Emma Brown of the Washington Post wrote of me yesterday (“Trump assembles a ragtag crew of conspiracy-minded allies in flailing bid to reverse election loss“, Washington Post, December 21, 2020). While @emmasbrown is smarter than most of the reporters at WaPo, her logic-leaps would make a sophomore blush. I had not commented to her before publication because she ahd written me at an address I rarely use, and had failed to telephone me. Call it an innocent mistake. I contacted her by text today, and she wants to continue. Sunlight being the best disinfectant (per Brandeis), I respond here.
Example 2
The paper tally roll on election night (photo 1) 11/3 states 340 votes for Biden and 566 votes for Trump for a total of 906 votes which is 549 votes short of the hand count.
After the programing update and the ballot recount (photo 1) on 11/6 states 340 votes for Biden and 565 votes for Trump for a total of 905 votes which is 550 votes short of the hand count.
Baseline Example from Mancelona Township, Precinct 2 Paper Tally Roll Dated
Hand count for Trump and Biden matched the paper ballots.
Photo1, Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4
ASOG Forensic Team
Additional Data Sources
11/4/20 | Removed from Site | unofficial_election_results_november_3_2020.pdf |
11/5/20 | Removed from Site | unofficial_election_partial_results_november_3_2020_1.pdf |
11/6/20 | Removed from Site | http://antrimcounty.org/downloads/official_election_results_november_3_2020.pdf |
11/21/20 | Current | http://www.antrimcounty.org/downloads/official_results_2nd_amended.pdf |
11/23/20 | Michigan Board of State Canvassers certified the state’s election | |
12/17/20 | Handcount | https://www.michigan.gov/documents/sos/AntrimCounty_Presidential_Race_Full_Hand_Count_November2020_711027_7.pdf |
Unleash it ALL! Good luck to you and your Team….prayers and positive energy sent your way.
I’ve been watching interviews of yours for what seems like a very long time. I’m so thankful that you’ve elected to tell the American people what’s truly been happening, and for naming names in the process! We’ve known the fight against Trump was a sustained attack, and that its creators were Hillary and Obama. Now I hope and pray that our rightful President finds a way to swear his oath on January 20th! He must remove the “nay-sayers” that he’s surrounded by TODAY!!! Every single minute is critical from this day until January 6th. Thank you for doing your part for America! You’re the bravest Patriot of all right now!
Thank you sir for you diligence and your courage! Thank you!
Thanks for all your efforts, Patrick. I think this is the kind of conversation you need to have to persuade people who find the whole idea of electoral fraud a priori almost impossible.
I did find the presentation a little confusing, though I guess that is to be expected when you’re just having to throw things together yourself.
Not sure what the Mancelona reference is about. You might want to draw circles on things to indicate where 550 comes from.
Name Title (Kenneth Yeh-Kang Hao)
Mark W. Adams
President, Chief Executive Officer & Director
Ajay B. Shah
Executive Chairman
Jack A. Pacheco
COO, CFO & President-Smart Memory Solutions
Kenneth Yeh-Kang Hao
Sandeep Nayyar
Independent Director
(Using voice to text, excuse any typos)
I cannot thank you enough for everything that you have done throughout this election crisis but also prior to that. risking everything including your life to expose the truth. I have read every post on this site and follow you on every podcast or video I can find. I share it all. The world needs you and others like you. I wish there was more I could do… Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything that you have done, are doing, and will continue to do. There are many of us who would be close to giving up if we didn’t have people like you to shine the light in this dark time and show us why we must never stop fighting.
Thank you Patrick again. There is so much information we would not get if YOU were not releasing it. The Fast N Furious stuff was great. But who the hell would text you not to say anything after so many years.
I the issue of reaching the POTUS. With about a days coding someone like Blondfroggs could update the RVN wallet to receive truly private messaging. Using https://github.com/MangoFarmAssets/rips/commit/2c8a5c0bfe726f87fcf3bc27b2480bab7f097cc8 The POTUS or anyone else would be able to receive messages that only they could read. Now I am sure the spooks own his phone and could see the stuff but they could not stop him from seeing it.
