would oppose it also. the issue is not whether a drug can be dangerous. It’s whether someone can be forced to take a drug that can be dangerous. The answer, resoundingly, is NO!

      2. “Polyethylene Glycol… has some nasty effects on the human body – Irritation Of The Rectum.”
        So that explains Traitor Joe’s shouting to the presstitutes, “My butt’s been wiped!”

    2. Regarding your “strike two,” item 25 (as of the time I’m viewing it) mentions propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol, and it characterizes the former and polyethylene glycol as “close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers.”

      1. David, you are correct. The affidavit changed between the time I read it and now. The line I quoted appeared in the first version. You can see it here: Note that item 25 changed, and item 24 is completely different. NOTE TO PATRICK BYRNE: It is not cool to change a posting without annotating the changes and adding a note of explanation!
        There are still many problems with this document, among them is referencing the VAERS database without including the disclaimers that the data is self-reported and unverified, and therefore cannot be used to prove any adverse effects of any vaccine.

    3. Due to the politicization of these so called vaccines, I no longer can trust doctors. My own doctor said that natural immunity only lasts 3 months, when studies show immunity to last a lifetime. What they don’t tell you is that you become like a heroin junky after you get the injection – always needing a “fix”, after 6 months. If you don’t get the fox, and you’re exposed to the Wihan Flu, it could easily end up fatal due to ADE. What’s ADE?? Sure won’t hear about it on CNN or the 3 networks!!!

    4. C.B.K.,For your information I have read a number of articials written by experts on these viruses who agree right down the line with Theresa Long,for instances DR.Michael Yeadon who was the former vice president of Pfizer corp.,Dr.Ryan Cole,Delores Cahill has a lot to say about it,so before you label everything as crap,maybe you are the one who needs to reopen the case and take a harder look.

  5. The post is NOT gone. I’ve just read it in its entirety. I am not geolocated in the USA. At the router level your nation is blocking you. Get a good VPN and circumvent.

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  7. This person doesn’t exist. There is a Teresa Long MD, MPH, but it’s not the same person. This is fabricated, which is why it’s changing.

  8. There’s not a shred of evidence that this is legitimate, no credible link to the filing. While some of it may be true it appears to be bogus.

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  11. When the survival rate of a virus is over 99.9% like Covid is, the need to take an experimental shot with unknown long term effects is absurd. The media, along with Fauchi and the CDC has sold everyone a pack of lies and played on our fear, and we will pay dearly for it in the future. Look up Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Zelenco, or Dr. Mercola. They all have videos on Bitchute, Rumble and various websites and they’ve dug into the toxic jab, and what they’ve found will scare the crap out of you because we’re in for a dark winter when everyone who’s taken the jab finds out their immune system has been compromised and they may well end up dead shortly.

  12. Why don’t you cite your evidence on blood clots. You say there are many, but just how many? Is it 10% of all vaccinated, or is it 1% of all vaccinated or is it .1%?

    Was your blood clot information gleaned from JAMA or some other medical periodical, or from the internet?

    Also, your anecdotal evidence of an Airman athlete is not very valuable as you say that all her medical issues happened right after her vaccination. These would take time to develop. You also show no actual causation. It would be like saying that a month after receiving the Covid vaccination, a person died after being hit by a bus. Was that also caused by the vaccination? Anecdotal “evidence” is not evidence at all.

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    1. I agree. This article is irresponsible. No link to any case, case number or “above referenced motion”. Spells like a HOAX-op to discredit sloppy, lazy conservative “reporters” & those who forward them.

  15. Further to Michael D. Hill’s question:
    No link to any case, case number or “above referenced motion”. Spells very like the usual Q-type hopium HOAX to discredit sloppy, lazy conservative “reporters” & those who forward them.

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  17. To Whom it May Concern:

    This memo is in response to an article in Deep Capture: The referenced affidavit was filed in a court case in Colorado. I obtained a copy of the filed version. There are differences in 2 paragraphs. I don’t know which is newer, or who made the modifications and when, so I tried to cover both.

