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AntiSocialMedia with Judd Bagley

52 posts

Analysis of the abuse of social media — blogs, Wikipedia, message boards, etc — for the purpose of enabling illegal stock market manipulation.

Daniel Loeb is Mr. Pink and more

The Silicon Investor stock message boards have Mr. Pink. The Yahoo Finance stock message boards have Mr_Pink_esq. In this legal filing, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb admits that he is the Mr. Pink of Silicon Investor. According to this Wall Street Journal story, Loeb insists that he is not Mr_Pink_esq of Yahoo Finance. Loeb, as it turns out, is not telling the truth, and here’s how I know it...

The Sound of one Hand Clapping

As we’ve seen this issue clumsily addressed by business media over the past week, something that particularly stands out is the question of whether “naked short selling” is illegal. In one of Chairman Cox’s earliest interviews, he said that no, naked short selling is not illegal, unless it is done illegally (which he went on to explain means unless it is abused as a tool of stock manipulation).

Gary Weiss: his DTCC ties and lies

We knew Gary Weiss's aim was to discredit and marginalize high profile opponents of illegal naked short selling. Yet his book, which seemed to be the launch pad of Weiss’s campaign, was quite critical of both hedge fund and prime broker culture: the two obvious sides of the naked shorting equation.So who was paying Weiss to spend all day, most every day, publishing his attacks via his blog, message boards, and Wikipedia? Nobody had ever considered the DTCC.