I also like this https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_3617562.html Great info on the election and some of the issues. Best thing is it does not mention you, Sidney or Rudy. All independent investigation that comes to the same conclusion.
Just a thought to help.
I will say I was a bit disheartened after your Steel interview. Hearing that Trump dose not have the command of his office that he should have and how much he is misinformed did bother me. But his announcement about the election gave me some hope that he will do what is necessary and not just go play golf. I only wish he had announced his new special counsel to the world so that MM could not block access…
Patrick — for us simpletons, what is the gist, whyat is the point of your response, here? Also did you forget example 1 (I see ‘example 2’ above) but no 1?
Hold our hand a little will ya?
I am just now becoming aware of you via J. Corsi. What a blessing you are to behold! Have you reached out to GOA or Oathkeepers? Too many of us have never heard of you! We NEED your Presence to go ‘viral’ now!!!
I sent your ‘interview’ to all I could. Never stop.
If I can be of service from central Virginia in some way, let me know.
With warm regards,
Robert D. Gubisch
Patrick, saw your video of 12/22. Since President Trump seems to have lost faith in Sydney Powell for whatever reason, you need a new plan! I’m sure she and Gen. Flynn would be willing to outline an approach that others could follow. Then if you can’t get a writeup of that to the President directly, maybe get it to him through a mutual acquaintance. As you said, time is short, and you have to find some way to get the ball rolling!
I hope that ‘We The People” follow Patrick’s lead: He is surely ‘Divinely’ sent. Take the time to join Dr. Corsi’s
daily video link as he has Patrick on. And, especially view/listen to Dec. 24, program. After Pres. Trump is inaugurated let us propose the highest honor in our land for “Patrick”…God Bless him for sharing all and taking
up a surely difficult ‘cross’..the truth must always prevail.
I hope that ‘We The People” follow Patrick’s lead: He is surely ‘Divinely’ sent. Take the time to join Dr. Corsi’s
daily video link as he has Patrick on. And, especially view/listen to Dec. 24, program. After Pres. Trump is inaugurated let us propose the highest honor in our land for “Patrick”…God Bless him for sharing all and taking
up a surely difficult ‘cross’..the truth must always prevail.
Patrick Byrne is a ‘national treasure’..everyone should sign onto Dr. Corsi’s daily program. Especially to the 12/24/20 talk. Patrick shared ‘much’…you will not get elsewhere. Also, after Pres. Trump is inaugurated , “We The
People Must request the highest honor our country can give to honor Patrick.
I just want to say thank you. I’ve had my head in the sand for far too long and 2020 has woken me up. You are fair, which matters most to me. When you’ve been baited (for lack of a better word) by well intentioned albeit far right interviewers, you have stood your ground on seeking truth. No matter the outcome. I value that so very much. I’m so grateful for the work that you’re doing to help protect the freedom of the children that I’m raising. I stand with you on seeking truth and transparency. Thank you for being a true Patriot and Merry Christmas!
Sorry cannot untangle the numbers and I’ve been staring at them for 2 hours or so….might be me of course so I’d be grateful for some further guidance. With 3 different precincts mentioned it feels like comparing apples with with pears and crappy casebuilding. I’d love to stand corrected.
On behalf of WE THE PEOPLE, I want to thank you for your honesty and devotion to getting out the truth. It is hard to comprehend the extent of government corruption, and it is frustrating to feel so helpless in fighting it as the ruling class forces this corrupt Chicom puppet into power.
President Trump has to be more aggressive and less dependent on these failed institutions. Time is running out! He needs to seize the voting machines and evidence immediately. We are growing weary of hearing courts refuse to hear the evidence or enforce subpoenas. The citizens of the United States are the forgotten men and women, while the arrogant overseers think only of their own self-interests. We are losing our freedom, due to the greed of the world. KJV 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
I thank YOU THE PEOPLE for giving me the opportunity. This country has been better to me than any actual talent would have merited, so it seems the least I could do.
After having worked in local government for 30 years myself, 42 for my husband we’re no strangers to hearing about even lower level corrupt politics. But the past 4 years have truly opened our eyes to how deep it really is & we’re grateful to be retired from it all. My fears are that our sons, only 22 & 12 have to survive in the evil that surrounds true Patriots these days. Thank you for helping expose them all. Take Care & know there’s millions out here rooting for the “good guys” such as you!! Godspeed Patrick.