    In general, I am not going to give website links to support my assertions. One reason is that impairs readability. The 2nd reason is that, for an interested reader, it will be very easy to find many links that support what I say. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of trying to pick which one to reference.

    On August 9, the Secretary of Defense announced plans to require all military personnel to get vaccinated by mid-September. I do not know the current status. That, of course, is a rallying cry for anti-vax people everywhere to complain. Biden’s vaccine mandates are doing the same thing.

    The affidavit by LTC Long comes from a court case in Colorado, where two Army Staff Sergeants are suing the DOD, HHS, and FDA, in an effort to block this requirement. The specific complaint is based on the fact that exemptions are not being made for personnel who have already had Covid and recovered. In other areas where vaccinations are required, it is not uncommon to allow exemptions for recent Covid victims, people with known immunity, or for religious reasons. So, this law suit is not without merit. However, if the vaccine did absolutely no harm, then there would be no reason to bother suing. Thus, in order for the case to succeed, the plaintiffs need to show that there is some harm, or risk of harm, to at least some military personnel. LTC Theresa Long is one of two people who filed an affidavit, trying to establish herself as an expert witness and trying to show that some reasonable risk exists with implementing the requirement.

    If one were to read this affidavit out of context, it would sound like she is the very best doctor who ever lived and is single-handedly trying to save the world from calamity. However, in order to qualify as an expert witness, it is to be expected that she will try make a strong case about her credentials. Sight unseen, she has reasonable credentials, but they are probably about average for a practicing physician. The military moves people around, so it’s also easy have a long list of prior assignments. Not many of these were related to the current subject. She has only been at her current position as a Brigade Flight Surgeon since June of this year, about 3 months before the affidavit was written.

    I will try to go through some of her affidavit point-by-point, but I want to make some general comments first.

    Most of LTC Long’s affidavit talks about the risks of vaccination and of serious side effects. And she describes a spectrum of reasons why these things could (or should) occur. There are fallacies in her arguments, which I will get to later. But most important is that we are not deciding here and now whether to start a major vaccination program. The US has given out about 300 million vaccinations, and there have been over 6 billion (with a ‘B’) worldwide. The bad results she predicts simply have not happened – period – even with extensive diligence in pursuing adverse reaction reports. The side effects have been so minor that the CDC recommends that you get vaccinated EVEN IF you are allergic to the ingredients. If you think all the governments of the world have conspired to cover up major adverse impacts of the vaccination program, then I can’t do anything for you. However, I would ask you to look around at the people you know. Probably more than half of those people are vaccinated. How many adverse reactions have you heard about. There will be some, but not many, and a very small percent. So, it’s an absolute fact that she is very wrong, because we have an extensive data base that contradicts her. You don’t have to waste your time looking at the specifics of her assertions. She predicts things that just haven’t happened. Her claim is that those things haven’t been diagnosed yet. That boggles the mind. Some of her concerns have to do with myocarditis. Indeed, just today I read that the FDA is still analyzing the data, but myocarditis is still a rare side effect with an uncertain link to the vaccine. The FDA and CDC still say the vaccine is more than worth the risk.

    LTC Long tells us about a number of personal and 2nd-hand accounts of serious vaccine adverse events. In order to have been one of two people to file an affidavit for this case, it should be obvious that she is anti-vax. Many people will know about her and bring her stories. It is important to remember that even if all of these stories are true, they are too few in number to matter. The data clearly show that they are the counter-examples. If everyone had a similar long list of adverse stories, that would be a different matter, but they don’t.

    An AMA survey in June found that 96% of doctors in the US were fully vaccinated. Of those not vaccinated, about half were expecting to get vaccinated. I know this is not the same thing as approving of the vaccine, but they certainly weren’t expecting to be stricken down by it either. You may have heard other reports that large numbers of healthcare workers were not getting vaccinated. One hospital reported that only 60% of their nurses were vaccinated. But that article made it clear that it was NOT doctors who were resisting. The people who know best are getting vaccinated.

    That said, there are about 600,000 MDs in the US. If 2% are anti-vax, that would be 12,000. In a highly-charged, highly-political, and highly-connected environment, finding 57 doctors to agree on pretty much any anti-vax notion would be a simple thing to do. It is a mistake made by virtually everyone on the anti-vax side (in my opinion), that being able to find counter-examples and disagreement seems to disprove the facts, and to disprove the majority opinion. What the other 98% have to say doesn’t seem to matter. I hope it’s obvious why this is wrong.

    Several small planes crashed this week and killed several people. But no one thinks that aircraft travel is unsafe. I received a video from a friend, entitled “Finally a Doctor Speaks the Truth”. It was an anti-vax speech by one doctor, at a PTA meeting somewhere in Kansas. It amazes me that one random person, in the middle of nowhere, is said to speak the truth, while the vast majority of doctors, especially those in important positions, whose jobs it is to guide and protect us, all of those people lie.

    Okay, I’ll go through some of the specific statements in the affidavit. I will show in italics the gist of what she says in each paragraph.

    15. The CDC and the FDA are civilian agencies that do not have the mission of National Defense that the DOD has.

    The CDC and FDA do not have the military mission in mind, but it is not just the military who fly airplanes. All major US airlines, except Delta, require Covid vaccinations for their pilots (as well as all other employees). Indeed, some of this is in response to Biden’s mandate on federal contractors. Suffice it to say that the evils LTC Long fears for the military pilots are apparently not shared by the far greater civil aviation community, even among air carriers, whose job it is to carry enormous numbers of civilian passengers every day.

    17. There are numerous therapeutic agents that have been proven to significantly reduce infection and therefore provide protection from the harmful effects of SARs-CoV_2.
    At present, remdesivir is the only FDA approved drug to treat Covid. The Mayo clinic reports that the drug reduces death by between 20% and 30%. By all means, if you get Covid, take the drug. But the life-saving benefit of the vaccine, 99%, seems much more reasonable.
    18. Literature has demonstrated that natural immunity is durable, completed, and superior to vaccination immunity to SARs-CoV_2. mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna both have been linked to myocarditis, especially in young males between 16_24 years old. The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination… Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force, presents a risk of undetermined magnitude, in a population in which less than 20 active-duty personnel out of 1.4 million, died of the underlying SARs- CoVY2.
    Natural immunity is good. So, if you’ve had Covid and recovered, it’s not unreasonable to think you’re moderately safe. Even then, you might need a booster. There is a reasonable argument that you shouldn’t need a vaccination, at least right away (which is a basis for the law suit). As for myocarditis, she says “we know there is a risk”. Indeed, per Yale Medical School, about 12.6 cases per million, and those cases go away in 3 – 5 days. She says “vaccination does not necessarily prevent infection or transmission”. Indeed, it’s only 90% – 95% effective at prevention. As for transmission, that’s what masks and distancing are for. Her point is that it’s not perfect, and that the military pilots are very healthy and can be expected to recover quite handily. I wouldn’t want to argue too vehemently with this. But she speaks only for the law suit, not for the whole rest of the world, who would like Covid to end. Pretty much all experts acknowledge that the more people who get vaccinated, the better.
    20. Research shows that most individuals with myocarditis do not have any symptoms. Complications of myocarditis include dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death and carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years.

    The high mortality rate quoted is for ‘acute myocarditis’, and for the complications listed, not specifically for myocarditis itself. If the rate of myocarditis is 12.6 for every million vaccinations, then we should have had over 2000 thousand deaths from the 180 million people we vaccinated. In fact, no one in the US has died from myocarditis as a result of the vaccine. One report said that, in general, the myocarditis caused by the vaccine (12.6 out of a million) went away in 3 to 5 days.