Dear Patrick,
May you continue daily, hourly, moment-to-moment sometimes, to put on the armor of God, and KNOW that He goes before, you, behind you, next to you, above you, below you, and in you.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❣️☝️☝️☝️
Trump WON!
Mr. President, Pls.
Emulate Gen. Washington, “Father of our Country” – defy defeat, and
“Cross the Delaware NOW!
Our U.S. Constitution, and post-Civil-War 14th Amendment REQUIRES & Authorizes Pres. Trump to Stop the ChiCom, Democrat, Deep-State Election-Steal.
We have Biden’s OWN RECORDED STATEMENT OF REBELLION against a fair, honest election, which is the heart of our Republic.
Biden appealed to his big Globalist plutocrat donors, who were doubting his “basement-campaign”, with his Biden boast,
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics!”
And we know Beijing-bribed Biden, ACTED ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE OF VOTE-FRAUD, using ChiCom outfitted and controlled, Dominion vote-machine weapons, bogus-ballots, and dirty-tricks of every type.
14th Amendment,
Section 3:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States,
Shall Have Engaged in Insurrection
or REBELLION AGAINST THE SAME [an honest Election],
[Notice NO Court-role, NO permission, or criminal-conviction required!
The Commander-In-Chief has this UNIQUE DUTY & AUTHORITY, to Stop this Election-Steal, which is another attack on our Constitutional Republic, by the Democrat-Confederacy!]
“But Congress may by a vote of TWO-THIRDS of EACH HOUSE, remove such disability.”
This “Election Pearl Harbor” by “Enemies, both Foreign, and Domestic”, was intended to foment U.S. civil-unrest and bloodshed. Just as published, in the CCP’s “Unrestricted Warfare” plan of attack against America.
President Trump, you have the DUTY & AUTHORITY, to just jail the traitors, but to circumvent unrest, please, immediately seize the vote-machine cyber-weapons outfitted with enemy-components, and firmware, under ChiCom enemy-control.
Then have our most trustworthy DOD Special Forces, intelligence investigate, and report to America with your broad declassifications.
Then, Mr. President Trump, pls. direct our military to supervise a new, fair, open, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal-offices. We paid them to conduct fair elections in distant foreign-lands, why not here at home, to Save our Republic?
Use the National Emergency Broadcast System, and robo-call, email, and publish to all Americans, your announcements of a new, fair, open, PAPER-Ballot election, to bypass the BigTech, FakeNews info lockdown.
Americans will cheer even louder than your rallies, even more flags will fly, our troops will salute you, and you will join our “Father” Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Reagan, in the esteem of America.
Prove to America, that Trump Won!
As did our brave USArmy combat-pilot and black-leader, John James, the rightful U.S. Senator from MI,
and others!
A new, honest election will produce a Patriotic Republican House-majority, a Senate super-majority, a huge Trump win, and a powerful mandate for you, Mr. President, to finally “Drain the Swamp”!
A new, honest election will prove that Democrats are still rebelling against our American Declaration of Independence, and U.S. Constitution, as before, when they caused a terrible Civil-War to keep their slavery.
Democrats will be repudiated as a treasonous crime-syndicate, in league with the ChiComs, and their Globalist plutocrat puppetmasters.
This Election-attack is a dagger at the very heart of our American Republic by “Enemies, both Foreign, and Domestic”.
Mr. President, “The Swamp” bureaucracies surrounding you, have proved incapable of countering this treacherous “Election Pearl Harbor”. And many bureaucrats have betrayed you, and America.
Mr. President, you must NOW direct our most trusted military Special Forces, intelligence to Save our Republic for coming generations.
God Bless President Trump, and all his, and God Bless America!
Mr. President Trump,
Please emulate the “Father of our Country”, General George Washington, and “Cross the Delaware” NOW!
Before the New Year!!!
Comfort and Rally Dejected Americans, just as General Washington rallied his starving, freezing Patriots, to attack the enemy on Christmas, and turn the tide of our Revolution.
ACT Now, order DOD to seize the ChiCom vote-machines & bogus-ballots.
Immediately use the National Emergency Broadcast System, and robo-call, email, & publish to every American, the promise of a speedy, new, fair, transparent, open-to-all, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal offices.
Bypass the lockdown by the BigData-gangsters, & FakeNews who are collaborating with the ChiComs, thereby enriching themselves at America’s expense.
Order our trustworthy military servicemen to prepare to conduct a new, fair, transparent, open-to-all, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal-offices.
Just as we have paid them to do before, in distant foreign lands.
Postpone the GA Run-off, until the new, honest, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal offices.
Use all DOD, Intelligence, & Fed capabilities, to investigate the ChiCom penetration of our Congress & government.
Use the same tools against the guilty, that they illegally used on innocents.
DECLASSIFY the dirt on the traitors, so American voters have ALL the information, without censorship.
Have our trustworthy military servicemen, conduct new, fair, open, PAPER-Ballot Election for ALL Federal offices.
Celebrate a second Trump victory, new Republican House-majority, & Senate super-majority.
Exact FULL financial damages from the ChiComs, for their treacherous CoVID#19 bio-war attack, & their cyber-attack on our election, the very heart of our Republic – intended to foment civil-war, using their Democrat Confederates.
Take the proceeds from CCP ChiComs, & give it to Americans to rebuild our Free Enterprise.
Liberate Chinese people everywhere, & all humanity, by bankrupting the ChiCom CCP, & their cruel benefactors.
Drain “The Swamp”
Jail & hang the traitors to America.
Thank & Praise God, our Creator!
Live happily, everafter!
Mr. President Trump,
Please emulate the “Father of our Country”, General George Washington, and “Cross the Delaware” NOW!
Before New Years!
Comfort and Rally dejected Americans, as General George Washington rallied his freezing, starving Patriots to attack the enemy on Christmas, turning the tide of our Revolution.
And creating America, The Beautiful, for many generations.
ACT Now, order DOD to seize the ChiCom vote-machines & bogus-ballots.
Immediately use the National Emergency Broadcast System, and robo-call, email, & publish to every American, the promise of a speedy, new, fair, transparent, open-to-all, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal offices.
Bypass the lockdown by the BigData-gangsters, & FakeNews who are collaborating with the ChiComs, thereby enriching themselves at America’s expense.
Order our trustworthy military servicemen to prepare to conduct a new, fair, transparent, open-to-all, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal-offices.
Just as we have paid them to do before, in distant foreign lands.
Postpone the GA Run-off, until the new, honest, PAPER-Ballot election for ALL Federal offices.
Use all DOD, Intelligence, & Fed capabilities, to investigate the ChiCom penetration of our Congress & government.
Use the same tools against the guilty, that they illegally used on innocents.
DECLASSIFY the dirt on the traitors, so American voters have ALL the information, without censorship.
Have our trustworthy military servicemen, conduct new, fair, open, PAPER-Ballot Election for ALL Federal offices.
Celebrate a second Trump victory, new Republican House-majority, & Senate super-majority.
Exact FULL financial damages from the ChiComs, for their treacherous CoVID#19 bio-war attack, & their cyber-attack on our election, the very heart of our Republic – intended to foment civil-war, using their Democrat Confederates.
Take the proceeds from CCP ChiComs, & give it to Americans to rebuild our Free Enterprise.
Liberate Chinese people everywhere, & all humanity, by bankrupting the ChiCom CCP, & their cruel benefactors.
Drain “The Swamp”
Jail & hang the traitors to America.
Thank & Praise God, our Creator!
Live happily, everafter!
So very grateful for all you’ve done for this country, and especially your courage and intelligence now. History will remember you fondly.
Please anyone, help me with this one as I do not see any response to the text that Emma Brown sent to Andrew. She talks asked if he came in before or after the ASOG report and mentions the findings of ASOG, but I see nothing on this page that Patrick says is his response that mentions ASOG report. All he shows is links to Michigan.gov sites…and makes no connections to the ASOG reports, or his reasons for entering this debate. Where is the response I am missing as I Know it is here somewhere?