    21. Develop controls and make risk decisions: Because vaccination with mRNA increase the risk of myocarditis, a comprehensive screening program should be implemented immediately to identify individuals who have been affected and attempt to mitigate immediate risks and long-term disability.
    Make Risk Decisions? Myocarditis is usually caused by viral infection. Studies are underway now to determine the extent to which Covid causes myocarditis. One report I read ( says that Covid has a 6 times larger probability of causing myocarditis than the vaccine. Remarkably, in the US, we’ve had 45 million Covid cases, about 1 person in 7. So your chances of getting myocarditis are about the same no matter what you do. If you get the vaccine, it’s about 12.6 chances in a million. If you don’t get vaccinated, you have 1/7th the chance of getting Covid, which makes myocarditis 6 times more likely. But still, out of 180 million vaccinations, no one died from it. There’s not a lot of risk here.
    24. I’m not going to repeat the paragraph. Pretty much this whole paragraph came from an article by Byram Bridle, who was interviewed by Alex Pierson in Canada. It has been fact-checked by Reuters and found to be wrong. For reasons I don’t know, the court-filed version of this paragraph does not include any of this information. Please fact check it for yourself.

    25. The labels for Comirnaty and BioNtech clearly state that the vaccination should not be given to individuals that are allergic to ingredients.

    Before receiving the shot, people are asked if they have had bad reactions to other vaccinations or if they have allergies. Nothing of any significance has slipped through the crack. In fact, the CDC is now recommending that even if you are allergic to the vaccine ingredients, it is still recommended to get vaccinated, because your allergic reactions will be minor.

    One of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers as Propylene Glycol, a common ingredient in antifreeze.

    PEG is used all over the place for human consumption, It is found in everyday products such as foods, cosmetics, and medications. Ethylene Glycol is used in antifreeze and is toxic. This discussion is simply off-base. These are different chemicals. The 2nd one is irrelevant and should never have been brought up. They have elements in common (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen), but so does water. As I mentioned earlier, it’ll be easy to get 57 anti-vax doctors to agree to any anti-vax sentiment.

    That bodily response to PEG, ranges from severe anaphylactic response requiring hospitalization or death, to life-long allergies and anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) which could stop other medications from working in your body.

    Indeed, there are people who are allergic to PEG. The most common reaction is an anaphylactic response that requires medical attention. This is why you are told to wait 15 minutes after your vaccination before you leave. After 300 million vaccinations, the rate of anaphylactic response has been 5 per million, and no died from that either.

    ALC-0315 can be toxic and there is a Safety Data Sheet.

    ALC-0315 is not for sale to consumers. There is a warning label so it is not mishandled in laboratory environments. Everything is for research purposes when it is first developed. The entire mRNA technology has not been used on humans before. However, it was heavily studied, put through clinical trials, and has now been used millions of times, with excellent results and almost universally inconsequential side effects.

    The following statement was in the original court filing, but not the Deep Capture version.
    According to the VAERS data, which admittedly underreports by as much as 100 times the actual SAE’s, there are well more than 600,000 documented Serious Adverse Events (ones requiring medical attention) alone and more than 13,000 fatalities directly linked to this particular vaccine.
    Lastly, there are many reports about thousands of deaths in the US due to the vaccines. The last one I just looked at claimed 150,000 vaccine-related deaths. Right now, the CDC shows about 8,000 deaths. What is mis-understood, in my opinion quite intentionally, is that these are “deaths of vaccinated people”. In any large group of people, some people will die. Collecting this data provides a means to look for patterns, and potentially uncover important vaccine-caused adverse events or deaths. As of today, NO deaths have been associated with the mRNA vaccines, and only 6 deaths (blood clots) associated with the J&J vaccine. My numbers may be outdated, but not by much. I could not find or confirm the 600,000 number, but even that would be only 1 person in 500.

    26. It is reasonable to conclude that these shots pose a serious risk to many humans.

    This is just wrong. After 300 million shots, where is the evidence?

    31. I have also reviewed scientific data and peer reviewed studies that discuss, analyze results and conclude that natural immunity is at least as good if not far superior to any Covid Vaccine available at this time.

    There are reports that natural immunity can be very good. Unfortunately, except for people who have recovered from Covid, you don’t know who has it. It just doesn’t make sense to wait and see who gets sick or dies, as a way to find out.
    33. Finally, I have reviewed a recent study entitled “US COVID_19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, All Cause Severe Morbidity,” by J. Bart Classen, MD and published in Trends in Internal Medicine; August 25, 2021.
    The referenced study is available on The author is a well-documented anti-vaxer. His previous published report was raked over the coals by Reuters. The reddit website provides more details as to the “untrusted” nature of how this was published. I believe it. I wasn’t going to spend any time on it, but I changed my mind. This study is laughable. It is within my expertise to say so.
    The scientific methodology behind what he says is that the use of “All Cause Morbidity and Mortality” is the proper endpoint for certain studies. This may be true when you have adequate data. One description I read pertained to smoking. By looking at people who smoked and people who didn’t, and comparing how long they lived and how healthy they were, you can look for differences. You avoid the need to pinpoint the causes of death, and you can avoid the need to decide advance which causes of death you are going to look at. But studies like this had many years of data available. Not so with Covid. This “study” looked at 56 – 81 days. That’s the 1st of 2 laughable parts. There would be no way to tell how many unvaccinated people would ultimately get Covid, and get really sick or die. That would be the whole purpose of getting vaccinated. Per the data, getting vaccinated reduced the risk of getting Covid by a substantial margin – a fact we all know. However, the study kept track of “adverse events” in both the vaccinated group and placebo group. That’s the 2nd laughable part. It appears to me that the people who got a real shot and had an adverse reaction (however small the percent was) were then compared to the “adverse events” in the control group. So, the conclusion should have been: if you don’t want to have any adverse reactions in the next 81 days, then don’t get the shot. Never mind that taking a chance of an adverse reaction to the shot might keep you alive next year. The “study” is that stupid.
    36. I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated. Plus several other stories of bad reactions to the vaccine.
    Too many insignificant numbers and unproven causes. As she says, correlation does not equal causation, which is true. However, her very small number of cases is very much at odds with the huge numbers of vaccinations that have been performed with relatively few adverse reactions. If I were to give her the benefit of the doubt, it is people who support her beliefs who give her their reports. It’s biased. It doesn’t jive with what the rest of us have seen.
    39. The subject matter of this Motion for a Preliminary Injunction and its devastating effects on members of the military compel me to conclude and conduct accordingly as follows:
    a) None of the ordered Emergency Use Covid 19 vaccines can or will provide better immunity than an infection-recovered person;
    I’ve seen this before. The vaccines are not as good as a recovered person. Whether it’s true of not true, it’s a shame to take the chance of finding out whether you’ll recover or not.
    b) All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines (Comirnaty is not available), in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all, whether a person is Covid recovered or facing a Covid 19 infection;
    It’s possibly a valid point that her patients will do well no matter what. Even were I young and healthy, why would I want to take a chance of dying from Covid (however small), when the vaccine reduces that chance dramatically and has virtually never killed anyone? Her assessment of risk with the vaccine is simply not borne out by today’s reality; i.e., 300 million shots given.
    c) Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;
    This is crap. “Evidence” may exist that “suggests” this outcome, but the outcome doesn’t exist.
    d) Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 Vaccines already has micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety;
    The spike protein is not engineered into anyone’s genome.
    e) That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user’s body, including the brain;
    It goes south from here. This is her opinion, when the rest of the aviation world is happily getting vaccinated.

    I give up. If you still believe what she says, you are on your own.

  18. Does anyone have a link to the cited documents that the doctor references? These are the official list of ingredients for the Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’? The graphene oxide / ALC-0315 is not listed on the CDC site’s list of ingredients. I need an official ingredients list that states that ALC-0315 is included to present to my employer. Any help will be appreciated.

  19. Uptil I looked at the check which said $5381, I be certain …that…
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